Awesome Elixir


  • ALF ALF 184
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Flow-based Application Layer Framework

  • dflow dflow 14
    updated almost 7 years ago

    Dalmatiner flow processing library.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    An Elixir downsampling library that retains the visual characteristics of your data

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Helpers for simpler implementation of GenServer based processes

  • gen_stage gen_stage 1,461
    updated 4 months ago

    Producer and consumer actors with back-pressure for Elixir

  • updated about 9 years ago MIT License

    create a pool based on a hash ring

  • poolboy poolboy 1,503
    updated over 1 year ago ISC License

    A hunky Erlang worker pool factory

  • updated 10 days ago MIT License

    A library for managing pools of workers

  • updated about 5 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Sojourn-time based active queue management library

  • updated about 8 years ago MIT License

    Load control in BEAM processes.

Algorithms and Data structures

  • aja aja 171
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Extension of the Elixir standard library focused on data stuctures, data manipulation and performance

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Bitmap implementation in Elixir using binaries and integers. Fast space efficient data structure for lookups

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A blocking queue written in Elixir.

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    🌺 A pure Elixir implementation of Scalable Bloom Filters

  • clope clope 22
    updated about 4 years ago

    Elixir implementation of CLOPE: A Fast and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Transactional Data

  • updated 11 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Closure Table for Elixir - a simple solution for storing and manipulating complex hierarchies.

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Elixir library implementing complex numbers and math.

  • updated over 8 years ago

    buffer a large set of counters and flush periodically

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    🐦 Cuckoo Filters in Elixir

  • cuid cuid 54
    updated about 7 years ago MIT License

    Collision-resistant ids, in Elixir

  • updated over 5 years ago Other

    Package providing functionality similar to Python's Pandas or R's data.frame()

  • updated over 7 years ago MIT License

    DefMemo - Ryuk's little puppy! Bring apples.

  • updated over 9 years ago MIT License

    Deque implementations in elixir

  • updated almost 3 years ago

    Tree structure & hierarchy for ecto models

  • updated over 4 years ago

    State machine pattern for Ecto

  • updated about 9 years ago MIT License

    A latency / fault tolerance library to help isolate your applications from an uncertain world of slow or failed services.

  • updated over 3 years ago

    An Elixir wrapper library for Erlang's array

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Elixir implementation of bidirectional map and multimap

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    A simple combinatorics library providing combination and permutation.

  • updated over 7 years ago

    Datastructures for Elixir.

  • updated over 6 years ago The Unlicense
  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Extension of Enum functions like min_by, max_by, min_max_by, returning a list of results instead of just one.

  • updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    A navigation tree representation with helpers to generate HTML out of it - depending of userroles

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing facilities that supports configuring number of workers and timeout.

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Queue data structure for Elixir-lang

  • updated 12 months ago MIT License

    Rational number library for Elixir.

  • emel emel 94
    updated almost 2 years ago

    A simple and functional machine learning library for the Erlang ecosystem

  • updated about 4 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Implementations of popular data structures and algorithms

  • updated over 2 years ago

    LZ4 bindings for Erlang

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License


  • updated over 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    Elixir library implementing a parallel matrix multiplication algorithm and other utilities for working with matrices. Used for benchmarking computationally intensive concurrent code.

  • updated over 2 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Erlang nif for xor_filter. 'Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters'.

  • flow flow 1,502
    updated about 1 year ago

    Computational parallel flows on top of GenStage

  • updated about 7 years ago MIT License

    Pure Elixir implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions

  • fsm fsm 358
    updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Finite State Machine data structure

  • fuse fuse 497
    updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    A Circuit Breaker for Erlang

  • updated over 4 years ago Other

    Elixir wrapper around OTP's gen_fsm

  • updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    A task graph execution library for elixir

  • updated 9 months ago The Unlicense

    An Elixir library for performing 2D and 3D mathematics.

  • updated over 7 years ago Apache License 2.0

    A consistent hash ring implemention for Elixir

  • hypex hypex 20
    updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    Fast HyperLogLog implementation for Elixir/Erlang

  • updated over 2 years ago

    Elixir Indifferent access on maps/lists/tuples with custom key transforms.

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Jump consistent hash implementation in Elixir (without NIFs)

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Erlang 2-way map

  • updated over 7 years ago MIT License

    Elixir implementation of a binary Galois LFSR

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir

  • loom loom 222
    updated about 7 years ago Other

    A CRDT library with δ-CRDT support.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Luhn algorithm in Elixir

  • updated 3 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Elixir State machine thin layer for structs

  • mason mason 11
    updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    Mason uses superpowers to coerce maps into structs. This is helpful e.g. when you interface a REST API and want to create a struct from the response.

  • matrex matrex 478
    updated almost 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A blazing fast matrix library for Elixir/Erlang with C implementation using CBLAS.

  • updated over 4 years ago

    🌲 Merkle Tree implementation in pure Elixir

  • updated almost 6 years ago MIT License

    Metric stream related math functions.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Upgrade your pipelines with monads.

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    💬 An implementation of the non-cryptographic hash Murmur3

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    An Elixir implementation of generic n-ary tree data structure

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    Elixir natural sort implementation for lists of strings.

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    A parallelized stream implementation for Elixir

  • parex parex 63
    updated about 9 years ago

    An elixir module for parallel execution of functions/processes

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Elixir library implementing rational numbers and math.

  • updated over 5 years ago

    👔 An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures. "ActiveModel::Serializer for Elixir"

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Implementation of the Rendezvous or Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm in the Elixir Programming Language

  • rock rock 11
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    Elixir implementation of ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    sfmt-erlang: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) for Erlang

  • updated over 4 years ago

    Elixir implementation of Simhash

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    BEAM friendly spinlocks for Elixir/Erlang

  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    stream count distinct element estimation

  • updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    A playground for data structures in Elixir

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    An Elixir implementation of the Supermemo 2 algorithm

  • updated over 4 years ago

    tf-idf elixir

  • updated over 5 years ago Apache License 2.0

    String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Elixir (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Refined Soundex, Soundex, Weighted Levenshtein)

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    This software is no longer maintained. For archive/reference use only. -- Tiny Mersenne Twister (TinyMT) for Erlang

  • trie trie 130
    updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Erlang Trie Implementation

  • updated over 9 years ago Do What The F*ck ...

    Variadic aritity tree with a zipper for Elixir!


  • analytics analytics 19,068
    updated 15 days ago GNU Affero Genera...

    Simple, open source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.


  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Changelog is news and podcast for developers. This is our open source platform.

  • updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Free, world-class retrospectives

  • updated almost 7 years ago MIT License

    Online estimation tool for Agile teams.

Artificial Intelligence

  • nx nx 2,516
    updated about 2 months ago

    Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir


  • comeonin comeonin 1,283
    updated 11 months ago Other

    Password hashing specification for the Elixir programming language

  • guardian guardian 3,406
    updated 26 days ago MIT License

    Elixir Authentication

  • oauth2 oauth2 743
    updated 1 day ago MIT License

    An Elixir OAuth 2.0 Client Library

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Crypto-related functionality for web applications, used by Plug.

  • pow pow 1,579
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Robust, modular, and extendable user authentication system

  • ueberauth ueberauth 1,584
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications


  • updated over 4 years ago

    Rule based authorization for Elixir

  • coherence coherence 1,240
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Coherence is a full featured, configurable authentication system for Phoenix

  • guardian guardian 3,406
    updated 26 days ago MIT License

    Elixir Authentication

  • ueberauth ueberauth 1,584
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications


  • benchee benchee 1,390
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Easy and extensible benchmarking in Elixir providing you with lots of statistics!

  • exprof exprof 177
    updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.


  • bento bento 94
    updated 6 months ago Mozilla Public Li...

    🍱 A fast, correct, pure-Elixir library for reading and writing Bencoded metainfo (.torrent) files.

Build Tools

  • credo credo 4,720
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching.

  • updated about 2 months ago

    A Make compiler for Mix

  • exrm exrm 923
    updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project!

  • hex hex 949
    updated 3 months ago

    Package manager for the Erlang VM

  • hound hound 1,353
    updated 18 days ago MIT License

    Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation


  • cachex cachex 1,484
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations

  • nebulex nebulex 1,088
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    In-memory and distributed caching toolkit for Elixir.


Cloud Infrastructure and Management

  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    AWS clients for Elixir

  • hound hound 1,353
    updated 18 days ago MIT License

    Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation

Code Analysis

  • bunt bunt 113
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    256 color ANSI coloring in Elixir CLIs

  • credo credo 4,720
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching.

  • elixir-ls elixir-ls 1,428
    updated 13 days ago Apache License 2.0

    A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via the "Debug Adapter Protocol"

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Provides a Mix task that gives you hints where to improve your inline docs.

Command Line Applications

  • exrm exrm 923
    updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project!

  • verk verk 719
    updated almost 3 years ago MIT License

    A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍


  • confex confex 295
    updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    Useful helper to read and use application configuration from environment variables.

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    A port of dotenv to Elixir

  • hush hush 122
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    Hush is a runtime configuration loader for Elixir applications


  • csv csv 462
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir

  • updated 4 months ago

    A simple and fast CSV parsing and dumping library for Elixir

Date and Time

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Elixir date recurrence library based on iCalendar events

  • updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Parse Cron Expressions, Compose Cron Expression Strings and Caluclate Execution Dates.

  • timex timex 1,718
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A complete date/time library for Elixir projects.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto


  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    An example ☂ project


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Simplify deployments in Elixir with OTP releases!


  • updated 4 months ago The Unlicense

    Generate Phoenix API documentation from tests

  • ex_doc ex_doc 1,411
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    ExDoc produces HTML and EPUB documentation for Elixir projects

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Provides a Mix task that gives you hints where to improve your inline docs.

  • updated 11 months ago Mozilla Public Li...

    Swagger integration to Phoenix framework

Domain-specific language

  • absinthe absinthe 4,224
    updated 3 months ago Other

    The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

  • nerves nerves 2,188
    updated 26 days ago Apache License 2.0

    Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    An implementation of RDF for Elixir


  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    Converts Elixir to JavaScript

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    🔥 Phoenix variables in your JavaScript without headache.


  • bamboo bamboo 1,898
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Testable, composable, and adapter based Elixir email library for devs that love piping.

  • swoosh swoosh 1,424
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Compose, deliver and test your emails easily in Elixir

  • verk verk 719
    updated almost 3 years ago MIT License

    A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍

Embedded Systems

  • nerves nerves 2,188
    updated 26 days ago Apache License 2.0

    Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir

Errors and Exception Handling

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    The official Elixir SDK for Sentry (


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    🏄 Traceable, extendable and minimalist **event bus** implementation for Elixir with built-in **event store** and **event watcher** based on ETS.

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Helpers for simpler implementation of GenServer based processes

  • exq exq 1,482
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Job processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq

  • updated 8 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Elixir library for waiting for things to happen

Examples and funny stuff

  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    An example ☂ project

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Changelog is news and podcast for developers. This is our open source platform.

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.

Framework Components

  • params params 333
    updated 7 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Easy parameters validation/casting with Ecto.Schema, akin to Rails' strong parameters.

  • plug plug 2,786
    updated about 1 month ago Other

    Compose web applications with functions

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Plug adapter for the Cowboy web server

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A simple reCaptcha 2 library for Elixir applications.


  • commanded commanded 1,802
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Use Commanded to build Elixir CQRS/ES applications


  • geo geo 617
    updated 17 days ago MIT License

    A collection of GIS functions for Elixir


  • absinthe absinthe 4,224
    updated 3 months ago Other

    The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

  • updated 12 months ago Other

    GraphQL Elixir


  • desktop desktop 1,440
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Building native-like Elixir apps for Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android using Phoenix LiveView!


  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    Communicate over I2C from Elixir


  • floki floki 1,917
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.

  • livebook livebook 2,439
    updated over 2 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Interactive and collaborative code notebooks for Elixir - made with Phoenix LiveView


  • httpoison httpoison 2,216
    updated 8 months ago MIT License

    Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney

  • tesla tesla 1,599

    The flexible HTTP client library for Elixir, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.


  • updated over 3 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Native JSON library for Elixir

  • jason jason 1,581
    updated 12 days ago Other

    A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir.

  • poison poison 1,975
    updated about 1 year ago BSD Zero Clause L...

    An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library


  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:

  • elixir elixir 23,844
    updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications



  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    💧 Elixir NIF for cmark (C), a parser library following the CommonMark spec, a compatible implementation of Markdown.

  • updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    Elixir NIF for discount, a Markdown parser

  • updated 14 days ago Other

    Markdown parser for Elixir

  • updated over 4 years ago The Unlicense

    A simple Elixir Markdown to HTML conversion library

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • updated over 7 years ago

    Gibran is an Elixir natural language processor, and a port of WordsCounted.

  • paasaa paasaa 114
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    🔤 Natural language detection for Elixir

  • updated almost 3 years ago MIT License

    Elixir library to inflect Russian first, last, and middle names.

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    The Text Mining Elixir

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    A Ruby natural language processor.


  • asn asn 15
    updated almost 8 years ago Do What The F*ck ...

    IP-to-AS-to-ASname lookup for Elixir

  • updated about 8 years ago MIT License

    Chatter library for Elixir, provides a secure broadcast between nodes.

  • updated almost 2 years ago

    Downloads remote file and stores it in the filesystem

  • eio eio 14
    updated almost 9 years ago

    elixir server of

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Socket wrapping for Elixir.

  • firezone firezone 6,325
    updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    WireGuard®-based zero-trust access platform with OIDC auth, identity sync, and NAT traversal.

  • hades hades 26
    updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    A wrapper for NMAP written in Elixir.

  • mac mac 6
    updated almost 8 years ago Do What The F*ck ...

    MAC-to-vendor search for Elixir

  • updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    Socket acceptor pool for Elixir

  • poxa poxa 1,025
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries.

  • updated about 7 years ago

    You need more reagents to conjure this server.

  • sshex sshex 156
    updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    Simple SSH helpers for Elixir. SSH is useful, but we all love SSHEx !

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    An Elixir toolkit for performing tasks on one or more servers, built on top of Erlang’s SSH application.

  • torex torex 10
    updated 10 months ago

    Make requests to Tor network with Elixir

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    SOCKS4, SOCKS4a and SOCKS5 protocols implementation in Erlang/OTP.

  • wifi wifi 34
    updated about 9 years ago MIT License

    Various utility functions for working with the local Wifi network in Elixir. These functions are mostly useful in scripts that could benefit from knowing the current location of the computer or the Wifi surroundings.

  • updated about 8 years ago Apache License 2.0

    See Nerves.WpaSupplicant now

ORM and Datamapping

  • updated almost 2 years ago

    Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.

  • arbor arbor 233
    updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Ecto elixir adjacency list and tree traversal. Supports Ecto versions 2 and 3.

  • updated 10 months ago

    An integration with Arc and Ecto.

  • atlas atlas 214
    updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    Object Relational Mapper for Elixir

  • updated 8 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Neo4j driver for Elixir

  • boltun boltun 134
    updated about 6 years ago

    Transforms notifications from the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism into callback execution

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    Adapter for the Calendar library in Ecto

  • updated 5 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Cayley driver for Elixir

  • updated almost 5 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Ecto type for saving encrypted passwords using Comeonin

  • updated over 8 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Client Libraries for Erlang

  • updated about 9 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Database URL parser for Elixir

  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    Elixir driver for the Datomic REST API

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License
  • defql defql 103
    updated almost 6 years ago MIT License

    Create elixir functions with SQL as a body.

  • updated almost 8 years ago

    Disk Elixir Terms Storage, dest wrapper.

  • diver diver 49
    updated almost 8 years ago Apache License 2.0

    A HBase driver for Erlang/Elixir using Jinterface and the Asynchbase Java client to query the database.

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Protocols for dalmatinadb

  • dqe dqe 10
    updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    DalmatinerDB Query Engine

  • ecto ecto 6,030
    updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query.

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    Cassandra Ecto Adapter

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Ecto.LazyFloat - An Ecto.Float that accepts binary and integers

  • updated almost 7 years ago

    Ecto extension for ordered models

  • updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    Data anonymization for your Ecto models !

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Ecto extension to support enums in models

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Separate your read and write operations in replicated database setup

  • updated over 4 years ago

    Fixtures for Elixir apps

  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    📝 Simple ordered model management with Ecto.

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    Automatic migrations for ecto

  • updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database.

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Ecto PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.

  • updated almost 6 years ago MIT License

    Ecto Model shortcuts to make your life easier! 🎉

  • updated almost 8 years ago MIT License

    Shortcuts for common operations in ecto

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Ecto type which adds support for ShortUUID in Ecto schemas

  • updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    SQL-based adapters for Ecto and database migrations

  • updated almost 9 years ago MIT License

    Simplify your Ecto validation tests

  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    Ectophile is an extension for Ecto models to instantly support file uploads.

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    A thin veneer over HTTPotion that talks to Elastic Search

  • updated over 1 year ago Do What The F*ck ...

    A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    MongoDB driver for Elixir

  • updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    MongoDB driver for Elixir

  • updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    A minimal redis client with connection pooling for elixir

  • eredis eredis 626
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Erlang Redis client

  • updated over 4 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.

  • updated 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Erlang NIF for sqlite

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    Keep your ETS tables running forever using bouncing GenServers

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    ShortUUID is a simple UUID shortener for Elixir.

  • updated almost 8 years ago Do What The F*ck ...

    Elixir <-> Redis datastructure adapter

  • updated over 9 years ago

    Elixir wrapper of Basho's Bitcask Key/Value store.

  • updated almost 6 years ago Other

    Elixir wrapper around the Erlang module, eleveldb.

  • updated over 4 years ago

    Enumerable type in Elixir

  • updated almost 4 years ago

    An Elixir library that provides a simple DSL for seeding databases through Ecto.

  • updated over 5 years ago MIT License

    Port of RSolr to Elixir

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Elixir Adapter for EventStore

  • updated over 7 years ago

    Elixir Terms Storage, ets wrapper.

  • updated over 7 years ago

    Ecto adapter for GitHub API

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    Elixir Client for Gremlin (Apache TinkerPop™)

  • isn isn 8
    updated 18 days ago

    Postgrex.Extension and Ecto.Type for PostgreSQL isn module

  • kvs kvs 174
    updated 12 months ago Other

    💿 KVS: NVMe Key-Value Store

  • updated about 9 years ago

    Level for Elixir implements various helper functions and data types for working with Googles Level data store.

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Pure Elixir database driver for MariaDB / MySQL

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Simple + Powerful interface to the Mnesia Distributed Database 💾

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    A functional query tool for Elixir

  • updated 11 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    MySQL/OTP – MySQL and MariaDB client for Erlang/OTP

  • updated over 4 years ago

    Mysql driver for Elixir from Erlang

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Elixir driver for the Neo4j graph database server

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Neo4j models, for Neo4j.Sips

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Track and record all the changes in your database with Ecto. Revert back to anytime in history.

  • postgrex postgrex 1,070
    updated 2 months ago

    PostgreSQL driver for Elixir

  • ravix ravix 16
    updated 4 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Ravix is an Elixir Client for the amazing RavenDB

  • updated 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    An Ecto adapter for the Ravix RavenDB Driver

  • red red 15
    updated almost 7 years ago
  • redix redix 1,062
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Fast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir. 🛍

  • updated over 5 years ago MIT License

    Rethinkdb client in pure elixir (JSON protocol)

  • updated almost 4 years ago Other

    A Riak client written in Elixir.

  • updated over 7 years ago The Unlicense

    Riak adapter for Ecto

  • shards shards 292
    updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Partitioned ETS tables for Erlang and Elixir

  • updated almost 3 years ago

    Easy. Simple. Powerful. Generate (complex) SQL queries using magical Elixir SQL dust.

  • updated over 7 years ago MIT License

    SQLite3 adapter for Ecto

  • updated over 4 years ago

    TDS Adapter for Ecto

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto

  • tirexs tirexs 427
    updated over 2 years ago Other

    An Elixir flavored HTTP client and DSL library for Elasticsearch

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Database multitenancy for Elixir applications!

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    a Cassandra ORM for Elixir

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    An opinionated InfluxDB UDP only client

  • walex walex 266
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Postgres change events (CDC) in Elixir

  • xandra xandra 384
    updated 3 months ago ISC License

    Fast, simple, and robust Cassandra/ScyllaDB driver for Elixir.

  • yar yar 8
    updated over 9 years ago MIT License

    Yet another Redis client for Elixir

Package Management

  • hexpm hexpm 1,042
    updated 23 days ago

    API server and website for Hex


  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    Pagination for the Elixir ecosystem


  • updated 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Convenient HTML to PDF/A rendering library for Elixir based on Chrome & Ghostscript

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Create PDFs with wkhtmltopdf or puppeteer/chromium from Elixir.

  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    Convert PDF docs to beautiful HTML files without losing text or format.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PDF generation wrapper for Elixir using Puppeteer


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Elixir implementation of the BORSH binary serializer.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    RADIUS Protocol on Elixir

  • updated 5 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    An Elixir library designed to be used as SIP protocol middleware.

  • updated over 4 years ago Other

    HL7 Parser for Elixir

  • updated 15 days ago ISC License

    Ruby Marshal format implemented in Elixir

  • updated over 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    Protocol Buffers in Elixir made easy!

  • updated about 7 years ago

    MessagePack Implementation for Elixir /[Elixir]

  • msgpax msgpax 284
    updated 11 months ago ISC License

    High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir /[Elixir]

  • protox protox 261
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    A fast, easy to use and 100% conformant Elixir library for Google Protocol Buffers (aka protobuf)

  • riffed riffed 307
    updated about 4 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Provides idiomatic Elixir bindings for Apache Thrift


  • broadway broadway 2,356
    updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir

  • exq exq 1,482
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Job processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq

  • exq_ui exq_ui 151
    updated about 1 month ago Other

    UI Dashboard for Exq, a job processing library for Elixir. Exq UI provides the UI dashboard to display stats on job processing.

  • oban oban 2,837
    updated 8 months ago Apache License 2.0

    💎 Robust job processing in Elixir, backed by modern PostgreSQL or SQLite3

  • realtime realtime 6,588
    updated 16 days ago Apache License 2.0

    Broadcast, Presence, and Postgres Changes via WebSockets


  • mint mint 1,340
    updated 3 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 🌱


  • maru maru 1,316
    updated almost 5 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Elixir RESTful Framework


  • comeonin comeonin 1,283
    updated 11 months ago Other

    Password hashing specification for the Elixir programming language

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A simple reCaptcha 2 library for Elixir applications.

  • sobelow sobelow 1,639
    updated 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework

Static Page Generation

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    OTP application for generating blog posts from a Git repository containing markdown files.

  • coil coil 67
    updated over 10 years ago Other

    Coil is a minimalistic static content engine written in elixir

  • glayu glayu 79
    updated almost 7 years ago MIT License

    A static site generator for mid-sized sites.

  • updated about 1 month ago

    A minimal filesystem-based publishing engine with Markdown support and code highlighting

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Static Site Generator written in Elixir.

  • updated 3 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Reactive publishing framework, filesystem-based with support for Markdown, nested hierarchies, and instant content rebuilding. Written in Elixir.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Blogs, docs, and static pages in Phoenix

  • Serum Serum 305
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Static website generator for Elixir fans


  • updated about 1 year ago

    Descriptive Statistics for Elixir

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    A collection of useful mathematical functions in Elixir with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning

  • nx nx 2,516
    updated about 2 months ago

    Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir


  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    Converts Elixir to JavaScript

  • updated 26 days ago MIT License

    Building blocks for working with HTML in Phoenix

  • temple temple 416
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    An HTML DSL for Elixir and Phoenix


  • espec espec 802
    updated 5 months ago Other

    Elixir Behaviour Driven Development

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Create test data for Elixir applications

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.

  • faker faker 1,005
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.

  • mock mock 634
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Mocking library for Elixir language

  • mox mox 1,318
    updated about 1 month ago

    Mocks and explicit contracts in Elixir

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.

  • redix redix 1,062
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Fast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir. 🛍

  • updated almost 3 years ago

    Isolate tests from the real world, inspired by Ruby's VCR.

  • wallaby wallaby 1,625
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Concurrent browser tests for your Elixir web apps.

Third Party APIs

  • updated about 1 month ago Apache License 2.0

    AWS clients for Elixir

Translations and Internationalizations

  • updated about 1 month ago

    Internationalization and localization support for Elixir.

  • trans trans 227
    updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Embedded translations for Elixir


  • updated 9 months ago Other

    Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Fast, stream based XML Sitemap generator in Elixir


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    An IBAN account numbers and BIC validation tool for Elixir.

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Elixir GTIN & UPC Generation and Validation Library

  • skooma skooma 141
    updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Elixir data validation library

Version Control

  • gitex gitex 68
    updated over 2 years ago

    Elixir implementation of the Git object storage, but with the goal to implement the same semantic with other storage and topics


  • ffmpex ffmpex 215
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Elixir wrapper for FFmpeg command line interface

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Elixir library to convert GIFs and videos to silent videos.

Web Frameworks

  • phoenix phoenix 20,942
    updated 26 days ago MIT License

    Peace of mind from prototype to production


  • updated 30 days ago Apache License 2.0

    Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir

  • yamerl yamerl 202
    updated over 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    YAML 1.2 and JSON parser in pure Erlang

  • updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation

  • ymlr ymlr 19
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    A YAML encoder for Elixir.

  • updated over 8 years ago
