: a fast and efficient non-iterating hashmap library
Libhash is a fast and efficient non-iterating hashmap library
Usage is easy and simple. You can look to examples/
directory. You can build examples with make
#include "libhash/include/libhash.h"
Building with source
gcc -o application libhash/src/libhash.c application.c
Linking Build libhash:
and use libhash.o
gcc -o application application.c libhash/libhash.o
Simple Hashmap
Here is an example for simple hashmap.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libhash/include/libhash.h"
int main() {
libhash_t* movies = libhash_init();
libhash_set(movies, "Alien", "The best movie ever!");
libhash_set(movies, "Prometheus", "The worst movie ever!");
libhash_set(movies, "ใใใซใกใฏไธ็", "Hello World!");
libhash_node_t* alien = libhash_get(movies, "Alien");
libhash_node_t* prometheus = libhash_get(movies, "Prometheus");
libhash_node_t* hello = libhash_get(movies, "ใใใซใกใฏไธ็");
hello && printf("ใใใซใกใฏไธ็: %s\n", hello->value);
alien && printf("Alien: %s\n", alien->value);
prometheus && printf("Prometheus: %s\n", prometheus->value);
return 0;
Hash Algorithm
It hashes NULL-terminated strings (I was lazy for making another binary one that works with length lol...) to 32-bit unsigned scalars.
I made some tests about conflictions and it looked oki. And I just made this hash algorithm in a coffee break and note sure how decent it is.
UTF-8 Support
Since I added hashing feature it always uses unsigned char
indexes and support UTF-8.
There is a benchmark in examples/benchmark
directory. You can just do:
cd examples/benchmark
make clean; make; ./benchmark
libhash_t* libhash_init()
Creates a hashmap.
libhash_node_t* libhash_set(libhash_t* hashmap, char* key, void* value)
Sets a key-value pair and returns the node.
void libhash_unset(libhash_t* hashmap, char* key)
Unsets a key-value pair.
libhash_node_t* libhash_get(libhash_t* hashmap, char* key)
Gets the value of key
void libhash_free(libhash_t* hashmap)
Frees hashmap
void libhash_node_free(libhash_node_t* node)
Frees node
uint32_t libhash_hash32(char* str)
Accepts NULL-terminated string and returns a 32-bit unsigned scalar hash.
The hashmap type.
typedef struct libhash libhash_t;
struct libhash {
libhash_node_t* root;
typedef struct libhash_node libhash_node_t;
struct libhash_node {
libhash_node_t* map[256];
libhash_node_t* parent;
void* value;
int len;
Copyright (c) 2021 Oฤuzhan Eroฤlu [email protected] ( All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
For a copy, see