Discover Russia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Russia.
YSDA course in Natural Language Processingyandexdataschool/Practical_RL
A course in reinforcement learning in the wildesokolov/ml-course-hse
Машинное обучение на ФКН ВШЭtg-bomze/Face-Depixelizer
Face Depixelizer based on "PULSE: Self-Supervised Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration of Generative Models" repository.yandexdataschool/Practical_DL
DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltechbonlime/keras-deeplab-v3-plus
Keras implementation of Deeplab v3+ with pretrained weightsGnuriaN/Python-Roadmap
Дорожная карта по изучению Pythonbayesgroup/deepbayes-2018
Seminars DeepBayes Summer School 2018hukenovs/dsp-theory
Theory of digital signal processing (DSP): signals, filtration (IIR, FIR, CIC, MAF), transforms (FFT, DFT, Hilbert, Z-transform) etc.esokolov/ml-course-msu
Lecture notes and code for Machine Learning practical course on CMC MSUbayesgroup/deepbayes-2019
Practical assignments of the Deep|Bayes summer school 2019geffy/tffm
TensorFlow implementation of an arbitrary order Factorization Machineyandex/rep
Machine Learning toolbox for Humanstg-bomze/Face-Image-Motion-Model
Face Image Motion Model (Photo-2-Video) based on "first-order-model" repository.evgps/a3c_trading
Trading with recurrent actor-critic reinforcement learningDeepSystems/supervisely-tutorials
🌈 Tutorials for Supervise.lytg-bomze/BabyGAN
StyleGAN-based predictor of children's faces from photos of theoretical parents.sozykin/dlpython_course
Примеры для курса "Программирование глубоких нейронных сетей на Python"demidovakatya/mashinnoye-obucheniye
📚 Специализация «Машинное обучение и анализ данных»bayesgroup/variational-dropout-sparsifies-dnn
Sparse Variational Dropout, ICML 2017yandexdataschool/deep_vision_and_graphics
Course about deep learning for computer vision and graphics co-developed by YSDA and Skoltech.natasha/corus
Links to Russian corpora + Python functions for loading and parsingtg-bomze/StyleGAN2-Face-Modificator
Simple Encoder, Generator and Face Modificator with StyleGAN2andriygav/MachineLearningSeminars
Семинары А.В. Грабового к лекционному курсу К.В. Воронцова.buriy/spacy-ru
Russian language models for spaCyRuslanAgishev/motion_planning
Robot path planning, mapping and exploration algorithmsBShakhovsky/PolyphonicPianoTranscription
Recurrent Neural Network for generating piano MIDI-files from audio (MP3, WAV, etc.)a-milenkin/Competitive_Data_Science
Материалы по курсу анализу данныхtyz910/hse-shad-ml
🎓 Введение в машинное обучение. Курс от ВШЭ и ШАД на coursera.orgwhitehorn/Scientific_graphics_in_python
Электронный учебник-пособие по научной графике в pythonyandexdataschool/speech_course
YSDA course in Speech Processing.Dyakonov/ml_hacks
Приёмы в машинном обученииhukenovs/coursera_ml_da_specialization
Coursera Specialization: Machine Learning and Data Analysis (Yandex & MIPT)vlarine/transformers-ru
A list of pretrained Transformer models for the Russian language.IsFilimonov/LearningPath
Learning repositoryAndrewAtanov/simclr-pytorch
PyTorch implementation of SimCLR: supports multi-GPU training and closely reproduces resultsPositiveTechnologies/seq2seq-web-attack-detection
The implementation of the Seq2Seq model for web attack detection. The Seq2Seq model is usually used in Neural Machine Translation. The main goal of this project is to demonstrate the relevance of the NLP approach for web security.GlebSBrykin/SANET
Arbitrary Style Transfer with Style-Attentional Networksrambler-digital-solutions/criteo-1tb-benchmark
Benchmark of different ML algorithms on Criteo 1TB datasettrue-grue/kispython
Курс программирования на языке Python в РТУ МИРЭАnatasha/ipymarkup
NER, syntax markup visualizationsmipt-cs/course-site-python3
Сайт курсаtkhirianov/pydatan
Python Data Analysis course materials of Timofey Khirianov (MIPT, Phystech School of Fundamental and Applied Physics).MelLain/mipt-python
Python lectures and tasks for MIPT and MSU students (in russian)Shmuma/rethinking-2ed-julia
Port of Statistical Rethinking (2nd edition) code to Juliakiselev1189/insightface-just-works
Insightface face detection and recognition model that just works out of the box.isadrtdinov/intro-to-dl-hse
Введение в глубинное обучение на ФКН ВШЭMobileTeleSystems/CoolGraph
Make GNN easy to start withyandexdataschool/YSDA_deeplearning17
Yandex SDA classes on deep learning. Version of year 2017minhdai2410/machine-learning-data-analysis-yandex-mipt-coursera
Полная специализация "Машинное обучение и анализ данных" от МФТИ и Яндекс на Courseraanamarina/RecSys_course
Course on recommender systems conducted at the Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University - Higher School of Economics. Academic year 2022-2023.DBusAI/PyTorchChallenge
10 tasks with 3 exercises each based on PyTorchtg-bomze/collection-of-notebooks
Сollection of various notebookssubpath/Keras_music_gereration
Music generation with Keras and LSTMpheepa/DCUnet
Phase-aware speech enchancement with Deep Complex U-Netlukovkin/ufcnn-keras
Implementation of UFCNN in Kerasspbu-math-cs/ml-course
Репозиторий для открытого курса «Промышленная эксплуатация моделей машинного обучения»hukenovs/hh_research
Автоматизация поиска и исследования вакансий с сайта (Headhunter) с помощью методов Python. Классификация данных, поиск статистических параметров.tg-bomze/Style-Transfer-Collection
Colabs Collection of style transfer in photo and videoElenaRyumina/EMO-AffectNetModel
Dynamic and static models for real-time facial emotion recognitionBeloborodovDS/MobilenetSSDFace
Caffe implementation of Mobilenet-SSD face detector (NCS compatible)sberbank-ai/ru-clip
CLIP implementation for Russian languageoseledets/nla2020
Github repository for NLA2020 course7bits/ml-courses-7bits
Materials for the course of machine learning at Imperial College organized by Yandex SDAnasoboleva/EEG-Emotion-Recognition
EEG data processing and it's convolution using AutoEncoder + CNN + RNNbayesgroup/
Memory efficient MAML using gradient checkpointingDyakonov/python_hacks
Приёмы при написании python-программgaphex/bert_experimental
code and supplementary materials for a series of Medium articles about the BERT modelNikolasEnt/Road-Semantic-Segmentation
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. Project: Road Semantic Segmentationyandexdataschool/mlhep2016
Machine Learning in High Energy Physics 2016kepatopoc/vkapi-course
Курс по Python по работе с VK APIesokolov/ml-minor-hse
RL experimentsNikolasEnt/Lyft-Perception-Challenge
The 4th place and the fastest solution of the Lyft Perception Challenge (Image semantic segmentation with PyTorch)artemsteshenko/parser_maps
Parsing Yandex Maps with selenium and analysis organization site typessismetanin/word2vec-tsne
Google News and Leo Tolstoy: Visualizing Word2Vec Word Embeddings using t-SNE.mlss-skoltech/tutorials
repository with the tutorials for MLSS SkoltechLasttrader/awesome_data_science_2021
notebooks examples from my data science coursebayesgroup/deepbayes2017
Video Scene Detection Based on the Optimal Sequential Grouping algorithmtg-bomze/ENTAR
Ensemble of Neural Tools for Animations Restorationsmirnovevgeny/AlfaBattle2.0
Spectral Neural OperatorArkady-A/Exploring-Machine-Learning
Machine learning algorithms implementation in python with references, and with sketchy
Old materials of ML course at MIPT 20..-2018MobileRoboticsSkoltech/Perception-in-Robotics-course-T3-2021-Skoltech
Percepion in Robotics, T3 course 2020-2021 from the Data Science Program at SkoltechNikolasEnt/Vehicle-Detection-and-Tracking
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. Project: Vehicle Detection and Trackingale3otik/paraphrases-generator
Paraphrases generator based on RAVE.mlss-skoltech/tutorials_week2
tutorials for MLSS 2019 Skoltechromvano/dc-web-developer-2022
Репозиторий курса Веб-разработчик Цифровой кафедры МГТУ им. Баумана 2022-2023sismetanin/sentiment-analysis-of-tweets-in-russian
Sentiment analysis of tweets in Russian using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with Word2Vec embeddings.sovse/Rus-SpeechRecognition-LSTM-CTC-VoxForge
Распознавание речи русского языка используя Tensorflow, обучаясь на базе Voxforgeyandexdataschool/sklearn-deeprl
Deep reinforcement learning. In scikit-learn. In less than 50 effective lines.RuslanAgishev/adaptive_swarm
Multiple robots layered path planning algorithm implemented as a ROS node to control a swarm of nano quadrotors, Crazyflies 2.X, with real-time obstacle avoidance.NikolasEnt/Advanced-Lane-Lines
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. Project: Advanced Lane Findingkiselev1189/EEGClassificationMCNN
Solution for EEG Classification via Multiscale Convolutional Net coded for NeuroHack at
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