Low level Elixir drivers for the Datomic database.
API Docs at: http://hexdocs.pm/datomex
Add Datomex and HTTPoison to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
[ {:datomex, "~> 0.0.1"},
{:httpoison, "~> 0.8.0" } ]
Datomex.start_link "localhost", 8888, "db", "test"
# {:ok,
# %HTTPoison.Response{body: "[\"test\"]",
# headers: %{"Content-Length" => "8",
# "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
# "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:44:59 GMT",
# "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
# status_code: 200}}
# {:ok,
# %HTTPoison.Response{body: "[\"test\" \"test_02\"]",
# headers: %{"Content-Length" => "18",
# "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
# "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:46:22 GMT",
# "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
# status_code: 201}}
movies = """
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
:db/ident :movie/title
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "movie's title"
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
:db/ident :movie/rating
:db/valueType :db.type/double
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "movie's rating"
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
Datomex.transact movies
# {:ok,
# %HTTPoison.Response{body: "{:db-before {:basis-t 1119, :db/alias \"db/test\"}, :db-after {:basis-t 1120, :db/alias \"db/test\"}, :tx-data [{:e 13194139534432, :a 50, :v #inst \"2014-11-23T08:48:27.678-00:00\", :tx 13194139534432, :added true}], :tempids {-9223367638809264861 64, -9223367638809264860 63}}",
# headers: %{"Content-Length" => "272",
# "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
# "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:48:27 GMT",
# "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
# status_code: 201}}
Datomex.datoms "eavt"
# {:ok,
# %HTTPoison.Response{body: "[{:e 0, :a 10, :v :db.part/db, :tx 13194139533312, :added true}...
Datomex.entity 1
# {:ok,
# %HTTPoison.Response{body: "{:db/ident :db/add, :db/doc \"Primitive assertion. All transactions eventually reduce to a collection of primitive assertions and retractions of facts, e.g. [:db/add fred :age 42].\", :db/id 1}",
# headers: %{"Content-Length" => "191",
# "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
# "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:51:32 GMT",
# "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
# status_code: 200}}
Datomex.transact(~s([[:db/add #db/id [:db.part/user] :movie/title "trainspotting"]]))
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{ body: body }} = Datomex.q(~s([:find ?m :where [?m :movie/title "trainspotting"]]))
movies = Exdn.to_elixir!(body)
# [vector: [17592186045486], vector: [17592186045538], vector: [17592186045481],
# vector: [17592186045483], vector: [17592186045478], vector: [17592186045509],
# vector: [17592186045474], vector: [17592186045468], vector: [17592186045503],
# vector: [17592186045466], vector: [17592186045472], vector: [17592186045499],
# vector: [17592186045530], vector: [17592186045493], vector: [17592186045490],
# vector: [17592186045524], vector: [17592186045521]]
The Exdn edn parser library (API docs) may be used with Datomex, both to parse incoming edn and to generate edn strings from Elixir data structures. Some examples of how this can be done may be found in the tests.
- Add docs
- Tighter integration with