Awesome R


  • updated about 3 years ago Other

    🐢 bayesAB: Fast Bayesian Methods for A/B Testing

  • updated 3 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Bayesian Data Analysis demos for R

  • updated 3 months ago

    Statistical Rethinking course and book package

  • updated 3 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Bayesian analysis + tidy data + geoms (R package)

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

  • broom broom 1,424
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Convert statistical analysis objects from R into tidy format

  • lme4 lme4 601
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Mixed-effects models in R using S4 classes and methods with RcppEigen

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Data Sets Used by tidymodels Packages

  • updated 5 days ago Other

    A tidy unified interface to models

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Pipeable steps for feature engineering and data preprocessing to prepare for modeling

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Classes and functions to create and summarize resampling objects

  • updated 10 months ago Other

    Bayesian comparisons of models using resampled statistics

  • updated 7 months ago Other

    Run predictions inside the database

  • tidyr tidyr 1,347
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Tidy Messy Data

  • tune tune 260
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Tools for tidy parameter tuning

  • updated 2 months ago Other

    Modeling Workflows

Code Analysis

  • lintr lintr 1,164
    updated 14 days ago Other

    Static Code Analysis for R

Database Management

  • dbplyr dbplyr 466
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Database (DBI) backend for dplyr

  • updated 9 months ago Other

    R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API

  • odbc odbc 384
    updated 15 days ago Other

    Connect to ODBC databases (using the DBI interface)

  • redux redux 84
    updated almost 2 years ago

    📞💻 Redis client for R

  • RHive RHive 122
    updated about 7 years ago

    RHive is an R extension facilitating distributed computing via Apache Hive.

  • updated about 1 year ago

    rpostgis: R Interface to a 'PostGIS' Database

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    A DBI-compliant interface to PostgreSQL

  • updated 11 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    R interface for SQLite

Data Exploration and Modelling

  • DHARMa DHARMa 197
    updated about 2 months ago

    Diagnostics for HierArchical Regession Models

  • dlookr dlookr 185
    updated 8 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation

  • updated about 1 year ago

    Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Quickly create elegant regression results tables and plots when modelling in R

  • greta greta 518
    updated 2 months ago Other

    simple and scalable statistical modelling in R

  • jtools jtools 161
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Tools for summarizing/visualizing regressions and other helpful stuff

  • lavaan lavaan 416
    updated 4 days ago

    an R package for structural equation modeling and more

  • updated about 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    📈 Estimate effects, contrasts and means based on statistical models

  • modelr modelr 399
    updated 9 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Helper functions for modelling

  • updated 30 days ago GNU General Publi...

    💪 Models' quality and performance metrics (R2, ICC, LOO, AIC, BF, ...)

  • skimr skimr 1,095
    updated 9 months ago

    A frictionless, pipeable approach to dealing with summary statistics

Data Formats

  • feather feather 2,725
    updated over 2 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Feather: fast, interoperable binary data frame storage for Python, R, and more powered by Apache Arrow

  • qs qs 377
    updated 3 months ago

    Quick serialization of R objects

  • updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    Rcpp Bindings to C++ parser for TOML files

  • rio rio 556
    updated 11 months ago

    A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O

Data Management/Orchestestration

  • crew crew 103
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    A distributed worker launcher

  • updated almost 6 years ago

    Using gglot2, tidyr, dplyr, ggmap, choroplethr, shiny, logistic regression, clustering models and more

  • updated 28 days ago Other

    Data quality assessment and metadata reporting for data frames and database tables

  • updated 6 months ago Other

    R-based project management tools

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Function-oriented Make-like declarative workflows for R

  • updated 7 days ago Other

    Version, share, deploy, and monitor models

Data Manipulation

  • updated 7 months ago
  • bigrf bigrf 91
    updated almost 9 years ago

    Random forests for R for large data sets, optimized with parallel tree-growing and disk-based memory

  • updated 10 months ago Mozilla Public Li...

    R's data.table package extends data.frame:

  • updated 6 months ago Other

    Automate Data Exploration and Treatment

  • updated about 2 years ago Other

    On top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese....

  • dplyr dplyr 4,675
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    🐈🐈🐈🐈: tools for working with categorical variables (factors)

  • fst fst 613
    updated 6 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames for R

  • updated almost 3 years ago Other

    Join tables together on inexact matching

  • ggplot2 ggplot2 6,402
    updated 10 days ago Other

    An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R

  • updated 6 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Make working with dates in R just that little bit easier

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Improve the readability of R code with the pipe

  • purrr purrr 1,235
    updated 4 months ago Other

    A functional programming toolkit for R

  • readr readr 998
    updated 4 months ago Other

    Read flat files (csv, tsv, fwf) into R

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    An R package to flexible rearrange, reshape and aggregate data

  • rlist rlist 201
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    A Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation

  • updated 6 months ago GNU General Publi...

    🐍🐍🐍 A systematic approach to parse strings and automate the conversion to snake_case, UpperCamelCase or any other case.

  • updated 10 months ago Other

    Fast and portable character string processing in R (with the Unicode ICU)

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    A fresh approach to string manipulation in R

  • tibble tibble 649
    updated 2 months ago Other

    A modern re-imagining of the data frame

  • tidyr tidyr 1,347
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Tidy Messy Data

  • tidytext tidytext 1,162
    updated 4 months ago Other

    Text mining using tidy tools ✨📄✨

  • tidyverse tidyverse 1,610
    updated 8 months ago Other

    Easily install and load packages from the tidyverse

Data Packages

  • updated about 2 years ago

    An R package to handle data packages

  • updated about 2 years ago

    A drat repository for R Package releases including the R COBOL Data Integration (rcoboldi) and R API packages (rbitcoinchartsapi).

  • updated over 1 year ago

    English and European soccer results 1871-2022

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Excerpt from the Gapminder data, as an R data package and in plain text delimited form

  • updated about 3 years ago Other

    R package that provides complex systems datasets from the Colorado Index of Complex Networks (ICON) at

  • updated about 2 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    R COBOL DI (Data Integration) Package : Import COBOL CopyBook data files directly into R as properly structured data frames.

Data Visualization

  • updated about 1 month ago GNU General Publi...

    bayesplot R package for plotting Bayesian models

  • updated 9 months ago Other

    Circular visualization in R

  • CMplot CMplot 485
    updated 8 months ago

    📊 Circular and Rectangular Manhattan Plot

  • updated 5 months ago

    cowplot: Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for ggplot2

  • esquisse esquisse 1,747
    updated 2 months ago Other

    RStudio add-in to make plots interactively with ggplot2

  • updated 28 days ago GNU General Publi...

    Create beautiful Gantt charts with ggplot2

  • updated over 5 years ago

    Create anatograms using ggplot2

  • gganimate gganimate 1,927
    updated 5 months ago Other

    A Grammar of Animated Graphics

  • updated almost 3 years ago Other

    Interactively annotate ggplots

  • updated 2 months ago

    make 'ggplot' graphics interactive

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    ggplot geoms with pattern fills

  • ggthemes ggthemes 1,253
    updated over 1 year ago

    Additional themes, scales, and geoms for ggplot2

  • updated about 2 years ago

    Themes for ggplot2.

  • ggtree ggtree 813
    updated about 2 months ago

    🎄Visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees

  • golem golem 882
    updated 4 months ago Other

    A Framework for Building Robust Shiny Apps

  • updated 2 months ago

    Interface between R and the Google Chart Tools

  • gt gt 1,951
    updated 8 days ago Other

    Easily generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from R

  • updated over 1 year ago

    D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R

  • patchwork patchwork 2,399
    updated 4 months ago Other

    The Composer of ggplots

  • plotly.R plotly.R 2,521
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    An interactive graphing library for R

  • updated over 2 years ago

    Comprehensive list of color palettes available in R ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

  • rayshader rayshader 1,947
    updated 8 months ago

    R Package for 2D and 3D mapping and data visualization

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Streamlined Table Styling and Formatting for Reactable

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Lightweight infrastructure to handle multiple rmarkdown reports

  • see see 847
    updated about 1 month ago Other

    🎨 Visualisation toolbox for beautiful and publication-ready figures

  • tmap tmap 849
    updated 8 days ago GNU General Publi...

    R package for thematic maps

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    📼👾🕹Vaporwave themes and color palettes for ggplot2💾👨‍🎤📺

  • updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Pretty timelines in R.

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    A Wes Anderson color palette for R


  • updated over 1 year ago

    blotter provides transaction infrastructure for defining transactions, portfolios and accounts for trading systems and simulation. Provides portfolio support for multi-asset class and multi-currency portfolios. Actively maintained and developed.

  • forecast forecast 1,102
    updated about 1 month ago

    Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models

  • updated 11 months ago GNU General Publi...

    A scripting and command-line front-end for GNU R

  • updated 5 months ago
  • updated 8 months ago

    Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera

  • updated 11 months ago
  • updated 7 months ago Other

    R interface to the Data Retriever

  • rtweet rtweet 785
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    🐦 R client for interacting with Twitter's [stream and REST] APIs

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Scorecard Development in R, 评分卡

  • taxize taxize 250
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    A taxonomic toolbelt for R

Functions and Packages Analysis

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Unpacking, Interrogating and Subsetting R packages

  • updated 8 months ago Other

    R function spotter, a helper package for identifying the functions and packages from files.

  • pkgnet pkgnet 147
    updated 2 months ago Other

    R package for analyzing other R packages via graph representations of their dependencies

  • updated 12 months ago Other

    A fluent code explorer for R. 🔍

Graphic Displays

  • updated over 1 year ago

    A gallery of animations in statistics and utilities to create animations

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    A visual exploratory tool on correlation matrix

  • updated 7 months ago

    Extending R's Dendrogram Functionality

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Tools for using fonts in R graphics

  • ggalt ggalt 641
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    🌎 Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations & Scales for 'ggplot2'

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Visualization of a correlation matrix using ggplot2

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Define fortify and autoplot functions to allow ggplot2 to handle some popular R packages.

  • ggraph ggraph 1,049
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Grammar of Graph Graphics

  • ggrepel ggrepel 1,203
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    📍 Repel overlapping text labels away from each other in your ggplot2 figures.

  • updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Ridgeline plots in ggplot2

  • updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    Enhancing {ggplot2} plots with statistical analysis 📊📣

  • ggtech ggtech 386
    updated almost 5 years ago

    ggplot2 tech themes, scales, and geoms

  • updated almost 2 years ago Other

    🔏 Opinionated, typographic-centric ggplot2 themes and theme components

  • httpgd httpgd 284
    updated over 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    Asynchronous http server graphics device for R.

  • updated about 2 years ago

    Interactive Dendrograms

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Trellis Graphics for R

  • patchwork patchwork 2,399
    updated 4 months ago Other

    The Composer of ggplots

  • updated 5 months ago

    Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs

  • waffle waffle 747
    updated 10 months ago

    🍁 Make waffle (square pie) charts in R

High Performance

  • cpp11 cpp11 193
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    cpp11 helps you to interact with R objects using C++ code.

  • updated about 2 years ago

    Lazy evaluation: an alternative to non-standard evaluation (NSE) for R

  • plyr plyr 493
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    A R package for splitting, applying and combining large problems into simpler problems

  • updated over 8 years ago Other

    R and C++11

Html Widgets

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Alluvial diagrams

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Graph and network visualization using tabular data in R

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    R interface to dygraphs

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    🐳 ECharts 5 for R

  • updated 29 days ago Other

    Formattable Data Structures

  • ggpage ggpage 326
    updated about 5 years ago Other

    Creates Page Layout Visualizations in R 📄📄📄

  • ggvis ggvis 709
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    Interactive grammar of graphics for R

  • updated 2 months ago

    Interactive Heat Maps for R Using plotly

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    R wrapper for highcharts

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    HTML Widgets for R

  • updated 7 months ago Other

    Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print

  • rCharts rCharts 1,189
    updated almost 8 years ago Other

    Interactive JS Charts from R

  • updated almost 2 years ago Other

    Three.js widgets for R and shiny

  • updated 5 months ago

    R scatter plot htmlwidget based on D3.js

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    🗯️ Easily create pretty popup messages (modals) in Shiny

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    💡 Easily improve the user experience of your Shiny apps in seconds

  • updated over 4 years ago Other

    Various UI widgets/components not part of Shiny e.g. alerts, styled buttons

  • updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    shinyWidgets : Extend widgets available in shiny

  • updated over 3 years ago Other

    Σ sigma.js for R

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    📅 Create interactive timeline visualizations in R

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    R package, using vis.js library for network visualization

  • updated over 2 years ago

    R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.

Integrated Development Environments

  • updated 29 days ago Apache License 2.0

    R Interface to Python

  • rmarkdown rmarkdown 2,737
    updated 8 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Dynamic Documents for R

  • shiny shiny 5,281
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Easy interactive web applications with R

Language API

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Embed Julia in R

  • jvmr jvmr 15
    updated almost 10 years ago Other

    Integration of R, Java, and Scala

  • updated 11 months ago GNU General Publi...

    R package for linguistic cartography and typological databases search

  • qdap qdap 172
    updated almost 4 years ago

    Quantitative Discourse Analysis Package: Bridging the gap between qualitative data and quantitative analysis

  • updated over 3 years ago

    Seamless Interface to Octave -- and Matlab code

  • runr runr 85
    updated almost 7 years ago

    Run external programs from R (experimental)

  • updated 8 months ago

    Bindings to Tesseract OCR engine for R

Learning R

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    a curated list of R tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning

  • learnr learnr 704
    updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Interactive Tutorials with R Markdown

  • updated 11 months ago GNU General Publi...

    A scripting and command-line front-end for GNU R

  • swirl swirl 1,076
    updated over 3 years ago Other

    🌀 Learn R, in R.


  • crayon crayon 322
    updated 9 months ago Other

    🖍️ R package for colored terminal output — now superseded by cli

  • devtools devtools 2,368
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Tools to make an R developer's life easier

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Tools for Working with ...

  • updated over 2 years ago

    A logging package in R similar to log4j

  • httr httr 982
    updated 9 months ago Other

    httr: a friendly http package for R

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Manage the life cycle of your exported functions and arguments

  • log4r log4r 92
    updated over 1 year ago

    A log4j derivative for R.

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Find tools needed to build R packages

  • updated 3 months ago

    Simulate installing and loading a package

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Progress bar in your R terminal

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Install R packages from GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, git, svn repositories, URLs

  • rlang rlang 484
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Low-level API for programming with R

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Generate R package documentation from inline R comments

  • updated 9 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Print Session Information

  • withr withr 169
    updated 6 months ago Other

    Methods For Temporarily Modifying Global State

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Variable assignment with zeal! (or multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R)

Machine Learning

  • updated 7 months ago

    Tidy anomaly detection

  • updated almost 5 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Anomaly Detection with R

  • updated almost 7 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Breakout Detection via Robust E-Statistics

  • caret caret 1,561
    updated over 1 year ago

    caret (Classification And Regression Training) R package that contains misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models

  • updated about 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    An R package for causal inference in time series

  • updated 2 months ago

    A collection of datasets of ML problem solving

  • updated 9 months ago Other

    R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API

  • fable fable 554
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Tidy time series forecasting

  • keras3 keras3 830
    updated 10 days ago Other

    R Interface to Keras

  • lme4 lme4 601
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Mixed-effects models in R using S4 classes and methods with RcppEigen

  • updated about 5 years ago

    Code accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers"

  • mlr mlr 1,635
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Machine Learning in R

  • mlr3 mlr3 914
    updated 10 days ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    mlr3: Machine Learning in R - next generation

  • ranger ranger 764
    updated about 2 months ago

    A Fast Implementation of Random Forests

  • updated 11 months ago

    An R client for Selenium Remote WebDriver

  • updated about 1 year ago

    An R wrapper of SHAP python library

  • updated about 1 year ago

    Current version of the SuperLearner R package

  • updated 4 months ago

    Survival Analysis and Visualization

  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    TensorFlow for R

  • updated 8 months ago

    Bindings to Tesseract OCR engine for R

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Easily install and load the tidymodels packages


  • updated 6 months ago Other

    📜 Discover and install useful RStudio addins

  • updated almost 3 years ago

    🤹 Shiny tips & tricks for improving your apps and solving common problems

  • updated 8 months ago Other

    An interface to Google's BigQuery from R.

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Google Spreadsheets R API

  • updated about 2 months ago

    ✨ Hexagon sticker in R

  • updated 11 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Beautiful and customizable model summaries in R.

  • naniar naniar 630
    updated 9 months ago Other

    Tidy data structures, summaries, and visualisations for missing data

  • updated almost 4 years ago Other

    R package for .xlsx file reading and writing.

  • updated almost 2 years ago Other

    🎨🎨🎨 Collection of most color palettes in a single R package

  • updated almost 2 years ago Creative Commons ...

    A great intro dataset for data exploration & visualization (alternative to iris).

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    An R web crawler and scraper

  • rex rex 331
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Friendly regular expressions for R.

  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    R interface for Apache Spark

  • updated over 2 years ago

    Statistical Rethinking course winter 2022

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    🎓 A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Organize your project into a research website

Natural Language Processing

  • LDAvis LDAvis 539
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    R package for web-based interactive topic model visualization.

  • updated 6 days ago GNU General Publi...

    An R package for the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data

  • r-utf8 r-utf8 113
    updated 17 days ago Apache License 2.0

    UTF-8 Text Processing (R Package)

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    Fast vectorization, topic modeling, distances and GloVe word embeddings in R.

  • updated over 2 years ago

    Tools for cleaning and normalizing text data

  • updated over 5 years ago Other

    String distance calculation the tidy way.

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Fast, Consistent Tokenization of Natural Language Text

  • updated over 8 years ago

    A repository of learning & R resources related to topic models

Network Analysis

  • updated 3 months ago

    A curated list of awesome network analysis resources.

  • ergm ergm 94
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks

  • updated 3 days ago Other

    netdiffuseR: Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks

  • updated 6 months ago Other

    A tidy API for graph manipulation

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    R package, using vis.js library for network visualization


  • ompr ompr 264
    updated 11 months ago Other

    R package to model Mixed Integer Linear Programs

Other Interpreters

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Jupyter display machinery for R

  • repr repr 54
    updated about 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    String and byte representations for all kinds of R objects

  • rho rho 135
    updated about 7 years ago GNU General Publi...
  • updated almost 9 years ago

    a fast interpreter and JIT for R

Other Tools

  • BRRR BRRR 194
    updated over 5 years ago

    Rap adlibs in R.

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Reduce the size of model objects saved to disk

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Ready to print calendars with ggplot2

  • updated over 2 years ago

    Install R packages from snapshots on checkpoint-server

  • updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...
  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Display Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R Objects

  • covr covr 329
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Test coverage reports for R

  • devtools devtools 2,368
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Tools to make an R developer's life easier

  • drake drake 1,331
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    An R-focused pipeline toolkit for reproducibility and high-performance computing

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    🔑 Password protected markdown html reports in R using libsodium

  • flow flow 394
    updated 2 months ago Other

    View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams

  • updated about 2 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Create Generative Art with R

  • git2r git2r 212
    updated 8 months ago GNU General Publi...

    R bindings to the libgit2 library

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Grouped dates in R

  • here here 401
    updated 6 months ago Other

    A simpler way to find your files

  • updated 5 months ago

    Functions for installing softwares from within R

  • janitor janitor 1,362
    updated 29 days ago Other

    simple tools for data cleaning in R

  • mailR mailR 190
    updated almost 3 years ago

    A utility to send emails from the R programming environment

  • ps ps 72
    updated 4 months ago Other

    R package to query, list, manipulate system processes

  • psutil psutil 10,112
    updated 15 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Send push notifications in R using Pushover

  • r-pkgs r-pkgs 765
    updated 10 months ago Other

    Building R packages

  • updated over 5 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Automated Detection of Regular Expression Patterns

  • rvest rvest 1,481
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Simple web scraping for R

  • secret secret 101
    updated over 2 years ago Other

    🔐 Secure sharing of sensitive information in R packages

  • updated 9 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Print Session Information

  • seurat seurat 2,198
    updated 4 days ago Other

    R toolkit for single cell genomics

  • updated 4 months ago

    A spellchecker for statistics

  • styler styler 692
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Non-invasive pretty printing of R code

Parallel Computing

  • ddR ddR 117
    updated almost 7 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Standard API for Distributed Data Structures in R

  • updated over 8 years ago GNU General Publi...
  • future future 916
    updated 10 months ago

    🚀 R package: future: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone

  • updated about 8 years ago Apache License 2.0

    R frontend for Spark

R Development

  • blogdown blogdown 1,710
    updated 5 months ago

    Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown

  • drat drat 148
    updated about 1 year ago

    Drat R Archive Template

  • updated 5 months ago

    Functions for installing softwares from within R

  • keras3 keras3 830
    updated 10 days ago Other

    R Interface to Keras

  • updated over 8 years ago

    Visualise line profiling results in R

  • updated 8 months ago Other

    Easy memoisation for R

  • updated about 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    An alternative module system for R

  • updated 11 months ago

    Packrat is a dependency management system for R

  • updated 1 day ago Other

    Generate static html documentation for an R package

  • plumber plumber 1,374
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Turn your R code into a web API.

  • pryr pryr 201
    updated over 1 year ago

    Pry open the covers of R

  • updated 29 days ago Apache License 2.0

    R Interface to Python

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Generate R package documentation from inline R comments

  • updated 11 months ago

    Publish Shiny Applications, RMarkdown Documents, Jupyter Notebooks, Plumber APIs, and more

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    Safely access RStudio's API (when available)

  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    TensorFlow for R

  • updated 2 months ago Other

    An R 📦 to make testing 😀

  • updated 2 months ago Other

    Set up commonly used 📦 components

Reproducible Research

  • updated over 2 years ago

    Install R packages from snapshots on checkpoint-server

  • drake drake 1,331
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    An R-focused pipeline toolkit for reproducibility and high-performance computing

  • knitr knitr 2,347
    updated 3 months ago

    A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R

  • redoc redoc 504
    updated almost 2 years ago Other

    [NOTE: Project in suspended animation for now] Reversible Reproducible Documents

  • rmarkdown rmarkdown 2,737
    updated 8 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Dynamic Documents for R

  • updated almost 8 years ago

    Generate reproducible html5 slides from R markdown

  • texreg texreg 109
    updated 9 months ago

    Conversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables


  • ggmap ggmap 763
    updated 5 months ago

    A package for plotting maps in R with ggplot2

  • REmap REmap 256
    updated over 4 years ago

    create a map by R

  • sf sf 1,265
    updated 4 months ago Other

    Simple Features for R

  • updated 8 months ago

    Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data

  • updated 3 months ago

    Umbrella package of the 'spatstat' family................

  • stars stars 540
    updated 3 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes

  • tigris tigris 323
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Download and use Census TIGER/Line shapefiles in R


  • cli cli 618
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Tools for making beautiful & useful command line interfaces

  • crayon crayon 322
    updated 9 months ago Other

    🖍️ R package for colored terminal output — now superseded by cli

  • dplyr dplyr 4,675
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Tools for Working with ...

  • ggplot2 ggplot2 6,402
    updated 10 days ago Other

    An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R

  • httr httr 982
    updated 9 months ago Other

    httr: a friendly http package for R

  • updated almost 5 years ago

    Functional programming in R

  • pipeR pipeR 166
    updated almost 8 years ago Other

    Multi-Paradigm Pipeline Implementation

  • updated 1 day ago Other

    Generate static html documentation for an R package

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Progress bar in your R terminal

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Install R packages from GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, git, svn repositories, URLs

  • rlang rlang 484
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Low-level API for programming with R

  • updated 2 months ago Other

    An R 📦 to make testing 😀

  • updated 2 months ago Other

    Set up commonly used 📦 components

  • xml2 xml2 218
    updated 7 months ago Other

    Bindings to libxml2

Web Technologies and Services

  • updated almost 2 years ago Creative Commons ...

    An awesome R-shiny list!

  • updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    Interface to ChatGPT from R

  • curl curl 207
    updated 8 months ago Other

    A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    Convert many data formats to & from GeoJSON & TopoJSON

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Google Spreadsheets R API (reboot of the googlesheets package)

  • updated 2 months ago

    R functions to perform and display Google Trends queries

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    HTML Widgets for R

  • httpuv httpuv 217
    updated 12 months ago Other

    HTTP and WebSocket server package for R

  • openai openai 130
    updated 8 months ago Other

    An R package-wrapper around OpenAI API

  • plumber plumber 1,374
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Turn your R code into a web API.

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    An R web crawler and scraper

  • updated about 4 years ago

    Dev version of Rfacebook package: Access to Facebook API via R

  • updated 11 months ago

    An R client for Selenium Remote WebDriver

  • updated about 4 years ago Other

    R package to access Adobe Analytics Reporting API v1.4

  • shiny shiny 5,281
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Easy interactive web applications with R

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    💡 Easily improve the user experience of your Shiny apps in seconds