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❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. glmnet — Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models. Homepage: https://glmnet.stanford.eduAppliedPredictiveModeling
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. AppliedPredictiveModeling — Functions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. bnlearn — Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Inference. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. WGCNA — Weighted Correlation Network Analysis. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. psych — Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. randomForest — Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. stargazer — Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tablesbsts
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. bsts — Bayesian Structural Time SeriesMendelianRandomization
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. MendelianRandomization — Mendelian Randomization Packagepcalg
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. pcalg — Methods for Graphical Models and Causal Inference. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. mgcv — Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with Automatic Smoothness Estimationmetagear
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. metagear — Comprehensive Research Synthesis Tools for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. rugarch — Univariate GARCH Models. Homepage:,
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. raster — Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. deepnet — Deep Learning Toolkit in Re1071
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. e1071 — Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wienpracma
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. pracma — Practical Numerical Math Functionssurvey
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. survey — Analysis of Complex Survey Samples. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ChannelAttribution — Markov Model for Online Multi-Channel Attribution. Homepage: https://channelattribution.iofda
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. fda — Functional Data Analysis. Homepage: http://www.functionaldata.orgsmbinning
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. smbinning — Scoring Modeling and Optimal BinningMASS
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. MASS — Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. kernlab — Kernel-Based Machine Learning Labrpart
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. rpart — Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees. Homepage:, Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. PNADcIBGE — Downloading, Reading and Analyzing PNADC Microdata Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. Ckmeans.1d.dp — Optimal, Fast, and Reproducible Univariate ClusteringGWmodel
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. GWmodel — Geographically-Weighted Models. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. recommenderlab — Lab for Developing and Testing Recommender Algorithms. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. tm — Text Mining Package. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. bayesm — Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-Econometricsseewave
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. seewave — Sound Analysis and Synthesis. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. rattle — Graphical User Interface for Data Science in R. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. irace — Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. Homepage:, Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. sensitivity — Global Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputsplm
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. plm — Linear Models for Panel Data. Homepage: (CRAN releases), (development repository) Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. sequenza — Copy Number Estimation from Tumor Genome Sequencing Data. Homepage:, Mailing list:!forum/sequenza-user-group Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. PopGenome — An Efficient Swiss Army Knife for Population Genomic Analysesquantreg
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. quantreg — Quantile Regression. Homepage: https://www.r-project.orgmlogit
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. mlogit — Multinomial Logit Models. Homepage:,
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. mclust — Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. SNFtool — Similarity Network FusionMatrix
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. Matrix — Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ecospat — Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ggpmisc — Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'. Homepage:, Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. exams — Automatic Generation of Exams in R. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. BTYD — Implementing BTYD Models with the Log Sum Exp Patch Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. MCMCpack — Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. BART — Bayesian Additive Regression Treesopenair
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. openair — Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. GOplot — Visualization of Functional Analysis Data. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. congressbr — Downloads, Unpacks and Tidies Legislative Data from the Brazilian Federal Senate and Chamber of Deputiesclickstream
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. clickstream — Analyzes Clickstreams Based on Markov Chainsarules
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. arules — Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. hsdar — Manage, Analyse and Simulate Hyperspectral DataFactoMineR
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. FactoMineR — Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ElemStatLearn — Data Sets, Functions and Examples from the Book: "The Elements of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. uplift — Uplift Modelingrmgarch
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. rmgarch — Multivariate GARCH Models. Homepage:,
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. PhViD — PharmacoVigilance Signal DetectiontuneR
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. tuneR — Analysis of Music and SpeechdepmixS4
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. depmixS4 — Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs and Other Distributions in S4. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. gamlss — Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. bfast — Breaks for Additive Season and Trend. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. deSolve — Solvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations ('ODE', 'DAE', 'DDE'). Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. PerformanceAnalytics — Econometric Tools for Performance and Risk Analysis. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. BiodiversityR — Package for Community Ecology and Suitability Analysis. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. surveillance — Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. Synth — Synthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case Studies. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. copula — Multivariate Dependence with Copulas. Homepage:,, Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. splm — Econometric Models for Spatial Panel DataROracle
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ROracle — OCI Based Oracle Database Interface for R. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. AER — Applied Econometrics with Rfrbs
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. frbs — Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. kohonen — Supervised and Unsupervised Self-Organising Mapszoo
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. zoo — S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations). Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. fpc — Flexible Procedures for Clustering. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. DescTools — Tools for Descriptive Statistics. Homepage:, Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. RODBC — ODBC Database Accessacs
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. acs — Download, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census. Homepage:,,
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ape — Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution. Homepage:, Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. arulesSequences — Mining Frequent Sequencesfastcluster
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. fastcluster — Fast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and 'Python'. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. TraMineR — Trajectory Miner: a Toolbox for Exploring and Rendering Sequences. Homepage: http://traminer.unige.chactuar
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. actuar — Actuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. biomod2 — Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. landsat — Radiometric and Topographic Correction of Satellite Imagery Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. dismo — Species Distribution Modeling. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. RHRV — Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. speedglm — Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data SetsTSclust
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. TSclust — Time Series Clustering Utilities. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. Boom — Bayesian Object Oriented ModelinggeoR
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. geoR — Analysis of Geostatistical Data. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. edgar — Tool for the U.S. SEC EDGAR Retrieval and Parsing of Corporate Filingshdm
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. hdm — High-Dimensional MetricsUpSetR
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. UpSetR — A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. glinternet — Learning Interactions via Hierarchical Group-Lasso Regularization. Homepage:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. neuralnet — Training of Neural Networks. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. randomForestSRC — Fast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classification (RF-SRC). Homepage: Report bugs for this package: ...PythonInR
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. PythonInR — Use 'Python' from Within 'R'. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. fPortfolio — Rmetrics - Portfolio Selection and Optimization. Homepage: Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us