Setup to run Airflow in AWS ECS containers
- Docker
- AWS IAM User for the infrastructure deployment, with admin permissions
- awscli, intall running
pip install awscli
- terraform >= 0.13
- setup your IAM User credentials inside
- setup these env variables in your .zshrc or .bashrc, or in your the terminal session that you are going to use
export AWS_ACCOUNT=your_account_id export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 # it's the default region that needs to be setup also in infrastructure/
Local Development
Generate a Fernet Key:
pip install cryptography export AIRFLOW_FERNET_KEY=$(python -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key().decode())")
More about that here
Start Airflow locally simply running:
docker-compose up --build
If everything runs correctly you can reach Airflow navigating to localhost:8080. The current setup is based on Celery Workers. You can monitor how many workers are currently active using Flower, visiting localhost:5555
Deploy Airflow on AWS ECS
To run Airflow in AWS we will use ECS (Elastic Container Service).
Deploy Infrastructure using Terraform
Run the following commands:
make infra-init make infra-plan make infra-apply
or alternatively
cd infrastructure terraform get terraform init -upgrade; terraform plan terraform apply
By default the infrastructure is deployed in us-east-1
When the infrastructure is provisioned (the RDS metadata DB will take a while) check the if the ECR repository is created then run:
bash scripts/ airflow-dev
By default the repo name created with terraform is airflow-dev
Without this command the ECS services will fail to fetch the latest
image from ECR
Deploy new Airflow application
To deploy an update version of Airflow you need to push a new container image to ECR. You can simply doing that running:
./scripts/ airflow-dev
The deployment script will take care of:
- push a new ECR image to your repository
- re-deploy the new ECS services with the updated image
- Create Private Subnets
- Move ECS containers to Private Subnets
- Use ECS private Links for Private Subnets
- Improve ECS Task and Service Role