This is the code for the "ChatGPT Trading Bot" Video by Siraj Raval on Youtube
This is the code for this video on Youtube by Siraj Raval on building a ChatGPT trading bot. First, a disclaimer - Do NOT invest any money in any type of trading bot or algorithmic engine that you are not willing to lose. I gave this trading bot $2000 because I was willing to lose $2000 to make a great video for my AI Wizards out there. The entire codebase is contained in a single iPython notebook file, first published by the FinRL team as an example. Inside the notebook, 5 steps are performed.
- Pull 30 days of trading data for (Insert your stock or crypto) with Yahoo Finance Downloader API
- Create a simulated trading environment using real trading data with FinRL
- Train an neural network to predict that Stock Price using reinforcement learning inside this simulation with FinRL
- Once trained, backtest the predictions on the past 30 days data to compute potential returns with FinRL
- If the expectd returns are above a certain threshold, buy, else hold. If they're below a certain threshold, sell. (using Alpaca API)
In order to have this Colab run automatically once a day, we can deploy it to a hosting platform like Vercel with a seperate file that repeatedly executes it.
- Python 3.7
- Alpaca SDK
- FinRL
- Vercel
- Firebase Template optional
Setup Instructions
- Download the iPython notebook in this repository and upload it to Colab to try it out.
- Setup a simple flask app.
- To set up a cron job for a Flask app deployed on Vercel that executes a Google Colab notebook at a given link every hour, you can use the built-in Vercel cron feature. Here are the steps to follow:
- In your Flask app, import the necessary modules to run the Colab notebook, such as gdown or pyngrok
- Create a new endpoint in your Flask app that triggers the execution of the Colab notebook, using the link to the notebook file.
- Go to the Vercel project settings for your app and navigate to the "Cron" tab.
- Create a new cron job that runs every hour by adding the endpoint you created in step 2 to the "Cron Job" field and select the frequency you want to run the job.
Here is a sample code snippet for step 2:
from flask import Flask, jsonify
import gdown
app = Flask(__name__)
def run_colab():'<colab_notebook_id>', 'colab.ipynb', quiet=False)
return jsonify(message='colab notebook ran successfully')
Credits & More Resources
Credits for the notebook go to the AI4FinanceFoundation, and for the API go to Alpaca.