Awesome R Spatial

  • ggmap ggmap 763
    updated 5 months ago

    A package for plotting maps in R with ggplot2

  • REmap REmap 256
    updated over 4 years ago

    create a map by R

  • sf sf 1,265
    updated 4 months ago Other

    Simple Features for R

  • updated 8 months ago

    Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data

  • updated 3 months ago

    Umbrella package of the 'spatstat' family................

  • stars stars 540
    updated 3 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes

  • tigris tigris 323
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Download and use Census TIGER/Line shapefiles in R