What is this?
A deduplicated file system that can store data in object storage or block storage.
System Requirements
1. x64 Linux Distribution. The application was tested and developed on ubuntu 18.04
2. At least 8 GB of RAM
3. Minimum of 2 cores
4. Minimum of 16GB or Storage
Optional Packages
* Docker
Ubuntu/Debian (Ubuntu 14.04+)
Step 1: Download the latest sdfs version
Step 2: Install sdfs and dependencies
sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2 ssh openssh-server jsvc libxml2-utils
sudo dpkg -i sdfs-latest.deb
Step 3: Change the maximum number of open files allowed
echo "* hard nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "* soft nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
Step 5: Log Out and Proceed to Initialization Instructions
CentOS/RedHat (Centos 7.0+)
Step 1: Download the latest sdfs version
Step 2: Install sdfs and dependencies
yum install jsvc libxml2 java-1.8.0-openjdk
rpm -iv --force sdfs-latest.rpm
Step 3: Change the maximum number of open files allowed
echo "* hardnofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "* soft nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
Step 5: Log Out and Proceed to Initialization Instructions
Step 6: Disable the IPTables firewall
service iptables save
service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off
Step 7: Log Out and Proceed to Initialization Instructions
Docker Usage
Step 1:
docker pull
Step 2:
docker run --name=sdfs1 -p -d
Step 3:
sudo mv mount.sdfs-master /usr/sbin/mount.sdfs
sudo chmod 777 /usr/sbin/mount.sdfs
sudo mkdir /media/sdfs
Step 4:
sudo ./mount.sdfs -d sdfs://localhost:6442 /mnt
Docker Parameters:
Envronmental Variable | Description | Default |
CAPACITY | The Maximum Phyiscal Capacity of the volume. This is Specified in GB or TB | 100GB |
TYPE | The type of backend storage. This can be specified as AZURE, GOOGLE, AWS, BACKBLAZE. If none is specified local storage is used. | local storage |
URL | The url of for the oject storage used | None |
BACKUP_VOLUME | If set to true, the sdfs volume will be setup for deduping archive data better and faster. If not set it will default to better read/write access for random IO | false |
GCS_CREDS_FILE | The location of a GCS creds file for authicating to Google cloud storage and GCP Pubsub. Will be required for Google Cloud Storage and GCP Pubsub access. | None |
ACCESS_KEY | S3 or Azure Access Key | None |
SECRET_KEY | The S3 or Azure Secret Key used to Access object storage | None |
AWS_AIM | If set to true AWS AIM will be used for access | false |
PUBSUB_PROJECT | The project where the pubsub notification should be setup for file changes and replication | None |
PUBSUB_CREDS_FILE | The credentials file used for pubsub creation and access with GCP. If not set GCS_CREDS_FILE will be used. | None |
DISABLE_TLS | Disable TLS for api access is set to true | false |
REQUIRE_AUTH | Whether to require authication for access to the sdfs APIs | false |
PASSWORD | The password to use when creating the volume | admin |
EXTENDED_CMD | Any addition command parameters to run during creation | None |
Docker run examples
Optimize usage running using local storage:
sudo mkdir /opt/sdfs1
sudo docker run --name=sdfs1 --env CAPACITY=1TB --volume /home/A_USER/sdfs1:/opt/sdfs -p -d
Optimize usage running using Google Cloud Storage:
sudo mkdir /opt/sdfs1
sudo docker run --name=sdfs1 --env BUCKET_NAME=ABUCKETNAME --env TYPE=GOOGLE --env=GCS_CREDS_FILE=/keys/service_account_key.json --env=PUBSUB_PROJECT=A_GCP_PROJECT --env CAPACITY=1TB --volume=/home/A_USER/keys:/keys --volume /home/A_USER/sdfs1:/opt/sdfs -p -d
Build Instructions
Linux Version Must be build from a Linux System and Windows must be build from a Windows System
Linux build Requirements:
1. Docker
2. git
Docker Build Steps
git clone
cd sdfs
git fetch
git checkout -b master origin/master
#Build image with packages
docker build -t sdfs-package:latest --target build -f Dockerbuild.localbuild .
mkdir pkgs
#Extract Package
docker run --rm sdfs-package:latest | tar --extract --verbose -C pkgs/
#Build docker sdfs container
docker build -t sdfs:latest -f Dockerbuild.localbuild .
Initialization Instructions for Standalone Volumes
Step 1: Log into the linux system as root or use sudo
Step 2: Create the SDFS Volume. This will create a volume with 256 GB of capacity using a Variable block size.
**Local Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=256GB
**AWS Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --aws-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name>
**Azure Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --azure-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name>
**Google Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --google-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name>
Step 3: Create a mount point on the filesystem for the volume
sudo mkdir /media/pool0
Step 4: Mount the Volume
sudo mount -t sdfs pool0 /media/pool0/
Set 5: Add the filesystem to fstab
pool0 /media/pool0 sdfs defaults 0 0
Troubleshooting and other Notes
Running on a Multi-Node clusting on KVM guest.
By default KVM networking does not seem to allow guest to communicate over multicast. It also doesn't seem to work when bridging from a nic. From my reseach it looks like you have to setup a routed network from a KVM host and have all the guests on that shared network. In addition, you will want to enable multicast on the virtual nic that is shared by those guest. Here is is the udev code to make this happen. A reference to this issue is found here.
# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/61-virbr-querier.rules
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", RUN+="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/vnet_querier_enable"
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/vnet_querier_enable
if [[ $INTERFACE == virbr* ]]; then
/bin/echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/$INTERFACE/bridge/multicast_querier
Testing multicast support on nodes in the cluster
The jgroups protocol includes a nice tool to verify multicast is working on all nodes. Its an echo tool and sends messages from a sender to a reciever
On the receiver run
java -cp /usr/share/sdfs/lib/jgroups-3.4.1.Final.jar org.jgroups.tests.McastReceiverTest -mcast_addr -port 45566
On the sender run
java -cp /usr/share/sdfs/lib/jgroups-3.4.1.Final.jar org.jgroups.tests.McastSenderTest -mcast_addr -port 45566
Once you have both sides running type a message on the sender and you should see it on the receiver after you press enter. You may also want to switch rolls to make sure multicast works both directions.
take a look at for more detail.
Further reading:
Take a look at the administration guide for more detail.
Ask for Help
If you still need help check out the message board here!forum/dedupfilesystem-sdfs-user-discuss