Hooks Movie App
This is the demo application using React Hooks!!!
The article containing instructions on how to build this app can be found here
Getting Started
These instructions should get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Things you need to get started:
- A recent version of Node running on your machine (8.0 or higher), check this link to download it.
- A cool text editor, I recommend using either VSCode or Atom(with the nuclide plugin)
To get the project running, follow these steps:
- Create a folder -Enter/Navigate into that folder
cd <folder-name>
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/samie820/hooks-movie-app.git
- Install all the project's dependencies:
yarn or npm install
- Once that's done, run the project:
npm start or yarn start
The app can be deployed using either heroku or Netlify
Built With
- Javascript
- React - (UI library)
Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md file (Soon to be added) to see how you can contribute and add more features to the project.
TODO: Add the Authors