How to Get Started
or how to get the boilerplate :) boilerplate for tquery is a template to get you started. You download it and modify it until it fits your needs. It is a fast way to start a clean project with tquery. The running boilerplate looks like that.
Want to run it on your computer ? First you get boilerplate's files here. Then you launch the http server to serve them. Here is a little shell script which does it all.
curl -OL
cd tqueryboilerplate
make server
Then you open a browser on to
see it running. Up to you to modify index.html
until it fits your needs. index.html
looks like the code below... Quite short.
<!doctype html><title>Minimal tQuery Page</title>
<script src="./tquery-bundle.js"></script>
var world = tQuery.createWorld().boilerplate().start();
var object = tQuery.createTorus().addTo(world);
Release - r59.0
- ported to three.js r59
Release - r58.0
- ported to three.js r58
Release - r57.0
- ported to three.js r57
Release - r56.0
- ported to three.js r56
Release - r53.0
- ported to three.js r53
- plugins/minimal : added a minimal page for requirejs
Release - r52.0
- ported to three.js r52
Release - r51.0
- ported to three.js r51
- added tQuery.montainarena plugin - usefull for arena
- added ogsworkshop
- added
Release - r50.2
- added require.js for webgl-inspector
- support for object3d.positionX(2) getter/setter (for x,y,z and position/rotation/scale)
- support for object3d.position() getter
- remove ambiguous .register() - now .registerInstance() and .registerStatic() - see #117
- support dev branch on github - master being the last stable release
Release - r50.1
- implemented - act as with performance
- notify tQuery.Loop hooks with precision
- tQuery.extend() now support deep copy
- renamed tQuery.convert.toBool to tQuery.convert.toBoolean
- tquery.datguituner plugin - build a Dat.GUI on existing Scene Graph
- Very usefull to fine tune parameters
- added tQuery.gsvpano - easy interface with gsvpano.js
- added nice looking earth in tquery.planets
- added tquery.statsplus - like stats.js but report memory and renderer stats
- added tquery.flocking - early version
- much better require.js support
Release - r50.0
- ported three.js r50
- ported to require.js - see plugins/require.js
- added plugins/lightsaber
- added plugins/lensflare
- added plugins/lavamaterial
- added plugins/buffergeometry
- working on postprocessing in tQuery.World
- added catmull-clark subdivision in tQuery.Geometry.smooth()
- improved home page with more screenshots and link to tutorials
- added .clone() to
- added attributes to
(needed for shadow) - added plugins/skymap to handle textureCube and skymap
- added plugins/bluesky to generate blue sky html page background - no texture
Release - r49.1
- support IOS
- support canvasRenderer
- included doccoviewer to visualize annoted source
- added plugins/glfx.js as example of interaction with glfx.js
Release - r49.0
- First numbered release (synched on three.js version)
build/tquery.js: tquery core - 6k gzip+min
build/tquery-bundle.js: es5-shim + tquery core + three.js + boilerplate - 100k gzip+min
build/tquery-all.js: tquery bundle + all the plugin in incubations - infinite size - dont use :)