Discover India's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of India.
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.loveBabbar/CodeHelp-DSA-Busted-Series
This repo is creating providing students easy access to all the programs taught under Codehelp's DSA Busted Series.jainaman224/Algo_Ds_Notes
A comprehensive resource for learning and implementing algorithms and data structures. This repository includes detailed notes, complexity analysis, and code examples in C++, Java, Python, and more. Ideal for students, professionals, and those preparing for coding interviews.plibither8/2048.cpp
🎮 Fully featured terminal version of the game "2048" written in C++prabhuomkar/pytorch-cpp
C++ Implementation of PyTorch Tutorials for Everyonesachuverma/DataStructures-Algorithms
This repo contains links of resources, theory subjects content and DSA questions & their solution for interview preparation from different websites like geeksforgeeks, leetcode, etc.keshavbhatt/whatsie
Feature rich WhatsApp Client for Desktop Linuxagauniyal/rang
A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies 💄✨Bhupesh-V/30-seconds-of-cpp
30 Seconds of C++ (STL in C++). Read More about 30C++ here 👉Ashishgup1/Competitive-Coding
📌 📚 Solution of competitive programming problems, code templates, Data Structures and Algorithms, hackathons, interviews and much more.smv1999/CompetitiveProgrammingQuestionBank
This repository contains all the popular Competitive Programming and DSA questions with solutions for your Coding Interview Preparation.jhansireddy/AndroidScannerDemo
ScanLibrary is an android document scanning library built on top of OpenCV, using the app you will be able to select the exact edges and crop the document accordingly from the selected 4 edges and change the perspective transformation of the cropped image.FazeelUsmani/Amazon-SDE-Preparation
This repository includes all the interview preparation questions for Amazon SDE roletanyarajhans/LeetCode
Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview!the-hyp0cr1t3/CC
Everything competitive programming related - introductory guide, topics/concepts, practice problems, snippets & templates, tips & tricks and more.HarshCasper/NeoAlgo
Bringing all Data Structures and Algorithms under one Roof ⚡Priyansh19077/CP-Templates
Here are my template codes for Competitive Programming with optimised implementations of various algorithms. I personally use them every day and have tested almost all of them in multiple competitive programming contests and practice problemscodedecks-in/LeetCode-Solutions
This repository consists of solutions to the problem from LeetCode platform. Subscribe to our Channel for more updatesStream-AD/MIDAS
Anomaly Detection on Dynamic (time-evolving) Graphs in Real-time and Streaming manner. Detecting intrusions (DoS and DDoS attacks), frauds, fake rating anomalies.VAR-solutions/Algorithms
A repository of different Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in many programming languages.kapilratnani/JSON-Viewer
A JSON viewer plugin for Notepad++. Displays the selected JSON string in a tree view.kothariji/competitive-programming
A one-stop Destination✏️ for all your Competitive Programming Resources.📗📕 Refer for contributionsLakhankumawat/LearnCPP
Learn Cpp from Beginner to Advanced ✅ Practice 🎯 Code 💻 Repeat 🔁 One step solution for c++ beginners and cp enthusiasts.MAZHARMIK/Interview_DS_Algo
Super Repository for Coding Interview Preperationajayrandhawa/Keylogger
Keylogger is 100% invisible keylogger not only for users, but also undetectable by antivirus software. Blackcat keylogger Monitors all keystokes, Mouse clicks. It has a seperate process which continues capture system screenshot and send to ftp server in given time.skjha1/Data-Structure-Algorithm-Programs
This Repo consists of Data structures and Algorithmsshree1999/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms
Android Kernel ExploitationNabagata/interview-prep
Everything you need to know to get the jobskjha1/Aditya-verma-youtube-playlist-code
This repo consists of aditya verma youtube channel code for different section.parikshit223933/Coding-Ninjas-Competitive-Programming
Solutions to all the questions I solved during the Competitive programming course with Coding Ninjas.royalpranjal/Interview-Bit
Solutions to problems on Interview Bitalexmercerind/dart_vlc
Flutter bindings to libVLC.akshitagit/CPP
Repository for C++/C codes and algos.Pikachuxxxx/Razix
High Performance Game Engine for Production Pipelinearun11299/cpp-subprocess
Subprocessing with modern C++qboticslabs/mastering_ros
This repository contains exercise files of the book "Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming"dragonslayerx/Competitive-Programming-Repository
Competitive Programming templates that I used during the past few years.Code-N-Code/competitive_programming_course
A completely free course on data structures , algorithms and competitive programming.krrishnarraj/clpeak
A tool which profiles OpenCL devices to find their peak capacitiessahilbansal17/Competitive_Coding
This repository contains some useful codes, techniques, algorithms and problem solutions helpful in Competitive Coding.likecs/Competitive-Coding
Templates for Data Structures and Algorithms, written in C, C++ & Python, for Competitive programming competitionshax0kartik/wumiibo
Amiibo Emulation for 3dsarun11299/cpp-jwt
JSON Web Token library for C++rep-movsd/see-phit
A C++ HTML template engine that uses compile time HTML parsingfaheel/BigInt
Arbitrary-sized integer class for C++amritansh22/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-cpp
This repository is in development phase and will soon provide you with c++ code of various data structures and algorithmsAlgo-Phantoms/Algo-Tree
Algo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. It contains solutions in various languages such as C++, Python and Java.keshavbhatt/olivia
Elegant music player for Linux Desktopsudar/Yahoo_LDA
Yahoo!'s topic modelling framework using Latent Dirichlet AllocationAyush7614/Daily-Coding-DS-ALGO-Practice
A open source project🚀 for bringing all interview💥💥 and competative📘 programming💥💥 question under one repo📐📐ashkulz/NppFTP
Plugin for Notepad++ allowing FTP, FTPS, FTPES and SFTP communicationscoderespawn/prefabricator-ue4
Prefabricator - Prefab plugin for Unreal Engine 4 https://prefabricator.devblack-shadows/Cracking-the-Coding-Interview
Learn how to uncover the hints and hidden details in a question, discover how to break down a problem into manageable chunks, develop techniques to unstick yourself when stuck, learn (or re-learn) core computer science concepts, and practice on 189 interview questions and
The repository contains solutions to various problems on interviewbit. The code is merely a snippet (as solved on InterviewBit) & hence is not executable in a c++ compiler. The code written is purely original and completely my own.vineethm1627/SDE_Sheet_Striver
C++ Solutions of 180 Questions [30 Days] of Strivers SDE Sheet , YouTube Channel TAKEUFORWARD (Raj Vikramaditya bhaiyaa)singhsanket143/CppCompetitiveRepository
Repository For Codes Of Various Data Structures And Algorithms and Competitive Programming Problemsteriflix/scrite
Crossplatform Screenwriting Softwaretridibsamanta/CPP_Beginner_to_Expert
Contributed for those who want to learn how to write code in C++. This repository covers concepts from the basic to the advanced level. Comments added in each program for getting better grasp of the language. Happy coding !!r4d10n/retrogram-rtlsdr
Spectrum analyzer on your terminal/ssh console with ASCII art ~ RTLSDRdiv-bargali/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms implemented In Python, C, C++, Java or any other languages. Aimed to help strengthen the concepts of DSA. Give a Star 🌟 if it helps you.apgapg/avatar_glow
A Flutter Package providing Avatar Glow WidgetThe-CODE-Plus-Plus-Community/Competitive-Programming-and-DSA
DSA and Competitive Coding Roadmap, Resources, Practice Problems, and SolutionsSushreesatarupa/DSA-cpp
C++ fundamentals and questions for beginners and intermediates. Welcoming developers, content writers, and programming enthusiasts.mrsac7/CSES-Solutions
Accepted solutions of CSES problemsetde-cryptor/Must-Do-Coding-Questions
GeeksforGeeks Must-Do-Coding-Questions Solutionsapaarkamal/Coding-Minutes-Competitive-Programming
Coding Blocks | Data Structures & Algorithms Online Trackelectronicsguy/ESP8266
ESP8266 Projectsbharadwaj-raju/TextSuggest
This will have all the solutions to the competitive programming course's problems by Coding ninjas. Star the repo if you like it.Rishabh062/Hacktoberfest2021
Contribute on this repository with valid pull request.shoaibrayeen/Programmers-Community
This repository contains various solution of a problem in Ruby, C, C++, Python and Java.iitmcvg/eye-gaze
Repository for Eye Gaze Detection and TrackingSR-Sunny-Raj/Hacktoberfest2021-DSA
NOTE -: For Hacktoberfest2022 please refer this repository to make your contribution. If You know the implementation of any DSA related topic/problem then you can contribute it in this repo. Raise Genuine PRs only. Your PRs will be accepted, keep patience. Star this Repo. You aren't allowed to Update Welcoming developers, content writers, and programming
The repository contains solutions to various problems on leetcode. The code is merely a snippet (as solved on LeetCode) & hence is not executable in a c++ compiler. The code written is purely original and completely my own.iampawan/AI-Radio
This is a radio app where you can ask Alan AI to play some music.sdslabs/Rootex
An advanced C++ 3D game engine powering an in-production game yet to be announcedryanjon2040/RTS-Community-Project
Lets build an RTS Game with Unreal Engine 4!bharathp666/opencv_qr
SimplE Lossless Audioashish-3916/Coding-Ninjas-Data-Structures
This repo contains solutions to problem of data structures in c++skm2000/Dynamic-Programming
A DP a day keeps the bug away.iampawan/ChatGPT-Flutter-AIChatBot
A Chatbot chat app built using the Flutter framework and OpenAI's GPT-3 language model.codeIIEST/Algorithms
A Repository to store implementation of some of the famous Data Structures and Algorithms (mainly in C/C++/Java/Python) for everyone to learn and contribute.sankethj/ZiFi
Wifi hacking tool using ESP8266 ( Evil-twin method )yshshrm/Data-Structures-And-Algorithms-Hacktoberfest18
List of data structures and algorithms. Feel free to contribute under Hacktoberfest '18!rajatjain1997/subprocess
A C++ high level library for running shell processesMugdha-Hazra/180-Questions-Striver-SDE-sheet-in-CPP
If you are a newbie in coding and wanna do CP then first solve this DSA question then move to will surely gonna help u clear the concepts. and get better at cp.shivaylamba/Hacktoberfest
Make your first PR! ~ A beginner friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add any program under any language (it can be anything from a hello-world program to a complex data structure algorithm) or update the existing one. Just make sure you add the program under the correct language directory. Happy codingteja963/Advanced-DSA-and-CS-Theory
All the Concepts, Codes regarding DSA, Interview Preparation and Samsung SWC Test popular questionsprasadgujar/CompetitiveProgramming
This repository contains Solutions & Setup for competitive programming competitions and Templates for Data Structures and Algorithms, written in C++.Protocentral/protocentral-healthypi-v3
HealthyPi is the first fully open-source, full-featured vital sign monitor. Using the Raspberry Pi as its computing and display platform, the HealthyPi add-on HAT turns the Raspberry Pi into a vital sign monitoring system.krshrimali/No-Reference-Image-Quality-Assessment-using-BRISQUE-Model
Implementation of the paper "No Reference Image Quality Assessment in the Spatial Domain" by A Mittal et al. in OpenCV (using both C++ and Python)karnikram/rp-vio
[IROS-21] RP-VIO: Robust Plane-based Visual-Inertial Odometry for Dynamic Environments (Code & Dataset)sdslabs/Rubeus
A cross platform 2D game engine written in C++ for beginnersshubham-chemate/Dynamic-Programming-Questions-by-Aditya-Verma
Aditya Verma (Youtube) DP Playlist Codes/Solutions.niteshkumartiwari/B-Plus-Tree
Mini Database System using B+ Tree in C++ (Simple & Self-Explanatory Code)kartikkukreja/blog-codes
This is a repository for the codes that I write for my blog posts at Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us