Poolex is a library for managing pools of workers. Inspired by poolboy.
With poolex
you can:
- Launch multiple pools of workers and then access the free ones from anywhere in the application.
- Configure the pool to run additional temporary workers if the load increases.
- Use your implementations to define worker and caller processes access logic.
Why `poolex` instead of `poolboy`?
Requirement | Version |
Erlang/OTP | >= 22 |
Elixir | >= 1.7 |
Add :poolex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:poolex, "~> 0.9.0"}
In the most typical use of Poolex, you only need to start a pool of workers as a child of your application.
children = [
pool_id: :worker_pool,
worker_module: SomeWorker,
workers_count: 5}
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
Then you can execute any code on the workers with run/3
iex> Poolex.run(:worker_pool, &(is_pid?(&1)), checkout_timeout: 1_000)
{:ok, true}
A detailed description of the available configuration or examples of use can be found in documentation.
- Getting Started
- Migration from
- Example of use
- Working with metrics
- Workers and callers implementations
If you feel something can be improved or have any questions about specific behaviors or pieces of implementation, please feel free to file an issue. Proposed changes should be taken to issues before any PRs to save time on code that might not be merged upstream.
If you are ready to change the project, please read the Contributing guide first.