Event sourcing in practice
These are the slides we use for our talk "Event Sourcing in practice". We are scheduled to give this talk at:
- Java User Group Frankfurt, December 18th 2013
- Frankfurter Entwicklertag, February 19th 2014
- Developer Week Nürnberg, July 15th
- W-JAX 2015
Slide content is subject to change as we keep on learning :).
Pre-built slides
Slides are automatically built and published using Travis CI. You may find the latest version in the gh-pages
branch or at the associated Github Page for this repository
Building the slides from scratch
- Install Python
- Install pip
- Create a virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper && mkvirtualenv event-sourcing
(Recommended but optional) - Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the Cactus server
cactus serve
- Slides are created using markdown. The Markdown Extra syntax elements are enabled.