Awesome PHP

Admin Interface

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    EasyAdmin is a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications.

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel

  • voyager voyager 11,767
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin


  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics

  • matomo matomo 18,186
    updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites & apps and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests!


  • updated 6 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Skeleton Application for Laminas API Tools

  • apiato apiato 3,003
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.

  • drest drest 87
    updated over 7 years ago MIT License

    Quickly and easily expose Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints with the use of simple configuration with annotations, yaml, json or a PHP array.

  • hal hal 204
    updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    application/hal builder / formatter for PHP 5.4+

  • Hateoas Hateoas 1,016
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    A PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    🌱 Jane is a set of libraries to generate Models & API Clients based on JSON Schema / OpenAPI specs

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Content Negotiation tools for PHP.

  • Restler Restler 1,359
    updated 4 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    Simple and effective multi-format Web API Server to host your PHP API as Pragmatic REST and/or RESTful API

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Simple utility and class library for generating php classes from a wsdl file.

API Builder & Discovery

  • ApiGen ApiGen 2,158
    updated 8 months ago Other

    PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project

  • fractal fractal 3,525
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures.

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Symfony application

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Community-maintained RAML parser for php

  • updated 16 days ago Apache License 2.0

    A php swagger annotation and parsing library

  • yin yin 239
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    The efficient and elegant JSON:API 1.1 server library for PHP

Application Generators

  • updated about 5 years ago MIT License // boilerplate based on Vue, Nuxt, TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend. 🤟

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.

  • sage sage 12,681
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and a modern development workflow


  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Generic and extensible callable invoker

  • route route 651
    updated 25 days ago MIT License

    Fast PSR-7 based routing and dispatch component including PSR-15 middleware, built on top of FastRoute.

Asset Management

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Javascript Minifier built in PHP

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Associate files with Eloquent models

  • lessphp lessphp 2,210
    updated almost 2 years ago Other

    LESS compiler written in PHP

  • minify minify 3,006
    updated 4 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Combines. minifies, and serves CSS or Javascript files


  • updated about 1 month ago GNU General Publi...

    This PHP class uploads files and manipulates images very easily. It is in fact as much as an image processing class than it is an upload class. Compatible with PHP 4, 5, 7 and 8. Supports processing of local files, uploaded files, files sent through XMLHttpRequest.

  • image image 13,798
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    PHP Image Processing

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Associate files with Eloquent models

  • updated over 5 years ago Other

    A pure PHP library for reading and writing diagrams files

Authentication and Authorization

  • updated over 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Provides a unified interface to local and remote authentication systems.

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Authentication plugin for CakePHP. Can also be used in PSR7 based applications.

  • google2fa google2fa 1,684
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator.

  • jwt-auth jwt-auth 11,242
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen

  • paseto paseto 3,230
    updated 6 months ago Other

    Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens

  • passport passport 3,184
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Laravel Passport provides OAuth2 server support to Laravel.

  • phpseclib phpseclib 5,176
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    PHP Secure Communications Library

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Symfony Security Component - Core Library

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

Authentication & OAuth

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Open source social sign on PHP Library. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.

  • jwt jwt 7,247
    updated about 2 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Easy integration with OAuth 2.0 service providers.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Facebook Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    GitHub Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Google Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Instagram Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    LinkedIn Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    Microsoft OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A spec compliant, secure by default PHP OAuth 2.0 Server

  • socialite socialite 5,407
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Laravel wrapper around OAuth 1 & OAuth 2 libraries.

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.


  • updated over 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Provides a unified interface to local and remote authentication systems.

  • updated 6 months ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    PHP class to generate and verify Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication

  • halite halite 1,120
    updated 6 months ago Mozilla Public Li...

    High-level cryptography interface powered by libsodium

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Associate users with roles and permissions

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Keycloak Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A library for implementing an OAuth2 Server in php

  • passport passport 3,184
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Laravel Passport provides OAuth2 server support to Laravel.

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Compatibility with the password_* functions that ship with PHP 5.5

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Simple Encryption in PHP.

  • updated about 2 years ago

    An extremely minimal login / register script in pure PHP.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHPAuth is a secure PHP Authentication class that easily integrates into any site.


  • panther panther 2,742
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony

  • phan phan 5,530
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Phan is a static analyzer for PHP. Phan prefers to avoid false-positives and attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness.

  • updated about 2 months ago The Unlicense

    PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    PHP client for Selenium/WebDriver protocol. Previously facebook/php-webdriver

  • PHPMailer PHPMailer 20,872
    updated 2 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    The classic email sending library for PHP

Build Tools

  • box box 1,124
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    📦🚀 Fast, zero config application bundler with PHARs.

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    A PHP project/micro-package generator for PDS compliant projects or micro-packages.

  • humbug humbug 1,133
    updated almost 7 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Humbug is a Mutation Testing framework for PHP to measure the real effectiveness of your test suites and assist in their improvement. It eats Code Coverage for breakfast.

  • phing phing 1,158
    updated 3 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.

Business Logic

  • PHP-DI PHP-DI 2,645
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    The dependency injection container for humans

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    PHP-DI integration with the Slim framework


  • cache cache 3,977
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations

  • cache cache 7,810
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Doctrine Cache component

  • cache cache 127
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Cache component (see laravel/framework)

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    A high-performance backend cache system. It is intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. Well implemented, it can drops the database load to almost nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better resource utilization. It is simple yet powerful.

  • Stash Stash 953
    updated over 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    The place to keep your cache.

Caching and Locking

  • cache cache 3,977
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations

  • cache cache 7,810
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Doctrine Cache component

  • updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    WordPress Object Cache using Redis.

Captchas & Anti-spam

  • captcha captcha 2,417
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Captcha for Laravel 5/6/7/8/9/10/11

  • Captcha Captcha 1,696
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    PHP Captcha library

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA For Laravel.

  • recaptcha recaptcha 3,381
    updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHP client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse.

CLI Builder

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Create Symfony Console commands from annotated command class methods.

  • box2 box2 1,188
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    An application for building and managing Phars.

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    A powerful command line application framework for PHP. It's an extensible, flexible component, You can build your command-based application in seconds!

  • climate climate 1,867
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    PHP's best friend for the terminal.

  • updated 6 months ago Other

    ⌨ Command line options and arguments parser.

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    An Elegant CLI Library for PHP

  • config config 164
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    Configuration component for commandline tools

  • console console 9,560
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces

  • updated about 3 years ago

    The Hoa\Console library.

  • evenement evenement 1,239
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP.

  • updated 3 months ago

    A PHP framework for console artisans

  • updated 7 months ago Other

    Apply transformations to structured data to write output in different formats.

  • pest pest 9,531
    updated 8 days ago MIT License

    Pest is an elegant PHP testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, meticulously designed to bring back the joy of testing in PHP.

  • robo robo 2,653
    updated 8 months ago Other

    Modern task runner for PHP

  • updated 7 months ago Other

    A thin wrapper around the Symfony Process Component that allows applications to use the Site Alias library to specify the target for a remote call.

  • wp-cli wp-cli 4,866
    updated 22 days ago MIT License

    ⚙️ WP-CLI framework

CLI Utilities

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    Create Symfony Console commands from annotated command class methods.

  • box2 box2 1,188
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    An application for building and managing Phars.

  • cgr cgr 450
    updated over 1 year ago

    Safe replacement for `composer global require`

  • climate climate 1,867
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    PHP's best friend for the terminal.

  • climb climb 359
    updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    A Composer version manager tool

  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    An easy way to add colors in your CLI scripts.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Console component (see laravel/framework)

  • console console 9,560
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces

  • finder finder 8,290
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface

  • pest pest 9,531
    updated 8 days ago MIT License

    Pest is an elegant PHP testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, meticulously designed to bring back the joy of testing in PHP.

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    🔰 Instant PHP quality checks from your console

  • process process 7,302
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Executes commands in sub-processes

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    The Pantheon CLI — a standalone utility for performing operations on the Pantheon Platform

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable

  • wp-cli wp-cli 4,866
    updated 22 days ago MIT License

    ⚙️ WP-CLI framework


  • updated about 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    Official repository of the AWS SDK for PHP (@awsforphp)

  • updated over 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP

  • core core 8,113
    updated about 1 year ago GNU Affero Genera...

    ☁️ ownCloud web server core (Files, DAV, etc.)

  • updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Google Cloud Client Library for PHP

  • kanboard kanboard 8,460
    updated 6 days ago MIT License

    Kanban project management software

  • mautic mautic 6,690
    updated 6 months ago Other

    Mautic: Open Source Marketing Automation Software.

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    The official PHP SDK for Sentry (

  • server server 26,522
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    The Pantheon CLI — a standalone utility for performing operations on the Pantheon Platform


  • updated over 4 years ago GNU General Publi...

    A lightweight blog CMS for PHP

  • core core 492
    updated about 5 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    Contao 3 → see contao/contao for Contao 4

  • drupal drupal 4,042
    updated 3 months ago

    Verbatim mirror of the repository for Drupal core. Please see the PRs are not accepted on GitHub.

  • updated over 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    GetSimple CMS

  • updated 6 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Home of the Joomla! Content Management System

  • mautic mautic 6,690
    updated 6 months ago Other

    Mautic: Open Source Marketing Automation Software.

  • october october 10,917
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    Self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.

  • updated about 1 month ago Other

    ProcessWire 3.x is a friendly and powerful open source CMS with a strong API.

  • updated about 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    MODX Revolution - Content Management Framework

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Silverstripe CMS - this is a module for Silverstripe Framework rather than a standalone app. Use to set this up.

  • sulu sulu 1,158
    updated 6 days ago MIT License

    Core framework that implements the functionality of the Sulu content management system

  • typo3 typo3 1,022
    updated 5 months ago GNU General Publi...

    The TYPO3 Core - Enterprise Content Management System. Synchronized mirror of

  • WordPress WordPress 19,332
    updated 27 days ago Other

    WordPress, Git-ified. This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit pull requests to and patches to instead.

Code Analysis

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8.x

  • updated 7 months ago

    CLI for uploading external code coverage data

  • updated 15 days ago MIT License

    👓 Provides a composer package with rules for phpstan/phpstan.

Code Analysis & Metrics

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    The most powerful and flexible mocking framework for PHPUnit / Codeception.

  • updated 16 days ago MIT License

    🎵 Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json.

  • updated 16 days ago MIT License

    📓 Provides a composer package with a configuration factory and rule set factories for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer.

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    🔰 Instant PHP quality checks from your console

  • phploc phploc 2,277
    updated almost 2 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Beautiful and understandable static analysis tool for PHP

  • phpstan phpstan 12,763
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!

  • rector rector 8,596
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code

Code Formatting

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Consistence - Coding Standard - PHP Code Sniffer rules

  • updated 16 days ago MIT License

    📓 Provides a composer package with a configuration factory and rule set factories for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer.

  • updated 7 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.

  • updated 7 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    🐛 A tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once.

  • phpmd phpmd 2,335
    updated 18 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly frontend application for the raw metrics stream measured by PHP Depend.

  • updated 15 days ago MIT License

    👓 Provides a composer package with rules for phpstan/phpstan.

  • rector rector 8,596
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code

Code Highlighting

  • updated over 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A port of highlight.js by Ivan Sagalaev to PHP

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Markdown Extra Extension for Parsedown

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

Code Loaders

  • cache cache 5,044
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License
  • composer composer 27,978
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Dependency Manager for PHP

Code Quality

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    CaptainHook is a very flexible git hook manager for software developers that makes sharing git hooks with your team a breeze.

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Consistence - Coding Standard - PHP Code Sniffer rules

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8.x

Coding Style Guides

  • updated 7 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.

  • updated 7 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer

  • updated 9 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHPCompatibility ruleset for WordPress projects

  • phpmd phpmd 2,335
    updated 18 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly frontend application for the raw metrics stream measured by PHP Depend.

  • updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Extra strict and opinionated rules for PHPStan

Command Line

  • updated 5 months ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Command-Line Interface tools

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    A powerful command line application framework for PHP. It's an extensible, flexible component, You can build your command-based application in seconds!

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    A PHP library for command-line argument processing

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    An object-oriented option parser library for PHP, which supports type constraints, flag, multiple flag, multiple values, required value checking

  • updated 3 months ago

    A PHP framework for console artisans

  • updated 7 months ago Other

    Apply transformations to structured data to write output in different formats.

  • updated 7 months ago Other

    A thin wrapper around the Symfony Process Component that allows applications to use the Site Alias library to specify the target for a remote call.

Composer Repositories

  • finder finder 8,290
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    The purpose of this PSR is to provide a set of common interfaces for HTTP messages as described in RFC 7230 and RFC 7231

  • orm orm 9,887
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM)

  • packagist packagist 1,696
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Package Repository Website - try if you need your own -

Concurrency & Parallelism

  • amp amp 4,186
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications. 🐘

  • async async 2,401
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Easily run code asynchronously

  • evenement evenement 1,239
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP.


  • updated almost 7 years ago Other

    A powerful, small, deadly simple configurator and dependency injection container DSL made to be easy

  • config config 4,138
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values of any kind

  • phpdotenv phpdotenv 13,033
    updated 3 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.

Content Management Systems

  • updated over 4 years ago GNU General Publi...

    A lightweight blog CMS for PHP

  • bolt bolt 4,154
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.

  • cms cms 2,827
    updated about 1 year ago

    Multilingual PHP CMS built with Laravel and bootstrap

  • contao contao 341
    updated 14 days ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    Contao Open Source CMS

  • drupal drupal 4,042
    updated 3 months ago

    Verbatim mirror of the repository for Drupal core. Please see the PRs are not accepted on GitHub.

  • updated 10 months ago Other

    Kernel (Repository, MVC layer, REST) for eZ Platform

  • grav grav 14,457
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony

  • updated 6 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Home of the Joomla! Content Management System

  • pagekit pagekit 5,517
    updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    Pagekit CMS

  • updated about 1 month ago Other

    ProcessWire 3.x is a friendly and powerful open source CMS with a strong API.

  • updated about 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    MODX Revolution - Content Management Framework

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Silverstripe CMS - this is a module for Silverstripe Framework rather than a standalone app. Use to set this up.

  • tcexam tcexam 516
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    TCExam is a CBA (Computer-Based Assessment) system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams.

  • typo3 typo3 1,022
    updated 5 months ago GNU General Publi...

    The TYPO3 Core - Enterprise Content Management System. Synchronized mirror of

  • WordPress WordPress 19,332
    updated 27 days ago Other

    WordPress, Git-ified. This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit pull requests to and patches to instead.

Continuous Integration

  • infection infection 2,035
    updated about 2 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHP Mutation Testing library

  • phpspec phpspec 1,878
    updated 2 months ago Other

    SpecBDD Framework for PHP

  • phpunit phpunit 19,646
    updated about 2 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    The PHP Unit Testing framework.

  • psalm psalm 5,545
    updated 25 days ago MIT License

    A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications

Core Extensions

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Method redefinition (monkey-patching) functionality for PHP.

  • updated over 6 years ago

    A redacted PHP port of Underscore.js with additional functions and goodies – Available for Composer and Laravel

Country Data

  • countries countries 1,741
    updated about 2 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Laravel countries and currencies

  • countries countries 5,955
    updated 3 months ago Open Data Commons...

    World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml. Any help is welcome!

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Laravel Countries is a bundle for Laravel, providing Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries.

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Phone number functionality for Laravel


  • espocrm espocrm 1,240
    updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    EspoCRM – Open Source CRM Application

  • monica monica 21,377
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.

  • updated 11 days ago Other

    Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.

  • SuiteCRM SuiteCRM 4,336
    updated 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world

  • updated over 12 years ago Other

    vtiger CRM

  • updated 12 months ago Other

    Our team created for you one of the most innovative CRM systems that supports mainly business processes and allows for customization according to your needs. Be ahead of your competition and implement YetiForce!

Cryptocurrencies & Blockchains

  • updated about 5 years ago The Unlicense

    PHP libraries implementing bitcoin key functions, as well as BIP32 and electrum.

  • updated 5 months ago The Unlicense

    Bitcoin implementation in PHP


  • Heimdall Heimdall 7,641
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    An Application dashboard and launcher

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    SQL database access through PDO.

  • database database 2,666
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Database component (see laravel/framework)

  • orm orm 1,225
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP DataMapper, ORM

  • updated 3 months ago ISC License

    Pure PHP polyfill for ext/sodium

Database Drivers

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    SQL database access through PDO.

  • data data 268
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Data Access PHP Framework for SQL & high-latency databases

  • dbal dbal 9,412
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides integration for Doctrine with various Symfony components

  • easydb easydb 735
    updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    Easy-to-use PDO wrapper for PHP projects.

  • macaw macaw 897
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    The simple PHP router

  • orm orm 823
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    A drop-in Doctrine ORM 2 implementation for Laravel 5+ and Lumen

  • ORM ORM 37
    updated almost 5 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...


  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Wrapper for a PHP MySQL class, which utilizes MySQLi and prepared statements.

  • Propel2 Propel2 1,256
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Propel2 is an open-source high-performance Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for modern PHP

  • updated about 9 years ago Other

    A fluent, intuitive ORM for any relational database engine

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Db component from Zend Framework

Database Tools

  • data data 268
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Data Access PHP Framework for SQL & high-latency databases

  • dbal dbal 9,412
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer

  • easydb easydb 735
    updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    Easy-to-use PDO wrapper for PHP projects.

  • ezsql ezsql 862
    updated almost 2 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHP class to make interacting with a database ridiculusly easy

  • updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Laravel 5 - Repositories to abstract the database layer

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    [ABANDONED] Automatic model ID obfuscation in routes for Laravel

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Wrapper for a PHP MySQL class, which utilizes MySQLi and prepared statements.

  • redis redis 84
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Redis component (see laravel/framework)

  • updated about 9 years ago Other

    A fluent, intuitive ORM for any relational database engine

Data Processing & ETL

  • csv csv 3,337
    updated 5 days ago MIT License

    CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A Migration Code Generator for Phinx

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    CSV reader/writer

Data Visualization

Date and Time

  • Carbon Carbon 16,551
    updated 7 days ago MIT License

    A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Extends the features of PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone classes to ease the handling of times, time zones and time zone locations.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Record the change log from models in Laravel

  • yasumi yasumi 984
    updated 11 months ago Other

    The easy PHP Library for calculating holidays

Date & Time Processing

  • Carbon Carbon 16,551
    updated 7 days ago MIT License

    A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.

  • date date 1,813
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    🗓 A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon.

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    Extends the features of PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone classes to ease the handling of times, time zones and time zone locations.

  • period period 719
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    PHP's time range API

  • php-timer php-timer 7,635
    updated 25 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Utility class for timing

  • yasumi yasumi 984
    updated 11 months ago Other

    The easy PHP Library for calculating holidays

Debugging and Profiling

  • updated 12 months ago Other

    Extension exposing PHP 7 abstract syntax tree

  • xdebug xdebug 3,137
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Xdebug — Step Debugger and Debugging Aid for PHP

Debugging Tools

  • debug debug 7,312
    updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    Provides tools to ease debugging PHP code

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Debugbar for Laravel (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Handle PHP errors, dump variables, execute PHP code remotely in Google Chrome

  • phploc phploc 2,277
    updated almost 2 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable

  • xdebug xdebug 3,137
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Xdebug — Step Debugger and Debugging Aid for PHP


  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Markdown Extra Extension for Parsedown

  • updated almost 7 years ago MIT License

    PHP-DI integration in Silex

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    PHP-DI integration with the Slim framework

  • updated about 1 year ago

    PHP-DI integration with Zend Framework 1

Dependency Injection

  • auryn auryn 723
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    IoC Dependency Injector

  • updated almost 3 years ago MIT License

    Containers interoperability

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Generic and extensible callable invoker

  • PHP-DI PHP-DI 2,645
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    The dependency injection container for humans

Dependency Management

  • composer composer 27,978
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Dependency Manager for PHP

  • flex flex 4,043
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Composer plugin for Symfony

Dependency Management Extras

  • updated 16 days ago MIT License

    🎵 Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json.

  • flex flex 4,043
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Composer plugin for Symfony

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Beautiful and understandable static analysis tool for PHP

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Symfony Recipes Repository


  • deployer deployer 10,585
    updated 4 days ago MIT License

    The PHP deployment tool with support for popular frameworks out of the box

  • updated over 1 year ago

    🚀 Zero-downtime deployment out-of-the-box

DevOps Tools

  • updated 25 days ago GNU General Publi...

    A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB

  • updated over 8 years ago Other

    Tool that can generate skeleton test classes from production code classes and vice versa.


  • diff diff 7,551
    updated 25 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Diff implementation

  • updated over 2 years ago

    A comprehensive library for generating differences between two strings in multiple formats (unified, side by side HTML etc). Based on the difflib implementation in Python


  • BookStack BookStack 14,567
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License
  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Documentation Generator for PHP

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Reflection library to do Static Analysis for PHP Projects

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License
  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    A PSR-5 based resolver of Class names, Types and Structural Element Names


  • updated 5 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Highly-extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark and GFM specs.

  • dompdf dompdf 10,416
    updated 3 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    HTML to PDF converter for PHP

  • mpdf mpdf 4,327
    updated 4 months ago GNU General Publi...

    PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML

  • updated over 5 years ago Other

    A pure PHP library for reading and writing diagrams files


  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Laravel ecommerce package for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce

  • bagisto bagisto 14,865
    updated 15 days ago Open Software Lic...

    Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform

  • shopware shopware 2,731
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions

  • Sylius Sylius 7,646
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Open Source eCommerce Framework on Symfony

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Content management system for eCommerce apps created on Sylius platform. Built with Sylius code quality, flexibility, BDD.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Elasticsearch integration for Sylius apps.

  • updated over 5 years ago MIT License

    This plugin enables generating invoices in Sylius platform application.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Simple MailChimp integration with Sylius eCommerce framework.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Sylius Mollie payment gateway integration.

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Shipping export management architecture for Sylius based apps.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    This plugin allows you to integrate wishlist features with Sylius platform app.

E-commerce & Payments

  • bagisto bagisto 14,865
    updated 15 days ago Open Software Lic...

    Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform

  • updated 5 months ago The Unlicense

    Bitcoin implementation in PHP

  • updated about 5 years ago Apache License 2.0

    DEPRECATED — PHP wrapper for the Coinbase API

  • updated over 4 years ago Apache License 2.0

    [DEPRECATED] Official PHP SDK library for Klarna Services

  • magento2 magento2 11,400
    updated 3 months ago Open Software Lic...

    Prior to making any Submission(s), you must sign an Adobe Contributor License Agreement, available here at: All Submissions you make to Adobe Inc. and its affiliates, assigns and subsidiaries (collectively “Adobe”) are subject to the terms of the Adobe Contributor License Agreement.

  • omnipay omnipay 5,813
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.6+

  • opencart opencart 7,419
    updated 25 days ago Other

    A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution.

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    PHP SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs

  • Payum Payum 1,834
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    PHP Payment processing library. It offers everything you need to work with payments: Credit card & offsite purchasing, subscriptions, payouts etc.

  • updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    PHP implementation for the BitPay cryptographically secure RESTful API

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    PrestaShop is the universal open-source software platform to build your e-commerce solution.

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    PHP SDK for Authorize.Net API

  • shopware shopware 2,731
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    PHP library for the Stripe API.

  • Sylius Sylius 7,646
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Open Source eCommerce Framework on Symfony

  • thelia thelia 840
    updated 2 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content. Repo containing the new major version (v2)

  • updated 14 days ago

    A customizable, open-source ecommerce platform built on WordPress. Build any commerce solution you can imagine.


  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    PHP Email address validator

  • PHPMailer PHPMailer 20,872
    updated 2 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    The classic email sending library for PHP

  • updated 3 months ago GNU General Publi...

    The Roundcube Webmail suite

  • updated almost 3 years ago MIT License

    Comprehensive mailing tools for PHP

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Mail component from Zend Framework


  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Constant-Time Character Encoding in PHP Projects

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Build Content-Security-Policy headers from a JSON file (or build them programmatically)

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Encryption component (see laravel/framework)

  • halite halite 1,120
    updated 6 months ago Mozilla Public Li...

    High-level cryptography interface powered by libsodium

  • jose jose 486
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    🔐 JSON Object Signing and Encryption Framework (JWT, JWS, JWE, JWA, JWK, JWKSet and more)

  • otphp otphp 1,184
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    🔐 A PHP library for generating one time passwords according to RFC 4226 (HOTP) and the RFC 6238 (TOTP)

  • updated about 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Password hashing code.

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Compatibility with the password_* functions that ship with PHP 5.5

  • updated over 11 years ago

    A Cryptography Library for PHP

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Simple Encryption in PHP.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP 5.x support for random_bytes() and random_int()

  • updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    A library for generating random numbers and strings

  • updated 3 months ago ISC License

    Pure PHP polyfill for ext/sodium

Environment Management

  • dotenv dotenv 3,604
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Registers environment variables from a .env file

  • phpdotenv phpdotenv 13,033
    updated 3 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.

Error Handling

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    BugSnag error monitoring and crash reporting tool for PHP apps

  • collision collision 4,497
    updated 8 days ago MIT License

    💥 Collision is a beautiful error reporting tool for command-line applications

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    Error tracking and logging from PHP to Rollbar

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    The official PHP SDK for Sentry (

  • tracy tracy 1,746
    updated 3 months ago Other

    😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it.

  • whoops whoops 13,093
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    PHP errors for cool kids


  • bernard bernard 1,214
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Bernard is a multi-backend PHP library for creating background jobs for later processing.

  • botman botman 6,027
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots

  • event event 1,519
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Event package for your app and domain

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A pragmatic event sourcing library for PHP with a focus on developer experience.

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    The easiest way to get started with event sourcing in Laravel

  • RxPHP RxPHP 1,685
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Reactive extensions for PHP

  • workerman workerman 11,067
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols.

Event Sourcing

  • broadway broadway 1,490
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Infrastructure and testing helpers for creating CQRS and event sourced applications.

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Message Queue, Job Queue, Broadcasting, WebSockets packages for PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento. DEVELOPMENT REPOSITORY - provided by Forma-Pro

  • updated 11 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHP 7.4 EventStore Implementation

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A pragmatic event sourcing library for PHP with a focus on developer experience.

  • updated 8 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PDO implementation of ProophEventStore


  • Mime Mime 101
    updated over 3 years ago

    The Hoa\Mime library.

  • pickle pickle 1,644
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    PHP Extension installer

Feature Flippers & A/B Testing

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Etsy's Feature flagging API used for operational rampups and A/B testing.

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Feature toggling for your PHP application

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    A PHP experimentation library inspired by Github's own Scientist.


  • flysystem flysystem 13,341
    updated 15 days ago MIT License

    Abstraction for local and remote filesystems

  • Gaufrette Gaufrette 2,466
    updated 8 months ago MIT License

    PHP library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer − will be a feast for your files!

  • updated 25 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes, prefixes, and other exclusion criteria.

  • spout spout 4,219
    updated over 2 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Read and write spreadsheet files (CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scalable way

  • Zippy Zippy 464
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    PHP zip/tar/bz2 archives (de)compression library with commandline or extensions

File System Listener

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides basic utilities for the filesystem

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    The Flysystem integration for the Yii framework.

File Upload

  • updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    File manager in a single php file

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Media gallery with CKEditor, TinyMCE and Summernote support. Built on Laravel file system.

  • updated over 5 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Detect face in images in pure PHP

  • Upload Upload 1,676
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    File uploads with validation and storage strategies

Filtering and Validation

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Validate and sanitize arrays and objects.

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    PHP Email address validator

  • updated 3 months ago Other

    [READ-ONLY] Validation library from CakePHP. This repo is a split of the main code that can be found in

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP

  • valitron valitron 1,567
    updated 6 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Valitron is a simple, elegant, stand-alone validation library with NO dependencies


  • flarum flarum 15,190
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Simple forum software for building great communities.

Framework Extras

  • FastRoute FastRoute 5,087
    updated 6 months ago Other

    Fast request router for PHP


  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Full-stack testing PHP framework

  • ORM ORM 37
    updated almost 5 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...


  • updated almost 7 years ago MIT License

    PHP-DI integration in Silex

  • updated about 1 year ago

    PHP-DI integration with Zend Framework 1


  • Geocoder Geocoder 3,948
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    The most featured Geocoder library written in PHP.

  • geotools geotools 1,366
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Geo-related tools PHP 7.3+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries

  • updated about 7 years ago MIT License

    Google Geocoder API v3 for Laravel

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Collection of Google Maps API Web Services for Laravel

  • location location 1,062
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Detect a users location by their IP Address.

  • tracker tracker 2,824
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Laravel Stats Tracker

Git Tools

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    CaptainHook is a very flexible git hook manager for software developers that makes sharing git hooks with your team a breeze.

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    A PHP git library

  • gitlib gitlib 448
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Library for accessing Git repositories with PHP

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Git hooks for PHP projects

  • updated about 8 years ago MIT License

    NOT MAINTAINED - Provide an object oriented wrapper to run any Git command. For PHP 5.2 and 5.3.

  • updated over 11 years ago MIT License

    NOT MAINTAINED - Development moved to

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Git Streamwrapper for PHP is a PHP library that allows PHP code to interact with one or multiple Git repositories from within an application.


  • updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Laravel wrapper for Facebook's GraphQL

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the reference implementation in JavaScript

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A library to help construct a graphql-php server supporting react-relay.

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL API server in your Symfony App.

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    A framework for serving GraphQL from Laravel

HTML/XML Parsing

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents

  • pquery pquery 134
    updated over 6 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    A jQuery like html dom parser written php.


  • updated 8 months ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Web controllers and support classes

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response

  • httpful httpful 1,740
    updated 6 months ago MIT License

    A Chainable, REST Friendly, PHP HTTP Client. A sane alternative to cURL.

  • updated over 7 years ago MIT License

    Simple PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API with Multi DB Support

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Easy integration with OAuth 2.0 service providers.

  • updated about 2 years ago

    An extremely simple example of a "real-time" self-updating page using long-polling.

  • Requests Requests 3,572
    updated 30 days ago Other

    Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library. It simplifies how you interact with other sites and takes away all your worries.

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    PSR-7 and PSR-15 JWT Authentication Middleware

  • TCPDF TCPDF 3,809
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Http component from Zend Framework

HTTP Clients & Tools

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    PSR-6 Cache plugin for HTTPlug

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Common HTTP Client implementations and tools for HTTPlug

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    cURL client

  • discovery discovery 1,248
    updated 6 months ago MIT License

    Finds installed clients and message factories

  • guzzle guzzle 23,099
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Guzzle 6 HTTP adapter

  • httplug httplug 2,548
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    HTTPlug, the HTTP client abstraction for PHP

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    PSR-3 Logger plugin for HTTPlug

  • message message 1,282
    updated 6 months ago MIT License

    HTTP Message related tools

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Mock HTTP client

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Socket HTTP Client

Image Processing

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A fully RESTful server implementation for CodeIgniter using one library, one config file and one controller.

  • glide glide 2,548
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Wonderfully easy on-demand image manipulation library with an HTTP based API.

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An object oriented PHP driver for FFMpeg binary

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    A PHP class that makes working with images and GD as simple as possible.

  • Upload Upload 1,676
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    File uploads with validation and storage strategies


  • updated about 1 month ago GNU General Publi...

    This PHP class uploads files and manipulates images very easily. It is in fact as much as an image processing class than it is an upload class. Compatible with PHP 4, 5, 7 and 8. Supports processing of local files, uploaded files, files sent through XMLHttpRequest.

  • updated 12 months ago MIT License

    Extract colors from an image like a human would do.

  • glide glide 2,548
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Wonderfully easy on-demand image manipulation library with an HTTP based API.

  • image image 13,798
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    PHP Image Processing

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Image optimization / compression library. This library is able to optimize png, jpg and gif files in very easy and handy way. It uses optipng, pngquant, pngcrush, pngout, gifsicle, jpegoptim and jpegtran tools.

  • Imagine Imagine 4,402
    updated 3 months ago Other

    PHP Object Oriented image manipulation library

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An object oriented PHP driver for FFMpeg binary

  • updated over 5 years ago Other

    Extra package extending PHP FFMpeg

Internationalisation and Localisation

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Internationalization tools, particularly message translation.

  • DeepLy DeepLy 203
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP client for the translation API (unofficial)

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP library to collect and manipulate gettext (.po, .mo, .php, .json, etc)

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Language files manager in your artisan console.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Easy localization for Laravel

  • updated 12 months ago MIT License

    A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk

  • pinyin pinyin 4,296
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    🇨🇳 基于词库的中文转拼音优质解决方案

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides tools to internationalize your application


  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data.

  • updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    🌏 75 languages support for Laravel application.

  • updated almost 6 years ago MIT License

    The Twig Gettext Extractor is Poedit friendly tool which extracts translations from twig templates.


  • fractal fractal 3,525
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures.

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    PHP implementation of JSON schema. Fork of the project

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON.


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    🐪 Laravel log viewer

  • monolog monolog 20,516
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services

Markdown Processors

  • updated 5 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Highly-extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark and GFM specs.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP

  • parsedown parsedown 14,688
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Better Markdown Parser in PHP

  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Parser for Markdown and Markdown Extra derived from the original by John Gruber.


  • phpbench phpbench 1,875
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    PHP Benchmarking framework

Micro Framework Extras

  • orm orm 823
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    A drop-in Doctrine ORM 2 implementation for Laravel 5+ and Lumen

Micro Frameworks

  • api api 9,328
    updated over 2 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.

  • atk4 atk4 184
    updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    PHP framework for developing powerful web applications. Inspired by desktop toolkits (QT, Cocoa, .NET). For developers with any skill level.

  • core core 801
    updated 6 months ago

    Fuel PHP Framework - The core of the Fuel v1 framework

  • FastRoute FastRoute 5,087
    updated 6 months ago Other

    Fast request router for PHP

  • mini mini 1,342
    updated about 2 years ago

    Just an extremely simple naked PHP application, useful for small projects and quick prototypes. Some might call it a micro framework :)

  • Rest Rest 605
    updated over 4 years ago Other

    Thin controller for RESTful applications

  • Silex Silex 3,603
    updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    [DEPRECATED -- Use Symfony instead] The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony Components

  • Slim Slim 11,880
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.

  • Verify Verify 142
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    BDD Assertions for PHPUnit and Codeception


  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    PSR-7 and PSR-15 CORS middleware

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    A HTTP Cache for Guzzle 6. It's a simple Middleware to be added in the HandlerStack.

  • updated about 1 month ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PSR-7 middleware foundation for building and dispatching middleware pipelines

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application

  • updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    Simple PSR-15 middleware dispatcher

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    PSR-15 middleware to implement content negotiation

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    [DEPRECATED] Collection of PSR-7 middlewares

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    PSR-15 middleware to execute request handlers

  • utils utils 50
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Common utils used by PSR-15 middlewares


  • updated 2 months ago Other

    CakePHP database migrations plugin

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Doctrine Database Migrations Library


  • akaunting akaunting 6,427
    updated over 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    Free and Online Accounting Software

  • updated about 5 years ago The Unlicense

    PHP libraries implementing bitcoin key functions, as well as BIP32 and electrum.

  • updated over 2 years ago The Unlicense

    Implementation of Bitcoin protocol using ReactPHP

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    A self-hosted open source application for managing your invoices, clients and payments.

  • money money 4,594
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern.

  • omnipay omnipay 5,813
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.6+

  • updated 11 days ago Other

    Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.

Music & Sound

  • koel koel 15,845
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.


  • artax artax 23
    updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    An async HTTP/1.1 client for PHP based on Amp.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification


  • updated 16 days ago MIT License

    A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)

  • monga monga 328
    updated almost 7 years ago MIT License

    Simple and swift MongoDB abstraction.

  • updated 14 days ago Apache License 2.0

    The Official MongoDB PHP library

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    The Official PHP MongoDB ORM/ODM

  • updated almost 8 years ago

    Pure PHP implementation of MongoDB driver, with aim to be a drop-in replacement of the official extension, usable under HHVM runtime.

  • predis predis 7,570
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP.


  • JoliNotif JoliNotif 1,324
    updated 6 months ago MIT License

    💻 Send notifications to your desktop directly from your PHP script

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Notification package for Laravel


  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Package to optimize your site automatically which results in a 35%+ optimization


  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    A data mapper implementation for your persistence model in PHP.

  • orm orm 1,225
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP DataMapper, ORM

  • orm orm 9,887
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM)

  • phinx phinx 4,459
    updated 20 days ago MIT License

    PHP Database Migrations for Everyone

ORM/ODM Extensions

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    A data mapper implementation for your persistence model in PHP.

  • orm orm 148
    updated 3 months ago Other

    [READ-ONLY] A flexible, lightweight and powerful Object-Relational Mapper for PHP, implemented using the DataMapper pattern. This repo is a split of the main code that can be found in

  • updated about 7 years ago Other

    The nested sets behavior for the Yii framework.

Package Management

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    This is the definitive source of PEAR's core files.

  • pickle pickle 1,644
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    PHP Extension installer


  • updated 5 months ago Other

    Pagination library for PHP applications with support for several data providers

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Pagination component (see laravel/framework)


  • google2fa google2fa 1,684
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator.

  • updated about 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Password hashing code.

  • updated about 2 years ago
  • updated almost 7 years ago

    A library for generating and validating passwords


  • dompdf dompdf 10,416
    updated 3 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    HTML to PDF converter for PHP

  • html2pdf html2pdf 1,662
    updated 3 months ago Open Software Lic...

    OFFICIAL PROJECT | HTML to PDF converter written in PHP

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel

  • mpdf mpdf 4,327
    updated 4 months ago GNU General Publi...

    PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML

  • TCPDF TCPDF 3,809
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes

Performance Monitoring

  • updated 8 months ago

    Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in.

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    A PHP profiling library based on XHGUI Data Collector

  • xhprof xhprof 2,598
    updated over 5 years ago Apache License 2.0

    XHProf is a function-level hierarchical profiler for PHP and has a simple HTML based user interface.

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Debug Extension for Yii 2


  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Event-driven library for executing child processes with ReactPHP.

  • process process 7,302
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Executes commands in sub-processes

Process Management & Monitoring

  • cachet cachet 13,968
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    🚦 The open-source status page system.

  • php-pm php-pm 6,551
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.


  • updated 3 months ago Apache License 2.0

    A PHP QR Code generator and reader with a user-friendly API.

  • qr-code qr-code 4,354
    updated 5 months ago MIT License

    QR Code Generator

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    An easy-to-use PHP QrCode generator with first-party support for Laravel.


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP 7.1+. Promoting the interoperability of AMQPs. It is based on queue-interop

  • bernard bernard 1,214
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Bernard is a multi-backend PHP library for creating background jobs for later processing.

  • bunny bunny 698
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Performant pure-PHP AMQP (RabbitMQ) sync/async (ReactPHP) library

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    Message Queue, Job Queue, Broadcasting, WebSockets packages for PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento. DEVELOPMENT REPOSITORY - provided by Forma-Pro

  • updated about 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    PHP client for IronMQ.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    RabbitMQ driver for Laravel Queue. Supports Laravel Horizon.

  • updated 19 days ago MIT License

    PHP client for beanstalkd queue

  • updated 2 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    The most widely used PHP client for RabbitMQ

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP port of resque (Workers and Queueing)

  • queue queue 198
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Queue component (see laravel/framework)

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Promoting the interoperability of message queue objects.

Queues & Messaging

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP 7.1+. Promoting the interoperability of AMQPs. It is based on queue-interop

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Helps applications send and receive messages to/from other applications or via message queues

  • updated 2 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    The most widely used PHP client for RabbitMQ

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Promoting the interoperability of message queue objects.


  • updated 5 months ago MIT License

    PHP routing class. Lightweight yet flexible. Supports REST, dynamic and reversed routing.

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    A web router implementation for PHP.

  • flight flight 2,548
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An extensible micro-framework for PHP

  • macaw macaw 897
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    The simple PHP router

  • updated over 2 years ago Other

    A super fast PHP router, with route parameters, restful controllers, filters and reverse routing.

  • Rest Rest 605
    updated over 4 years ago Other

    Thin controller for RESTful applications

  • route route 651
    updated 25 days ago MIT License

    Fast PSR-7 based routing and dispatch component including PSR-15 middleware, built on top of FastRoute.

  • router router 1,071
    updated 8 months ago MIT License

    A lightweight and simple object oriented PHP Router

  • updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    This is a simple and small single class PHP router that can handel the whole url routing for your project.

  • Slim Slim 11,880
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.


  • updated 11 months ago GNU General Publi...

    PHP Universal Feed Generator

  • FreshRSS FreshRSS 9,593
    updated 18 days ago GNU Affero Genera...

    A free, self-hostable news aggregator…

  • news news 852
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    📰 RSS/Atom feed reader

  • updated almost 2 years ago

    📦 Yet another simple RSS writer library for PHP 5.4 or later. This library can also be used to publish Podcasts.

  • updated about 2 months ago The Unlicense

    The RSS feed for websites missing it

  • simplepie simplepie 1,491
    updated about 1 year ago

    A simple Atom/RSS parsing library for PHP.



  • csv csv 3,337
    updated 5 days ago MIT License

    CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP

  • php-ml php-ml 286
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP Machine Learning library

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    ⚡ 🐘 TextRank (resource-efficient and low-cost automatic text summarisation) for PHP

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Sift API (PHP client)

  • Tensor Tensor 228
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    A library and extension that provides objects for scientific computing in PHP.


  • Goutte Goutte 9,259
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper


  • otphp otphp 1,184
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    🔐 A PHP library for generating one time passwords according to RFC 4226 (HOTP) and the RFC 6238 (TOTP)

    updated about 9 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHPIDS (PHP-Intrusion Detection System) is a simple to use, well structured, fast and state-of-the-art security layer for your PHP based web application

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP 5.x support for random_bytes() and random_int()

  • SecLists SecLists 55,879
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more.

  • tracker tracker 2,824
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Laravel Stats Tracker


  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Google Search Results PHP API via Serp Api

  • seo seo 263
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    🐘 Simple PHP library to help developers 🍻 do better on-page SEO optimization 🤖


  • bref bref 3,110
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Serverless PHP on AWS Lambda

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT No Attribution

    Demo serverless applications, examples code snippets and resources for PHP

  • updated almost 5 years ago Other

    PHP Runtime Layer for AWS Lambda

Services & Apps

  • core core 8,113
    updated about 1 year ago GNU Affero Genera...

    ☁️ ownCloud web server core (Files, DAV, etc.)

  • espocrm espocrm 1,240
    updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    EspoCRM – Open Source CRM Application

  • updated about 2 months ago Other

    A self-hosted open source application for managing your invoices, clients and payments.

  • kanboard kanboard 8,460
    updated 6 days ago MIT License

    Kanban project management software

  • news news 852
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    📰 RSS/Atom feed reader

  • osTicket osTicket 2,842
    updated about 1 year ago GNU General Publi...

    The osTicket open source ticketing system official project repository, for versions 1.8 and later

  • updated 3 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    Fully functional Open Source email marketing manager for creating, sending, integrating, and analysing email campaigns and newsletters.

  • updated 25 days ago GNU General Publi...

    A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB

  • updated 3 months ago GNU General Publi...

    The Roundcube Webmail suite

  • server server 26,522
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data

Social Networking

  • updated 12 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Anahita is a platform and framework for developing open science and knowledge sharing applications on a social networking foundation.

  • updated 2 months ago

    BuddyPress DEVELOPMENT repo. This repository is just a mirror of the development SVN at Please include a link to a pre-existing ticket on with every pull request.

  • updated 26 days ago GNU General Publi...

    Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility

  • Elgg Elgg 1,632
    updated 2 months ago Other

    A social networking engine in PHP/MySQL

  • flarum flarum 15,190
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Simple forum software for building great communities.

  • humhub humhub 6,278
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    HumHub is an Open Source Enterprise Social Network. Easy to install, intuitive to use and extendable with countless freely available modules.

  • moodle moodle 5,546
    updated 3 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Moodle - the world's open source learning platform

  • updated 4 months ago Other

    Open Source Social Network (OSSN) is a social networking software written in PHP. It allows you to make a social networking website and helps your members build social relationships, with people who share similar professional or personal interests. It is available in 17 international languages.

  • social social 464
    updated over 1 year ago GNU Affero Genera...

    🎉 Social can be used for work, or to connect to the fediverse!

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    🌠 Soosyze CMS is a minimalist content management system in PHP, without database to create and manage your website easily.

  • ThinkUp ThinkUp 3,310
    updated almost 8 years ago GNU General Publi...

    ThinkUp gives you insights into your social networking activity on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and beyond.

Spreadsheets & Documents

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    🦉 Fast Excel import/export for Laravel

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    CSV reader/writer

  • PHPExcel PHPExcel 11,483
    updated almost 6 years ago Other


  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    A pure PHP library for reading and writing presentations documents

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files

  • PHPWord PHPWord 6,832
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents

  • spout spout 4,219
    updated over 2 years ago Apache License 2.0

    Read and write spreadsheet files (CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scalable way

State Machines

  • Finite Finite 1,302
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    A Simple PHP Finite State Machine

  • Torch Torch 1,833
    updated 9 months ago MIT License

    Examples of using each Illuminate component in non-Laravel applications

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides tools for managing a workflow or finite state machine

Static Analysis

  • deptrac deptrac 2,615
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Keep your architecture clean.

  • updated 7 months ago

    CLI for uploading external code coverage data

  • phan phan 5,530
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Phan is a static analyzer for PHP. Phan prefers to avoid false-positives and attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness.

  • PHP-Parser PHP-Parser 16,432
    updated 10 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A PHP parser written in PHP

  • phpsa phpsa 638
    updated over 5 years ago Other

    Smart/Static Analyzer(sis) for PHP :bowtie::neckbeard:

  • phpstan phpstan 12,763
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!

  • psalm psalm 5,545
    updated 25 days ago MIT License

    A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications

Static Site Generators

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    A markdown parser for converting markdown to LaTeX written in PHP.

  • updated almost 5 years ago MIT License

    Scan your HTTPS-enabled website for Mixed Content

  • sculpin sculpin 1,460
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Sculpin — Static Site Generator


  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Humanize values that are readable only for developers.

  • updated almost 7 years ago

    A library for generating and validating passwords

  • slugify slugify 2,844
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Converts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.

  • updated 6 months ago Other

    Behat Transliterator library inherited from Doctrine1 and used in Behat for snippet generation

  • updated over 3 years ago

    The Hoa\Ustring library.

  • uuid uuid 12,432
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    ❄️ A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

Task Runners

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Console component (see laravel/framework)

  • updated over 1 year ago

    PHPUnit bridge for Codeception

  • robo robo 2,653
    updated 8 months ago Other

    Modern task runner for PHP

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    BDD style code blocks for PHPUnit / Codeception

  • Verify Verify 142
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    BDD Assertions for PHPUnit and Codeception

Template Engine

  • dwoo dwoo 167
    updated about 5 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    [UNMAINTAINED] php template engine

  • latte latte 1,095
    updated 4 months ago Other

    ☕ Latte: the safest & truly intuitive templates for PHP. Engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites.

  • MtHaml MtHaml 363
    updated about 2 years ago Other

    Multi target HAML (HAML for PHP, Twig, <your language here>)

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A Mustache implementation in PHP.

    updated 6 months ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHP Template Attribute Language — template engine for XSS-proof well-formed XHTML and HTML5 pages

  • smarty smarty 2,236
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system

  • Twig Twig 7,952
    updated 11 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP


  • latte latte 1,095
    updated 4 months ago Other

    ☕ Latte: the safest & truly intuitive templates for PHP. Engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites.

  • MtHaml MtHaml 363
    updated about 2 years ago Other

    Multi target HAML (HAML for PHP, Twig, <your language here>)

  • updated 25 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    A simple template engine.

  • smarty smarty 2,236
    updated 2 months ago Other

    Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic.

  • Twig Twig 7,952
    updated 11 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP


  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    The most powerful and flexible mocking framework for PHPUnit / Codeception.

  • Behat Behat 3,894
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    BDD in PHP

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Full-stack testing PHP framework

  • Faker Faker 26,795
    updated 7 months ago MIT License

    Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you

  • infection infection 2,035
    updated about 2 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PHP Mutation Testing library

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Mink extension (tight integration and configuration) for Behat

  • mockery mockery 10,616
    updated 21 days ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL).

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    PhpBrowser module for Codeception

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.

  • phpspec phpspec 1,878
    updated 2 months ago Other

    SpecBDD Framework for PHP

  • phpunit phpunit 19,646
    updated about 2 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    The PHP Unit Testing framework.

  • updated almost 6 years ago Other

    Mock Object library for PHPUnit

  • prophecy prophecy 8,528
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    BDD style code blocks for PHPUnit / Codeception

Third-party APIs

  • updated 2 months ago MIT License

    ⚡️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast PHP API client to interact with Algolia.

  • updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Библиотека на PHP для работы с API amoCRM

  • updated about 5 years ago Apache License 2.0

    DEPRECATED — PHP wrapper for the Coinbase API

  • DeepLy DeepLy 203
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    PHP client for the translation API (unofficial)

  • updated about 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs

  • updated about 1 year ago Other

    PHP bindings for the Intercom API

  • updated almost 2 years ago Other

    The official PHP client library for the Mailchimp Marketing API

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    PHP library for the Stripe API.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A PHP library for communicating with the Twilio REST API and generating TwiML.

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    WooCommerce REST API PHP Library


  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    A fully RESTful server implementation for CodeIgniter using one library, one config file and one controller.

  • updated 8 months ago MIT License

    [ABANDONED] Automatic model ID obfuscation in routes for Laravel

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    💻 :octocat: A hackathon/MVP boilerplate for laravel web applications. Start your hackathons without hassle.

  • location location 1,062
    updated 4 months ago MIT License

    Detect a users location by their IP Address.

  • updated about 2 years ago

    An extremely simple example of a "real-time" self-updating page using long-polling.

    updated about 9 years ago GNU Lesser Genera...

    PHPIDS (PHP-Intrusion Detection System) is a simple to use, well structured, fast and state-of-the-art security layer for your PHP based web application

  • uri uri 1,029
    updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    [READ-ONLY] URI manipulation Library


  • getID3 getID3 1,058
    updated about 1 year ago Other
  • updated over 5 years ago Other

    Extra package extending PHP FFMpeg

View Components

  • html html 3,986
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    HTML and Form Builders for the Laravel Framework

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    Use custom HTML components in your Blade views

  • updated 12 months ago MIT License

    IDE Helper for Laravel

  • updated 7 months ago MIT License

    A toolbar for Laravel Telescope, based on the Symfony Web Profiler.

  • updated over 4 years ago MIT License

    A better way to connect data with view rendering in Laravel

  • LogViewer LogViewer 2,339
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    📃 Provides a log viewer for Laravel

View Helpers

  • html html 3,986
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    HTML and Form Builders for the Laravel Framework

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    View component from Zend Framework

Web Crawling

  • crawler crawler 2,400
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An easy to use, powerful crawler implemented in PHP. Can execute Javascript.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents

  • Goutte Goutte 9,259
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Scout Extended: The Full Power of Algolia in Laravel

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.

Web Frameworks

  • cakephp cakephp 8,677
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    CakePHP: The Rapid Development Framework for PHP - Official Repository

  • CodeIgniter CodeIgniter 18,234
    updated 12 months ago MIT License

    Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)

  • updated about 1 month ago MIT License

    Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)

  • cphalcon cphalcon 10,727
    updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension.

  • flight flight 2,548
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An extensible micro-framework for PHP

  • framework framework 30,766
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    The Laravel Framework.

  • laravel laravel 75,490
    updated 10 months ago

    Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

  • lumen lumen 7,644
    updated over 1 year ago

    The Laravel Lumen Framework.

  • symfony symfony 28,665
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    The Symfony PHP framework

  • yii2 yii2 14,127
    updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PSR-15 middleware in minutes!

Web Servers

  • http http 730
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP.

  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    An advanced async HTTP server library for PHP, perfect for real-time apps and APIs with high concurrency demands.

  • updated over 4 years ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    PSR-15 middleware in minutes!


  • phpws phpws 349
    updated over 5 years ago MIT License

    PHP Web Socket server

  • Ratchet Ratchet 6,227
    updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Asynchronous WebSocket server

  • updated 10 months ago Other

    WebSocket client and server in PHP

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    〽️ Websocket server for Symfony applications (powered by Ratchet), includes a Autobahn.JS based JavaScript client

WordPress Plugins

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    Composer package to enable a controller when using Blade with Sage 9

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    WordPress plugin to configure wp-admin and application state using a single config file.

  • models models 172
    updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    WordPress plugin to create custom post types and taxonomies using JSON, YAML or PHP files

  • sage sage 12,681
    updated 2 months ago MIT License

    WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and a modern development workflow

  • timber timber 5,518
    updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    Create WordPress themes with beautiful OOP code and the Twig Template Engine

  • updated 14 days ago

    A customizable, open-source ecommerce platform built on WordPress. Build any commerce solution you can imagine.

  • updated over 1 year ago

    [WordPress] A foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins.