Discover Norway's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Norway.
A take-home application server written in Elm and only Elmeeue56/json-to-elm
Create Elm type aliases and decoders based on JSON inputeeue56/servelm
Server-side Elmeeue56/elm-server-side-renderer
Render elm on the servereinarwh/escher-workshop
Workshop: Functional geometry with Escher and Elm.yupferris/elmsteroids
A non-trivial Asteroids clone written in Elm.eeue56/elm-phoenix
Phoenix helpers for Elmeeue56/elm-html-test
Test elm-html in Elm!ewendel/elm-workshop
An FFI interface for Elmeeue56/elm-all-dict
A dict for Elm which can store any typehakonrossebo/functional-programming-babelfish
A cheat sheet for finding similar concepts and operators in different functional languagesrobinheghan/elm-array-exploration
New array implementation for Elmeeue56/elm-fuse
Fuse support in Elmrobinheghan/murmur3
Elm implementation of murmur3 hash functioneeue56/elm-sketch-importer
Generate Elm code from Sketch files!robinheghan/elm-deque
A double ended queue for Elmrobinheghan/elm-warrior
Hone your Elm skills by implementing the AI of a brave warrior, named at.robinheghan/elm-phone-numbers
A package for validating and retrieving information about phone numbers. Based on google's libphonenumber.robinheghan/elm-warrior-starter
A fast way to get started with the elm-warrior gamerobinheghan/collections-ng
Stable Array, Dict and Set implementations for ElmVoronchuk/hexagons
Hexagonal grids and tools written in Elm languageeeue56/elm-alternative-json
An alternative to core's JSON decodereeue56/elm-flat-matrix
Flat matrix implementation for Elmrshest/lunar-viz
"Jeep problem" (applied to a moon rover) visualization using Elmeeue56/elm-html-in-elm
A minimal example of a responsive layout with Elm UI.eeue56/elm-xml
xml parser for elmeeue56/elm-lazy
Chrome's offline T-rex game written in Elmsmucode/elm-flat-colors
π¨ 280 handpicked colors in 14 palettes for Elm UI, elm/html and othersrobinheghan/fnv1a
An Elm implementation of the FNV-1a hash functionsixty-north/elm-price-chart
An implementation of an SVG price chart in Elm.andre-wolden/minesweeper
An Elm-based web app for the ACCU 2017 scheduleeeue56/sass-to-elm
En Elm library which provides html event attributes for triggering messages when certain keys are pressedeeue56/meta-elm
Examples of doing meta programming Elm, which you shouldn't doeeue56/elm-http-server
A HTTP server for Elmeeue56/elm-debug-json-view
A package for debugging a decoders with Json in Elmeeue56/stalk
stack-based language written in Elmbakseter/echo-bedriftstur-frontend
Frontend for the website of echo's student trip to Oslo.akhramov/web_museek
Web slsk clientemmabastas/elm-string-template
Elm package to help you put values in your stringsSGFinansAS/elm-components
Et dashboard som samler relevant informasjon for de som jobber i Sundtkvartalet i Osloringvold/pidash
[DEPRECATED] Replaced by
Elm compiler via Nodeeeue56/elm-html-query
A generic view componentanhtin/bodhi-calendar-elm
A calendar for buddhists to know when to eat vegetarian.eeue56/broken-clock
A broken clock used as examples for Elmsklirg/picturelm
Image gallery frontendjavaBin/Switcharoo
Infoskjermer til JavaZone (og andre konferanser)rshest/elm-prime-trees
Testing the idea of "plant-like" prime factorization visualization in Elmeeue56/drawea
Game of life in Elmeeue56/elm-query
JQuery for Elmeeue56/elm-diff
An effect manager for dealing with debouncing7er/elm-nka
nka verktΓΈy for uu-tiltak i kollektivtrafikkenaaalvik/VisAST
Generic AST Visualizer for Software Language Educationeeue56/elm-json-field-value
Provides elm-review rules to detect rgb values out of rangejcberentsen/elm-wiring-diagrams
Wiring diagrams to SVG in elmjoelchelliah/diet-snake
The backward snake game!folq/google-calendar-url
Build URLs for creating events in Google Calendar with prefilled contentsprasmussen/reminders
A transit encoder/decoder for Elmeeue56/elm-to-elixir
A multiplayer setup for elm-warrior.eeue56/elm-shrink
Frontend for json_typegen using Elm and WebAssemblyeeue56/elm-lazy-list
A new version of programming ladder, written in Elmnsbno/spor-elm
Spor UI components for Elmhaakomol/Truth-table-generator
Truth table generator for propositional logic formulas written in Elmhenriwi/elm-meetup
Repo for Elm meetupphillipj/rpi-camera-snapshot
Taking camera photos with a Raspberry Pikvalle/cellar
A Lisp interpreter in Elmnavikt/pam-cv-samtale
Frontend for samtalebasert CVeeue56/elm-lint
Recreated personal website in Elmsmucode/exercism-elm
My solutions to the exercism elm tracknicolaiskogheim/elm-terminal
Example of how you would write a terminal application, or a command line tool, using Elm. Elm terminal is not a terminal emulator written in elm -- in case anyone was wondering about that.ringvold/teamsort-cli
CLI tool to sort players into even teams based on rank - DEPRECATED - check ringvold/teamsort for future udatesjoelchelliah/multi-timer
Time all the things!chriswk/blackjack-elm
Bring type-safety to the interface between js and elm.torgeir/fagdag-elm
Displaying table collection from BGGeeue56/elm-default-dict
A dict implementation which allows you to provide a default value to useemmabastas/elm-review-string-template
Provides elm-review rules to detect problems when using elm-string-templateeeue56/newer-paper
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