A minimal redis client with connection pooling
##TODO List
- Completed docs
- All redis commands will be added.
- Connection pooling
- Pipe query builder (basic commands)
- Basic Query commands
available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding rediscl
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:rediscl, "~> 0.1"}
# Without password
config :rediscl,
host: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 6379,
database: 0,
pool: 15,
timeout: 15_000
# With password
config :rediscl,
host: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 6379,
password: "<password>",
database: 0,
pool: 15,
timeout: 15_000
If do you are using json library?
config :rediscl,
json_library: Jason
defmodule Example do
alias Rediscl
def example_one do
{:ok, _} = Rediscl.Query.set("key:1", "value1")
def example_two do
{:ok, value} = Rediscl.Query.get("key:1")
def example_three do
{:ok, list_values} = Rediscl.Query.mget(["key:1", "key:2", "key:3"])
def example_jsonable_one do
## If you are only going to use it with a key for response
## For this example, options are given based on the Jason library.
{:ok, _} =
Rediscl.Query.get(%{key: 1},
[{:json_response, true}, {:json_response_opts, [{:keys, :atoms!}]}])
def example_jsonable_two do
## If you are only going to use it with key and value.
{:ok, _} =
Rediscl.Query.set(%{key: 1}, %{value: 1},
[{:jsonable, true}, {:encode_key, true}])
def example_jsonable_three do
## If you're going to use a query with a lot of keys and a value.
{:ok, _} =
Query.smove(%{key: 2}, %{key: 1}, "value3",
[{:jsonable, true}, {:encode_multiple_keys, true}])
def example_jsonable_four do
## If you're going to use a query with a lot of keys.
{:ok, _values} =
Query.sunion([%{key: 1}, "key:2"],
[{:jsonable, true}, {:encode_multiple_keys, true}])
defmodule ExamplePipeBuilder do
import Rediscl.Query.Pipe
alias Rediscl.Query
def example do
query = begin set: ["key:10", "1"],
mset: ["key:11", "value2", "key:12", "value3"],
lpush: ["key:13", ["-1", "-2", "-3"]],
rpush: ["key:14", ["1", "2", "3"]],
lrange: ["key:13", 0, "-1"],
lrem: ["key:13", 1, "-1"]
{:ok, results} = Query.run_pipe(query)
import Mix.Rediscl
alias Rediscl
def run(_) do
Mix.Task.run "app.start"
### Your codes
Rediscl.Query.set("key:1", "value1")
### Your codes
All contributions are welcomed as long as you follow the conventions of Elixir language.