Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your PHP applications.
composer require atrox/haikunator
Haikunator is pretty simple.
use Atrox\Haikunator;
// default usage
Haikunator::haikunate() // => "wispy-dust-1337"
// custom length (default=4)
Haikunator::haikunate(["tokenLength" => 6]) // => "patient-king-887265"
// use hex instead of numbers
Haikunator::haikunate(["tokenHex" => true]) // => "purple-breeze-98e1"
// use custom chars instead of numbers/hex
Haikunator::haikunate(["tokenChars" => "HAIKUNATE"]) // => "summer-atom-IHEA"
// don't include a token
Haikunator::haikunate(["tokenLength" => 0]) // => "cold-wildflower"
// use a different delimiter
Haikunator::haikunate(["delimiter" => "."]) // => "restless.sea.7976"
// no token, space delimiter
Haikunator::haikunate(["tokenLength" => 0, "delimiter" => " "]) // => "delicate haze"
// no token, empty delimiter
Haikunator::haikunate(["tokenLength" => 0, "delimiter" => ""]) // => "billowingleaf"
// custom nouns and/or adjectives
Haikunator::$ADJECTIVES = ["red", "green", "blue"];
Haikunator::$NOUNS = ["reindeer"];
Haikunator::haikunate(); // => "blue-reindeer-4252"
The following options are available:
"delimiter" => "-",
"tokenLength" => 4,
"tokenHex" => false,
"tokenChars" => "0123456789"
// get/set nouns or adjectives
If tokenHex
is true, it overrides any tokens specified in tokenChars
Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs
- Fix bugs and submit pull requests
- Write, clarify, or fix documentation
- Suggest or add new features
Other Languages
Haikunator is also available in other languages. Check them out:
- Node: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunatorjs
- .NET: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunator.net
- Python: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunatorpy
- Java: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunatorjava
- Go: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunatorgo
- Clojure: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunatorclj
- Dart: https://github.com/Atrox/haikunatordart
- Ruby: https://github.com/usmanbashir/haikunator
- Rust: https://github.com/nishanths/rust-haikunator