Discover Italy's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Italy.
HDR Toolbox for processing High Dynamic Range (HDR) images into MATLAB and OctaveTommasoBelluzzo/SystemicRisk
A framework for systemic risk valuation and analysis.robotology/whole-body-controllers
Simulink-based whole body controllers for humanoid robots.robical/StatisticalSignalProcessing
Matlab code implementing different methods used in statistical signal processing; mainly Extended Kalman Filters, LMS/RLS, Wiener, robust regression, MMSE estimators, ML estimators, Hi-Frequency estimators (Pisarenko, MUSIC, ESPRIT)acuoci/CFDofReactiveFlows
Collection of codes in Matlab(R) and C++ for solving basic problems presented and discussed in the "Computational Fluid Dynamics of Reactive Flows" course (Politecnico di Milano)steliostsiaras/Financial-Frictions-Course
This is a PhD course on financial frictions in macroeconomic models. This repository includes all the materials taught and is constantly updatedariannagavioli/Motion-Planning-for-KUKA-LBR
🤖 A motion planning MATLAB & V-rep implementation for the KUKA LBR iiwa robotic arm, performing null-space reconfiguration for obstacle avoidance.iralabdisco/pso-clustering
PSO-Clustering algorithm [Matlab code]CarmenDAndrea/mmWave_Channel_Model
Collection of Matlab codes to solve typical CRE (Chemical Reaction Engineering) problemsmlpi-unipi/drones-swarm
Adaptive exploration of a UAVs swarm for distributed targets detection and trackingglisanti/CLEAR-MOT
A standard metric for evaluating the multiple target tracking algorithm is the CLEAR MOT.EmaroLab/PDT
Detection and Tracking of Pallets using a Faster R-CNN based on a 2D LRFAngeloUNIMI/PalmNet
Source code for the 2019 IEEE TIFS paper "PalmNet: Gabor-PCA Convolutional Networks for Touchless Palmprint Recognition"GiovanniBordiga/TOP-OPT-Plates
MATLAB Code for Topology Optimization of Platesxwasco/DominantSetLibrary
A Matlab library for the Dominant Set clusteringfrancescosolera/group-detection
Structured learning for social group detection in crowdsmxgiuliani00/M3O-Multi-Objective-Optimal-Operations
M3O is a Matlab toolbox for designing the optimal operations of multipurpose water reservoir systemsMarcoTodescato/Efficient-GP-Regression-via-Kalman-Filtering
Code to implement efficient spatio-temporal Gaussian Process regression via iterative Kalman Filtering. KF is used to resolve the temporal part of the space-time process while, standard GP regression is used for the spatial parterodola/DLAI-s2-2020
Teaching material for the course of Deep Learning and Applied AI, 2nd semester 2020, Sapienza University of Romeeruffaldi/imu_comparison_data
Data and Code of the paper Survey of Motion Tracking Methods Based on Inertial Sensors: A Focus on Upper Limb Human Motionsimoneparisotto/TDV-for-image-denoising
This is a companion software for the submission: "Higher-Order Total Directional Variation: Imaging Applications" by Simone Parisotto , Jan Lellmann, Simon Masnou, and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb. SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 13(4), 2063–2104. (42 pages)simoneparisotto/MATLAB-Python-inpainting-codes
This is the companion software for the book "Partial Differential Equation Methods for Image Inpainting" (C.-B. Schönlieb, Cambridge University Press, 2015)icub-tech-iit/ventilator-FI5
FI5: Rapidly Manufactured Ventilator Systemeruffaldi/ukfmanifold
UKF over generalized manifold in Matlabami-iit/matlab-whole-body-simulator
A robot simulator running on simulinkrobotology/urdf2casadi-matlab
Matlab MOtion data elaboration TOolbox for NeuroMusculoSkeletal applicationsTommasoBelluzzo/HistoricalVolatility
A framework for historical volatility estimation and analysis.baggiogi/data_driven_control
MATLAB library of DSP functions for optical communicationsglisanti/MCK-CCA
Multi Channel-Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-View Person Re-IdentificationCarloNicolini/communityalg
Algorithms and functions in Matlab for community detection in networks. Expands BrainConnectivity toolboxglisanti/KCCAReId
Matching People across Camera Views using Kernel Canonical Correlation AnalysisAngeloUNIMI/PalmSeg
Source code for palmprint segmentation and ROI extraction used in the IEEE TIFS 2019 and IEEE CIVEMSA 2019 papersstpica/EC702-Fall-TA
This repository contains the material I use to teach the TA sections for the first-year PhD Macroeconomics course at Boston University (EC702).ispamm/Lynx-Toolbox
Lynx Matlab ToolboxIRMA-LAB/cdpr_matlab
A Matlab library for cable driven parallel robots.RehabEngGroup/BOPS
Batch OpenSim Processing Scriptsstefanonardo/echo-state-network
Matlab implementation of Echo State Network (reservoir computing)Nicola-Fonzi/aDMDc
Algebraic Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Model Predictive Controlsiddharthdeore/BLDCMotor
Electric motor, commutation playground for three phase PMSM / BLDC motorGiulioRusso/5G-power-optimization
Super-resolution is a technique that constructs an high-resolution image from several observed low-resolution images.andreagalle/labcalaero-20
Computational Aerodynamics Labacuoci/ATP
Advanced Transport Phenomena course at Politecnico di Milanocarlosbeltran/EyeLib
The EYELib: A matlab-python library for Single View Metrology and auto-calibration algorithms and methodsAngeloUNIMI/FusionNet
Source code for the 2019 IEEE CIVEMSA paper "Touchless palmprint and finger texture recognition: A Deep Learning fusion approach"TommasoBelluzzo/BaselTools
A framework for estimating Basel IV capital requirements.valeriobasile/listnet
Implementation of the listwise Learning to Rank algorithm described in the paper by Zhe Cao, Tao Qin, Tie-Yan Liu, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Hang Li "Learning to rank: from pairwise approach to listwise approach"MatteoIorio11/MetodiNumerici
Semplicemente la migliore Repo del mondorobical/BlindSourceSeparation
Matlab implementation of a blind acoustic source separation method, based on a binary mask approach in the time-frequency domain.danro9685/CIMLR
Implementations in both Matlab and R of the CIMLR method. The manuscript of the method is available at:
Implementation of the Robust Real-Time Face Detection of Paul Viola and Michael J. Jones, in MATLABmokeam/Admittance-Control-Human-Quadcopter
Admittance Control strategy for the interaction between a Human and a Quadcopter.orcioni/Volterra2.0
Multiple-variance Volterra series Identification ToolTommasoBelluzzo/HFMRD
A framework for detecting misreported returns in hedge funds.dciliberti/experimentalAirfoilDatabase
Get airfoil characteristics from an experimental database.nellocarotenuto/Game-Theorethic-User-Association-in-Emergency-Networks
A simulator for User Equipment association in UAV-empowered Emergency Networks based on Game Theory and developed in the context of Computer Science master's degree thesis at the University of Salerno.TheZino/PlanckianJitter
Planckian Jitter data augmentation procedure from "Planckian jitter: enhancing the color quality of self-supervised visual representations".FlavioLorenzi/A-Visual-Servoing-Controller-for-Surgical-Anthropomorphic-Robot
"Da Vinci" robot programming in VREP environment: direct and inverse kinematicsami-iit/paper_ramadoss_2021_icra_proprioceptive-base-estimator
[ICRA 2021] DILIGENT-KIO IEEE Xplore: arXiv:
GNSS_MATLAB_RX modificationsandreaalessandretti/DistributedFormationKeeping
A virtual vehicle approach to distributed control for formation keeping of underactuated vehiclesandreaalessandretti/VirtualArena
VirtualArena is an Object-Oriented Matlab Toolkit for Control Design and System Simulation.gsiano96/EnergyManagementSystem
Energy Management System for photovoltaic field with both storage and the connection to eletricity gridnicolamassarenti/robust-control
Contains an analysis of the problem of the inverted pendulum on a cart and three controllers for polytopic uncertainties, norm bounded control and polytopic uncertainties via LMI.AngeloUNIMI/Demo_FusionNet
Demonstration of FusionNet for touchless palmprint and finger texture recognition. Based on the source code for the 2019 IEEE CIVEMSA paper "Touchless palmprint and finger texture recognition: A Deep Learning fusion approach"ami-iit/mvnx-to-urdf
Repository for creating URDF models for human subjectsgsilano/MAT-Fly
MAT-Fly provides an easy to use 3D simulation scenario based on MATLAB and the MathWorks Virtual Reality (VR) toolbox that work together to simulate the behavior of a drone in a 3D environment while tracking a car that moves along a non trivial path.simoneparisotto/TDV-for-video-denoising
This is the companion software for the paper "Total Directional Variation for video denoising".ami-iit/paper_nava_2023_icra_fault-control-ironcub
Repository associated with the paper "Failure Detection and Fault Tolerant Control of a Jet-Powered Flying Humanoid Robot", published in IEEE ICRA 2023.mgiurato/Attitude_Estimation
Attitude estimation using madgwick filteremanueleg/lora-rssi
Experimental dataset of LoRa RSSI measurements collected indoor & outdoormarco-milanesi/PID-PIDA-GAtuning
Implementation of a genetic algorithm to determine the parameters of the PID, PI-D, I-PD and PIDA controllers in order to compensate various benchmark processes, which are representative of many industrial applications. In particular, by considering separately a set-point and a load disturbance rejection unit step response the IAE is minimized by constraining the maximum sensitivity.gerardjoreilly/OpenSees-Model-Plotter-Matlab
A simple Matlab-based plotter for models developed in OpenSeestrujilloRJ/WRadarSP
This repository contains some functions to simulate and processing weather radar signal. It's focused on ground clutter cancellation. Advices and recommendations are welcomeAcicone/ALIF
Adaptive Local Iterative FilteringiN1k1/DCIA_Person_Re-Identification_Reranking
Discriminant Context Information Analysis for Post-Ranking Person Re-Identificationgcappon/replay-bg
ReplayBG is a digital twin-based methodology to assess new strategies for type 1 diabetes management.ami-iit/paper_ramadoss-2022-iros-humanoid-base-estimation
[IROS 2022] EKF Comparison - Humanoid Base Estimators; IEEE Xplore:
Variational Osmosis for Non-Linear Image Fusionispamm/SAF-Toolbox
A MATLAB implementation of the basic functions of the novel nonlinear Spline Adaptive Filter (SAF)simoneparisotto/anisotropic-osmosis-filter
This is the companion software for the paper "Anisotropic osmosis filtering for shadow removal in images".gcappon/agata
AGATA (Automated Glucose dATa Analysis) is a MATLAB® toolbox to analyse glucose data.alcor-lab/confidence-fusion
Confidence driven image fusion based on TGV regularizationStayErk/FDIA_SCM4CPS
A Matlab and Simulink simulation of a False Data Injection against KF State Estimationmarcocastellaro/dsc-mri-toolbox
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI toolbox - AIF selection, deconvolution and leakage correctionicub-tech-iit/training-matlab-bldc-controller
Training on how to design and simulate a BLDC controllerdiBernardoGroup/SwarmSimPublic
Simulate swarms of mobile agents in 2D and 3D.fusiello/Computer_Vision_Toolkit
Andrea Fusiello's computer vision Matlab functionsicub-tech-iit/training-simscape-4bars
Contains material for a lean Simscape course in which you can learn to control a four-bar linkage with a DC motor.LucaAngioloni/LMMSE-Wavelet
Speckle removal with Bayesian LMMSE estimation of Wavelet Transform coefficientsandreamanzini/acustic_OFDM
This project uses the speaker and the microphone of the computer to realize a complete acoustic OFDM communication system in the MATLAB environment. The system includes phase estimation, channel equalization, bits encoding and cyclic prefix. The main script transmits an example image and shows the received one. Some plots are automatically generated to evaluate the system performances.MarcoTodescato/Multi-Agent-Adaptive-Estimation-and-Coverage-Control-using-Gaussian-Regression
Image Features and Matching - SIFT and SURFmatthias-scholz/nonlinear-pca
Nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) based on auto-associative neural networks (autoencoder).mshojafar/sourcecodes
Programming source codes of M. Shojafar (papers, reports, patents)mhamilt/CoupledFDPlateAndString
Finite difference modelling of Kirchhoff thin plate coupled with stiff string(s)Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us