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[maintainer wanted] 🐋 Awesome TTRSS, a powerful Dockerised all-in-one RSS solution.jakzal/phpqa
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHPlorisleiva/laravel-docker
🐳 Generic docker image for Laravel ApplicationsBioContainers/containers
Bioinformatics containersPacktPublishing/Modern-CMake-for-Cpp
Modern CMake for C++, published by Packtabhilesh/self-hosted_docker_setups
A collection of my docker-compose files used to setup self-hosted services on Raspberry Pi 4 running 64-bit Raspberry Pi OSwillhallonline/docker-ansible
Ansible inside Docker containers: Alpine, Ubuntu, Rocky & Debian with Ansible 2.16, 2.15, 2.14, 2.13, 2.12, 2.11, 2.10 and 2.9 + Mitogenmichaeloliverx/python-poetry-docker-example
Example of integrating Poetry with Docker leveraging multi-stage builds.ppodgorsek/docker-robot-framework
Robot Framework in Dockerwyveo/nginx-php-fpm
Nginx + PHP-FPM 8.2.x / 8.1.x / 8.0.x / 7.4.x / 7.3.x / 7.2.x / 7.1.x / 7.0.x + Composer built on Debian (Bullseye/Buster) imageLukeChannings/deno-arm64
ARM64 builds for Denosteveholgado/nextjs-docker-pm2-nginx
Next.js with Docker, PM2 and NGINXopenfaas/templates
OpenFaaS Classic templatesbobby-didcoding/drf_course
Django Rest Framework Coursesixeyed/dockerfiles-windows
Dockerfiles for Windows containersdwyl/learn-docker
🚢 Learn how to use containers to consistently deploy your apps on any infrastructure.2b-t/docker-for-robotics
Collection of best practices when working with Docker/Docker-Compose and the Robot Operating System (ROS/ROS 2) in simulation as well as with real-hardware with real-time requirementspozgo/grafana-xxl
📊 Dockerized Grafana with all preinstalled (community) plugins from grafana.netlgeiger/black-action
A GitHub action that runs black code formatter for Pythontobybatch/kimai2
Docker containers for the kimai2 web application including docker-compose and kubernetes/helm deployment.smallwat3r/docker-nginx-gunicorn-flask-letsencrypt
Boilerplate code for setting up Nginx + Gunicorn + Flask + automated LetsEncrypt certificates (https) using docker-compose.LogicalSpark/docker-tikaserver
Apache Tika Server as a Docker ImageGameServerManagers/LinuxGSM-Docker
The Official LinuxGSM Docker image (experimental)ApsOps/filebeat-kubernetes
Filebeat container, alternative to fluentd used to ship kubernetes cluster and pod logsssbostan/jenkins-stack-docker
Docker-compose version of jenkins-stack-kubernetesD3VL/L3MON
Simple Alpine-built scratch-runtime Dockerfile for cloudflared, with support for multiple architectures.RafhaanShah/grAfterburner
Monitor your PC in style with Grafana and MSI AfterburnerPortSwigger/dastardly-github-action
Runs a scan using Dastardly by Burp Suite against a target site and creates a JUnit XML report for the scan on completion.million12/docker-nginx-php
Docker with Nginx / PHP-FPM 7.3 7.0 5.6 5.5mottosso/docker-maya
Dockerfile for Mayastuartleeks/wsl-notify-send
WSL replacement for notify-sendgilesp/docker
A repository for my docker filesmontudor/action-zip
A GitHub action used to zip file contentswyveo/craftcms-docker
Craft3/Craft2 CMS Docker base (Nginx, PHP-FPM 8, PostgreSQL/MariaDB, Redis)stain/jena-docker
Docker image for Apache Jena riotmarkhobson/docker-maven-chrome
Docker image for Java automated UI tests.jcupitt/docker-builds
Various sample dockerfilesEventStore/eventstore-docker
Event Store Docker Containerjacobtomlinson/python-container-action
A template for creating GitHub Actions in PythonGaryClarke/nginx-php7.4-mysql8-node-docker-network
Symfony 5 project with Docker PHP MySQL Nginx and Nodedanchitnis/container-xrdp
Docker container for xrdpmeanbee/docker-magento
🐳 Docker containers with all required Magento dependencies installed available as Apache and CLIPacktPublishing/Windows-Subsystem-for-Linux-2-WSL-2-Tips-Tricks-and-Techniques
Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, published by Packtdevelomark/prisma-now
An example of prisma server deployment to Zeit Now with build-time environment variables.krallin/tini-images
Automated Docker builds for TiniMicheleBertoli/react-count-to
Animated counter component for React.jsmarco-lancini/docker_burp
Burp as a Docker Containeralexhaydock/BoringNginx
Nginx + Docker + BoringSSL = ✔️ Easy TLS 1.3devkitPro/docker
Dockerfiles for
Docker container for running hexo with hexo admin 🐋thinkWhere/GDAL-Docker
Docker container for installing GDAL and Python 3textbook/git-checkout-submodule-action
GitHub Action for checking out submodulesPacktPublishing/Mastering-Docker-Third-Edition
Mastering Docker Third Edition, published by Packtopenfaas/store-functions
Common CLIs packaged in containers with a HTTP interfacebrandoncaulfield/sap-nw-abap-trial-docker-windows
SAP NW ABAP Trial in Docker on Windows 🐳2b-t/realsense-ros2-docker
Dockerfile for Intel Realsense camera in ROS 2raesene/dockerized-security-tools
Dockerfiles for security toolsianmiell/bad-dockerfile
A Dockerfile that creates an image with known vulnerabilities.richarvey/aws-docker-toolkit
A lightweight dockerized version of the AWS CLIalexellis/tensorflow-serving-openfaas
Example of using TensorFlow Serving with OpenFaaSgarybowers/iventoy_docker
iVentoy PXE Server in a Docker Containerdeuill/coreos-home-server
Home Server Setup with CoreOSGaryClarke/docker-php
Docker PHP repository to accompany the YouTube seriesjcbiellikltd/docker-samba-server
Simple containerized Samba server running on Alpine Linuxalphacodinghub/v2ray-nginx-docker
Easy Docker deployment for V2ray + WS +TLS with Nginx, free SSL and Traefiktecnickcom/alldev
Dockerfile to build a generic development environment based on Ubuntu LinuxMetaswitch/clearwater-docker
Docker integration for Project Clearwaterparitytech/scripts
Collection of Dockerfiles, scripts and related resourcesmichaelmcandrew/civicrm-buildkit-docker
This is a read only copy. Please make PRs here:
Docker image for the Telegram Bot API server - AMD64 & ARM64alblue/dnsmasq-example
Example setup for using dnsmasqmichaelw90/PHP-Lint
Github Action for PHPLintyobasystems/alpine-nginx
Nginx running on Alpine Linux [Docker]mailchain/goreleaser-xcgo
Docker container to do cross compilation for mailchainraesene/CVE-2022-23648-POC
POC for CVE-2022-23648dhutchison/container-images
Stress tool in a Docker (Alpine) Raspberry PI readyalexhyett/traefik-vs-nginx-docker
Examples showing how to use Traefik and Nginx for Reverse Proxyalexellis/openfaas-streaming-templates
Stream data from ffmpeg/Node.js/Bash over HTTP with OpenFaaSrickydunlop/nodejs-ffmpeg
Dockerfile for NodeJS and FFmpegyobasystems/alpine-php-wordpress
Wordpress running on Alpine Linux [Docker]booyaa/openfaas-rust-template
An OpenFaaS template for writing functions in Rusttokejepsen/docker-foundry-rlm
Docker container for running Foundry RLM license server.Paritosh-Anand/Docker-Httpd-Tomcat
Apache HTTPD with MOD-JK and Apache Tomcat on Dockercoderobin/windows-container
Docker files for various Windows Container buildsixeyed/dockerfiles-linux
Docker files for automated builds to Docker Hub -
Automated Build for a Tensorflow and OpenCV Docker ContainterPacktPublishing/Learn-OpenShift
Learn OpenShift, published by Packtatomic14/platformio-tensorflow-lite
Easily extract the tfmicro framework for use in platform.iochristianklotz/or-tools-lambda
Package Python applications using Google or-tools for AWS Lambda.carlosperate/docker-qemu-rpi-os
Docker images with Raspberry Pi OS running on QEMUPacktPublishing/Modern-CMake-for-Cpp-2E
Modern CMake for C++, 2E - published by PacktPaddyAlton/DBT-GA4
A DBT example project demonstrating data modelling transformations for the standard-format Google Analytics 4 BigQuery Exportharshalone/laravel-9-production-ready
production ready laravel 9yankcrime/dockerfiles
Dockerfiles for creating Docker images (
Docker Images with Databricks Connect Ready to goPacktPublishing/Kubernetes-Cookbook-Second-Edition
Kubernetes Cookbook - Second Edition, published by Packtneechbear/tiddlywiki
TiddlyWiki Docker imagecodereviewvideos/docker-php-7
Docker image for PHP 7.xLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us