Awesome R Data Exploration and Modelling

  • DHARMa DHARMa 201
    updated 2 months ago

    Diagnostics for HierArchical Regession Models

  • dlookr dlookr 185
    updated 10 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation

  • updated about 1 year ago

    Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    Quickly create elegant regression results tables and plots when modelling in R

  • greta greta 518
    updated 4 months ago Other

    simple and scalable statistical modelling in R

  • jtools jtools 162
    updated 23 days ago GNU General Publi...

    Tools for summarizing/visualizing regressions and other helpful stuff

  • lavaan lavaan 416
    updated about 2 months ago

    an R package for structural equation modeling and more

  • updated 3 months ago GNU General Publi...

    πŸ“ˆ Estimate effects, contrasts and means based on statistical models

  • modelr modelr 401
    updated 10 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Helper functions for modelling

  • updated about 1 month ago GNU General Publi...

    πŸ’ͺ Models' quality and performance metrics (R2, ICC, LOO, AIC, BF, ...)

  • skimr skimr 1,104
    updated 10 months ago

    A frictionless, pipeable approach to dealing with summary statistics