Awesome Lua

Analysis Tools and ASTs

  • updated over 8 years ago Other

    Lua code analysis, with plugins for HTML and SciTE

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A Lua 5.3 parser written with LPegLabel

  • luacheck luacheck 1,891
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    LuaCov reporter for service

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Lua Decompiler for Lua version 5.1

  • updated about 12 years ago

    A Lua REPL with global name tab-completion and a shell sub-mode

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Lua source code minifier.

  • updated 6 months ago

    The metalua programming language

  • updated over 4 years ago

    An Optional Type System for Lua

Artificial Intelligence

  • char-rnn char-rnn 11,228
    updated 9 months ago

    Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch

  • CycleGAN CycleGAN 12,184
    updated 11 months ago Other

    Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.

  • deepmask deepmask 3,113
    updated over 5 years ago Other

    Torch implementation of DeepMask and SharpMask

  • DenseNet DenseNet 4,611
    updated over 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award).

  • updated over 6 years ago MIT License

    Torch implementation of neural style algorithm

  • openface openface 15,040
    updated 9 months ago Apache License 2.0

    Face recognition with deep neural networks.

  • ResNeXt ResNeXt 1,863
    updated about 1 year ago Other

    Implementation of a classification framework from the paper Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks


  • luvit luvit 3,785
    updated 16 days ago Apache License 2.0

    Lua + libUV + jIT = pure awesomesauce

Build Tools and Standalone Makers

  • updated over 8 years ago

    LuaDoc is obsolete, use LDoc instead โ†’

  • updated over 3 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Version control for various luakit plugins.

  • updated about 1 year ago

    ๐ŸŒ™ A language that compiles to Lua

  • xmake xmake 9,476
    updated 27 days ago Apache License 2.0

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ A cross-platform build utility based on Lua


  • apisix apisix 11,031
    updated over 1 year ago Apache License 2.0

    The Cloud-Native API Gateway

  • kong kong 38,066
    updated about 2 months ago Apache License 2.0

    ๐Ÿฆ The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway.

Command-line Utilities

  • fzf-lua fzf-lua 1,885
    updated about 1 month ago GNU Affero Genera...

    Improved fzf.vim written in lua

Concurrency and Multithreading

  • updated over 9 years ago MIT License

    Concurrency oriented programming in Lua

  • lanes lanes 409
    updated 11 months ago Other

    Lanes is a lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library for Lua 5.1 to 5.4.

  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    Low-Level threads(pthreads or WIN32 threads) for Lua.

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    `llthreads` library rewritten without `LuaNativeObjects` code generator

  • updated almost 7 years ago Other

    luaproc is a concurrent programming library for Lua


  • updated 6 months ago MIT License

    A collection of cryptographic primitives written in pure Lua

  • updated about 5 years ago MIT License

    Fork of LuaCrypto, which enables encryption and decryption through OpenSSL

  • updated 11 months ago Other

    Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe.

  • updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    Lua wrapper arount the Tweet NaCl cryptographic library

  • plc plc 164
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Pure Lua Crypto

Data Stores

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    A redis client for lua

  • updated about 7 years ago MIT License

    Pure Lua Cassandra client using CQL binary protocol

  • luasql luasql 528
    updated 6 months ago

    LuaSQL is a simple interface from Lua to a DBMS.

  • pgmoon pgmoon 381
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    A pure Lua Postgres driver for use in OpenResty & more

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    A Lua client library for the redis key value storage system.

Debugging and Profiling

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    A browser-based debug console for Lร–VE

  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    A tool for tracing Lua script execution and analysing time profiles and coverage

  • updated 9 months ago Other

    Remote debugger for Lua.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    StackTracePlus provides enhanced stack traces for Lua.


  • updated over 8 years ago MIT License

    Lua comments go in, documentation comes out.

  • ldoc ldoc 755
    updated 4 months ago Other

    LDoc is a LuaDoc-compatible documentation generator which can also process C extension source. Markdown may be optionally used to render comments, as well as integrated readme documentation and pretty-printed example files.

  • updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    An implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup system in pure Lua.

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Windows API Lua+ffi binding


  • koreader koreader 15,567
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices


  • dynasm dynasm 104
    updated over 4 years ago

    DynASM with Lua mode

File System and OS

  • updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    File system path manipulation library

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Lua bindings for POSIX APIs

Foreign Function Interfaces

  • lua-pb lua-pb 288
    updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    Lua Protocol Buffers

Game Development

  • updated 3 months ago Creative Commons ...

    A curated list of amazingly awesome Lร–VE libraries, resources and shiny things.

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    A collision detection library for Lua

  • easing easing 155
    updated over 6 years ago Other

    Easing functions implemented in lua (Functions from )

  • flux flux 366
    updated over 3 years ago MIT License

    A fast, lightweight tweening library for Lua

  • updated 7 months ago

    Digital Estate Planning: The Game

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Human-readable representation of Lua tables

  • Jumper Jumper 590
    updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Fast, lightweight and easy-to-use pathfinding library for grid-based games

  • lume lume 945
    updated 8 months ago MIT License

    Lua functions geared towards gamedev

  • lurker lurker 268
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Auto-swaps changed Lua files in a running Lร–VE project

  • mari0 mari0 591
    updated 11 months ago

    Mario + Portal platformer

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Object-orientation for Lua

  • updated 11 days ago

    ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”ฅ Network multiplayer and messaging for CoronaSDK, Moai, Gideros, Lร–VE & Defold

  • pacpac pacpac 342
    updated about 9 years ago

    A lua-based Pac-Man clone.

  • updated almost 7 years ago MIT License

    Stateful classes for Lua

  • updated over 4 years ago The Unlicense

    A text-based game inspired by tetris.

  • updated over 1 year ago Other

    Tweening/Easing/Interpolating functions for lua. Inspired on jQuery's animate method.

Game Engines

  • anim8 anim8 683
    updated over 2 years ago MIT License

    An animation library for Lร–VE

  • easing easing 155
    updated over 6 years ago Other

    Easing functions implemented in lua (Functions from )

  • gamera gamera 241
    updated almost 3 years ago MIT License

    A camera system for Lร–VE

  • hump hump 1,020
    updated over 1 year ago

    Lร–VE Helper Utilities for Massive Progression

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Human-readable representation of Lua tables

  • knife knife 425
    updated almost 6 years ago MIT License

    A collection of useful micro-modules for Lua.

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Object-orientation for Lua

Hardware and Embedded Systems

  • updated 9 months ago MIT License

    `llthreads` library rewritten without `LuaNativeObjects` code generator

  • lzmq lzmq 133
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    Lua binding to ZeroMQ

IDEs and Plugins

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua

  • updated over 1 year ago

    An extended Lua macro preprocessor

  • updated almost 2 years ago MIT License

    Release lua-language-server for VSCode

Image Manipulation

  • CycleGAN CycleGAN 12,184
    updated 11 months ago Other

    Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.

  • magick magick 389
    updated 6 months ago

    Lua bindings to ImageMagick for LuaJIT using FFI

  • pix2pix pix2pix 9,973
    updated about 3 years ago Other

    Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets

  • waifu2x waifu2x 27,192
    updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art

Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings

  • luakit luakit 1,971
    updated 4 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua.

  • luarocks luarocks 3,159
    updated 27 days ago MIT License

    LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language.

  • updated about 1 year ago

    ๐ŸŒ™ A language that compiles to Lua

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Windows API Lua+ffi binding


  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    A very complete i18n lib for Lua

  • Ser Ser 74
    updated about 8 years ago MIT License

    A fast, robust, richly-featured table serialisation library for Lua

  • updated about 2 years ago Other

    Lua serializer and pretty printer.


  • updated almost 6 years ago MIT License

    Asynchronous logging library for Lua

  • updated about 3 years ago MIT License

    New maintainer at:

Message Brokers

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server.

  • updated 9 months ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API

  • updated about 4 years ago

    Opinionated Lua RabbitMQ client library for the ngx_lua apps based on the cosocket API

  • lzmq lzmq 133
    updated about 4 years ago MIT License

    Lua binding to ZeroMQ


  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Terminal operations for Lua


  • ntopng ntopng 5,665
    updated 8 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring


  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Lua binding to libcurl

  • updated 8 months ago

    DNS resolver for the nginx lua module

  • updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Websockets for Lua.


  • updated 11 months ago

    A generic consistent hash implementation for OpenResty/Lua

  • updated about 2 months ago

    New FFI-based API for lua-nginx-module

  • updated 8 months ago

    Lua library for limiting and controlling traffic in OpenResty/ngx_lua

  • updated 8 months ago

    Simple nonblocking lock API for ngx_lua based on shared memory dictionaries

  • updated 4 months ago

    Lua-land LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI

  • updated 8 months ago

    Lua memcached client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API

  • updated 7 months ago

    Nonblocking Lua MySQL driver library for ngx_lua or OpenResty

  • updated 3 months ago

    Lua redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API

  • updated 6 months ago

    String utilities and common hash functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT

  • updated 8 months ago

    Streaming reader and parser for http file uploading based on ngx_lua cosocket

  • updated 7 months ago

    Health Checker for Nginx Upstream Servers in Pure Lua

  • updated about 2 months ago

    WebSocket support for the ngx_lua module (and OpenResty)

Package Managers

  • luakit luakit 1,971
    updated 4 months ago GNU General Publi...

    Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua.

  • luarocks luarocks 3,159
    updated 27 days ago MIT License

    LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language.

  • updated almost 9 years ago

    command line tool for working with

Parsing and Serialization

  • json.lua json.lua 1,734
    updated 8 months ago MIT License

    A lightweight JSON library for Lua

  • updated about 2 years ago MIT License

    A collection of LPEG patterns

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    An extension of LPeg that supports labeled failures

  • LPegLJ LPegLJ 107
    updated about 2 years ago Other

    LPeg version 1.0 Parser in pure LuaJIT

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Lua CJSON is a fast JSON encoding/parsing module for Lua

  • updated over 2 years ago

    A self contained Lua MessagePack C implementation.

  • updated over 1 year ago

    Lexing & Syntax Highlighting in Lua (using LPeg)

  • lua-pb lua-pb 288
    updated about 6 years ago MIT License

    Lua Protocol Buffers

  • updated 10 months ago Other

    JSON parser/encoder for Lua Parses JSON using LPEG for speed and flexibility. Depending on parser/encoder options, various values are preserved as best as possible.

  • LuLPeg LuLPeg 233
    updated over 2 years ago Other

    A port of LPeg 100% written in Lua.

  • updated 3 months ago MIT License

    Lua library for conversion between markup formats

  • lyaml lyaml 201
    updated over 1 year ago Other

    LibYAML binding for Lua.

    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    SAX-like streaming XML parser for Lua

Scriptable by Lua

  • dynasm dynasm 104
    updated over 4 years ago

    DynASM with Lua mode

  • koreader koreader 15,567
    updated about 2 months ago GNU Affero Genera...

    An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices

  • kpie kpie 79
    updated over 3 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Simple devilspie-like program for window manipulation, with Lua.


  • luasql luasql 528
    updated 6 months ago

    LuaSQL is a simple interface from Lua to a DBMS.


  • etlua etlua 208
    updated 10 months ago

    Embedded Lua templates

  • updated about 1 year ago BSD 3-Clause "New...

    Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty.


  • lust lust 105
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Lightweight Lua test framework

  • updated almost 7 years ago

    A highly customizable test library for Lua that allows declarative tests with nested contexts.

Text Editors

  • AstroNvim AstroNvim 10,708
    updated 8 months ago GNU General Publi...

    AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins

  • lazy.nvim lazy.nvim 13,198
    updated 8 days ago Apache License 2.0

    ๐Ÿ’ค A modern plugin manager for Neovim

  • lite lite 7,287
    updated 10 months ago MIT License

    A lightweight text editor written in Lua

  • LunarVim LunarVim 17,775
    updated 23 days ago GNU General Publi...

    ๐ŸŒ™ LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.

  • NvChad NvChad 23,814
    updated 5 days ago GNU General Publi...

    Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.

  • SpaceVim SpaceVim 20,145
    updated about 2 months ago

    A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc

  • updated 10 months ago MIT License

    Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.

Time and Date

  • date date 253
    updated 11 months ago MIT License

    Date & Time module for Lua 5.x

  • luafun luafun 2,037
    updated 9 months ago Other

    Lua Fun is a high-performance functional programming library for Lua designed with LuaJIT's trace compiler in mind.

Utility Belts

  • updated over 3 years ago GNU General Publi...

    Version control for various luakit plugins.

Web/Networking Platforms

  • updated 11 months ago MIT License

    HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server.

  • updated 11 months ago

    A generic consistent hash implementation for OpenResty/Lua

  • updated about 2 months ago

    New FFI-based API for lua-nginx-module

  • updated 8 months ago

    Lua library for limiting and controlling traffic in OpenResty/ngx_lua

  • updated 8 months ago

    Simple nonblocking lock API for ngx_lua based on shared memory dictionaries

  • updated 4 months ago

    Lua-land LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI

  • updated 8 months ago

    Lua memcached client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API

  • updated over 5 years ago

    Powerful memcached client with a shdict caching layer and many other features

  • updated 7 months ago

    Nonblocking Lua MySQL driver library for ngx_lua or OpenResty

  • updated 3 months ago

    Lua redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API

  • updated 6 months ago

    String utilities and common hash functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT

  • updated 8 months ago

    Streaming reader and parser for http file uploading based on ngx_lua cosocket

  • updated 7 months ago

    Health Checker for Nginx Upstream Servers in Pure Lua

  • updated about 2 months ago

    WebSocket support for the ngx_lua module (and OpenResty)

  • updated about 2 months ago MIT License

    ๐Ÿš€ Pegasus.lua is an http server to work with web applications written in Lua language.

Window Manager

  • awesome awesome 6,250
    updated 10 days ago GNU General Publi...

    awesome window manager