Awesome R Machine Learning

  • updated 7 months ago

    Tidy anomaly detection

  • updated almost 5 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Anomaly Detection with R

  • updated almost 7 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Breakout Detection via Robust E-Statistics

  • caret caret 1,561
    updated over 1 year ago

    caret (Classification And Regression Training) R package that contains misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models

  • updated about 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    An R package for causal inference in time series

  • updated 2 months ago

    A collection of datasets of ML problem solving

  • updated 9 months ago Other

    R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API

  • fable fable 554
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Tidy time series forecasting

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    R Interface to Keras

  • lme4 lme4 601
    updated 3 months ago Other

    Mixed-effects models in R using S4 classes and methods with RcppEigen

  • updated about 5 years ago

    Code accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers"

  • mlr mlr 1,635
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    Machine Learning in R

  • mlr3 mlr3 914
    updated 9 days ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    mlr3: Machine Learning in R - next generation

  • ranger ranger 764
    updated about 2 months ago

    A Fast Implementation of Random Forests

  • updated 11 months ago

    An R client for Selenium Remote WebDriver

  • updated about 1 year ago

    An R wrapper of SHAP python library

  • updated about 1 year ago

    Current version of the SuperLearner R package

  • updated 4 months ago

    Survival Analysis and Visualization

  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    TensorFlow for R

  • updated 8 months ago

    Bindings to Tesseract OCR engine for R

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Easily install and load the tidymodels packages