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Write Beautiful Curriculum Vitae in LaTex, that ensures twenty seconds reading.fabiotosi92/Awesome-Deep-Stereo-Matching
A curated list of awesome Deep Stereo Matching resourcessafoex/skoltech_thesis_template
This is an unofficial LaTeX template for MSc thesis in Skoltech.pnecchi/Thesis
Reinforcement Learning for Automated Tradingsentientmachin3/dispense-info-univr
Collezione di codice LaTex di dispense scritte per alcuni corsi della Laurea in Informatica dell'Università di Veronantd/tccv
Two columns curriculum vitaeLucaCappelletti94/lectures-notes
My latex notes on whatever I'm studying. All are available to the public, but please take them with a grain of salt and notify me in case of errors :)gsarti/paperpile-notion
Integrating Paperpile with Notion Databases 🔄gsilano/EuropeCV
TeX code associated to the EuropeCV CTAN repository,
Raccolta di materaile ed appunti scritti in latex e non durante i corsi della laurea triennale di informatica presso l'università di Pisa.linker81/Reinforcement-Learning-CheatSheet
Cheatsheet of Reinforcement Learning (Based on Sutton-Barto Book - 2nd Edition)montali/unibo-ai
Notes monorepo for the UniBO Artificial Intelligence MSc.rainnic/latex-examples-templates
A collection of LaTeX examples and templatesb3by/AwesomeCV
CV template based on moderncv classgeeanlooca/deepspace-turbo
Implementation of the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) standard for Turbo CodesCinofix/Afternotes
Afternotes for the attended courses at Ca' Foscari University, master in Data Management and Analytics.mattecapu/categorical-systems-theory
LaTeX template for scientific conference booklet, or book of abstractsfilippodaniotti/Appunti-LFC
Appunti di Linguaggi Formali e Compilatori - Prof.ssa P. Quaglia - Università di TrentoDanySK/Template-LaTeX-Elsevier-CAS-DC
A template repository for quickly setting up papers to be submitted to Elsevier Journalsflandolfi/IR-exercises
Solutions of the various test exams of the Information Retrieval coursealbertoacerbi/IBM-cultevo
code for the book "Individual-based models of cultural evolution. A step-by-step guide using R"Faless/godotcon-multiplayer
Demo and presentation about networking for real-time multiplayer games with Godot Engine. Presented at GodotCon 2017, Brusselesluistar/unina-beamer
A modern beamer theme for people at the University of Naples "Federico II" (UniNA)moncheri-jao/spicyphysics
Sup bois, here's my workandrea-gasparini/sapienza-beamer-template
LaTeX beamer template for presentations at Sapienza University of Romemarcorapelli/TuSTScenario
Documentation about cellsNiccoMlt/Unibo-Tesi-Template
Template LaTeX non ufficiale per una tesi Unibojorainer/SpectraTutorials
These workshops and tutorials provide use cases and examples for mass spectrometry data handling and analysis using the Spectra Bioconductor package.carmelolg/IT-manuale-del-software-developer
Guida per software developerlucabaldini/cmepda
Computing Methods for Experimental Physics and Data Analysisllancia/MaterialBeamer
A Material Design Beamer ThemeFIUP/Thesis-template
A simple Thesis template for the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science @Unipadovaluistar/unina-frontespizio
A modest, unofficial LaTeX package to obtain decent-looking front-pages for your theses (@ UniNA) with minimal effort.marcopodda/phd-thesis
PhD Thesisdaniloamendola/Poster-ComSoc-LiveMig
A LaTex poster for ComSoc summer school presentation in trentoformidablae/Masters_Thesis
Computer Science & Engineering Master's Degree Graduation Thesis. Clustering Graphs - Applying a Label Propagation Algorithm to Detect Communities (in academia) in Graph Databases (ArangoDB). Communities were detected, a GraphQL API with NodeJS and Express and a frontend interface with React, TypeScript and CytoscapeJS were built.Datalux/unict-thesis-template
Very simple template for write thesis in LaTeXAlicePagano/Lecture-Notes-of-Statistical-Mechanics
Lectures of the course of Statistical Mechanics at the University of Padova (2019/2020)alessant/ALECS---Another-LatEx-Cv-for-Scientists
A fancy academic cv for researchers.Lordmzn/ClassicThesis-at-DEIB
Latex template to write MSc thesis at DEIB - Politecnico di MilanoAngtrim/alloy-latex-highlighting
Alloy syntax highlighting for the "listings package" (Latex) (It follows MIT's Alloy environment color style)Cinofix/latex-scientific-templates
Collection of latex templates used for my master's thesis, presentations and assignment reports.andrewtarzia/mol-ellipsize
Molecular size calculation based on ellipsoid fitting over N conformerslrusso96/Cryptography
Utils for Cryptography class (1047622)CiccioTecchio/Unisa-LaTeX
Unoffical template for Unisa thesismanuelcoppotelli/beamer-roma-theme
A spiffy theme for LaTex Beamer inspired by Romeasmeikal/algebra14
Appunti del corso di Algebra (prof.ssa Venezia, II anno laurea in Informatica, Sapienza)FabioLolix/gnuclad
bazaar to git conversion and import of Gnuclad. Gnuclad tries to help the environment by creating trees. It's primary use will be generating cladogram trees for the Linux and BSD distributions timeline projectsDrewNF/Write-Thesis-in-Latex
Latex Template to develop a Report for the Final Project (Thesis)italiancpp/cppday18
Slides of C++ Day 2018DrewNF/Scrivere-Tesi-in-Latex
Latex Template per sviluppare il Report del progetto di Tesimtorchiano/MTkR
Marco Torchiano R UtilsTryKatChup/Tesi-Triennale
Progetto di strumenti basati su Deep Neural Network per la rilevazione di similarità tra password (Tesi Triennale, Ingegneria Informatica T - Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna)francescobozzo/Appunti-Calcolatori
Calcolatori Elettronici - UniTn - prof. Iaccajiandong4388/CUMTB-Latex
Esercizi del corso di programmazione avanzata con TypeScriptflandolfi/ALE-exercises
Exercises for the Algorithm Engineering (ALE) course at University of PisaTryKatChup/IngegneriaSoftware_QA
Raccolta di risposte alle domande tipiche d'esame (Ingegneria Informatica T - Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna)spoto/blockchain-course
Course material about blockchaingiovaz94/metodi_numerici
Appunti in LaTex di metodi numerici: aa 2020/2021cossatot/wenchuan_topo_stress
Work repository for topographic stresses and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.THeK3nger/ros-quadrotor-obstacle-avoidance
ROS/Gazebo controller of a Quadrotor controlled by feedaback linearization and artificial potential fieldzuliani99/UniVe-CS-Master-Degree-AfterNotes
Repository where I share all my notes regarding the CS Master Degree of Ca' Foscari University of Venicegmarciani/templatex
A collection of cool latex templates for scientific writing, books and letters.the4thdoctor/pgdba_books
Source LaTeX of the WIP PostgreSQL bookselectricant/beamerThemePadovaDEI
Beamer theme for the Department of Information Engineering at the Univeristy of PadovaTryKatChup/SistemiOperativi_QA
Raccolta di risposte alle domande tipiche d'esame (Ingegneria Informatica T - Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna)pdebartol/aml-lecture-notes
Advanced Machine Learning course at ETH Zürich Fall 2020marcofavorito/master-thesis
My Master's thesis. Reinforcement Learning for LTLf/LDLf goals.fadingblues/modern_template_pandoc
Pandoc beamer presentation with a modern templatelorossi/advanced-computer-architectures-notes
Notes for ACA. 2021/2022 class, Politecnico di Milanodiegoferigo/phd-thesis
Simulation Architectures for Reinforcement Learning applied to Roboticsamarusofi/Appunti-universitari
Appunti di Sicurezza delle Reti a.a. 2018-2019nitrogl/nclbeamer
LaTeX Beamer styles for Newcastle UniversityFIUP/SWE-Notes
Conterrà tutti gli appunti in LaTEX del corso di Ingegneria del Software.RaffaeleNachos/IIA-Appunti
Artifical Intelligence Introduction @ Unipi - LaTeX notes (2020)Herbrant/Tutorial-Shell-Linux-BASH
Tutorial sulla shell Linux e BASH scripting per il tutorato del corso di Sistemi Operativi @ DMI,UNICTfederico-terzi/las-guida-pratica
Una guida pratica per superare l'esame di LAShenrytriplette/plotter-utility
Pen plotter utilities and GUI for image conversion, SVG optimization, HPGL conversion and headless printlimone-eth/distributed_systems
Notes about Distributed Systems course at Politecnico di Milano - Computer Science & Engineeringapasto/apasto_phd_thesis
Source for my doctoral thesis "Inferring the lithospheric thermal structure from satellite gravimetry"EduBic/Appunti-di-Tecnologie-Web-2
Appunti del corso di tecnologie web 2 (Web Information Managment), università di Padova, docente Massimo Marchiori.v-research/cybersecurity
Research and Development for Cybersecurity Engineering. Our mission is to develop a scientific theory of cybersecurity and a toolchain for the secure engineering of cyber-physical systems.kientuong114/Progetto_Reti_Logiche_2019
Digital Circuit Design project for Politecnico di Milanov-research/edu
This repository to share what, @v-research, we teach in the field of cybersecurity. You will mainly find courses material, thesis and internship proposals, and lectures.EduBic/SWEB-LeggereTraLeRighe
Appunti specifici per superare la parte d'esame del corso di ingegneria del software modulo B, Laurea triennale in Informatica, Università degli Studi di Padovanecst/x86-crash-course
Estimation of Overlapping in Empirical Distributions.asmeikal/FrontespizioSapienza
Frontespizio per tesi di laurea a La Sapienza.Herbrant/Arch-Linux-Presentation
Simple template for the annual evaluation report of the PhD program in Bioengineering and Robotics @ UniGembarbetti/cv-barbetti
💼 Repository for various academic and professional CV versionsemanuelenardi/latex-sml
Collezione degli esami del corso di Programmazione Funzionale tenuto all'Università degli Studi di Trento.MatteoRagni/ParkAssistant
Using OpenCV libraries, a C++ code that is able to classify between full and free parking spot, in real time. THIS CODE IS DEPRECATED AND WAS WRITTEN FOR AN UNIVERSITY COURSE ON COMPUTER VISION.aflaag/algorithms
My algorithms notes.DanySK/Template-LaTeX-CI
A Template Repository for quickly creating more specific LaTeX templates with Continuous Integration in placew00zie/Appunti
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