Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
Privilege Escalation Enumeration Script for WindowsDarkCoderSc/PowerRemoteDesktop
Remote Desktop entirely coded in PowerShell.damienvanrobaeys/Run-in-Sandbox
Run PS1, VBS, CMD, EXE, MSI, Intunewin, MSIX, or extract ISO, ZIP in Windows Sandbox very quickly just from a right-clickANSSI-FR/ADTimeline
Timeline of Active Directory changes with replication metadatapotatoqualitee/kbupdate
🛡 KB Viewer, Saver, Installer and UninstallerCalinou/scoop-games
Scoop bucket for open source/freeware games and game-related toolsvletoux/MakeMeEnterpriseAdmin
Technical notes, AD pentest methodology, list of tools, scripts and Windows commands that I find useful during internal penetration tests and assumed breach exercises (red teaming)ANSSI-FR/DFIR-O365RC
PowerShell module for Office 365 and Azure log collectionDarkCoderSc/PowerRunAsSystem
Run application as system with interactive system process support (active Windows session)gus33000/ESD-Decrypter
A collection of tools to manage Windows Setup filesr33int/Windows10-Postinstall
🛠️ Scripts & programs I use to optimize and debloat my new Windows 10 and Windows 11 installationswikijm/PowerShell-AdminScripts
PowerShell Administration scriptsvletoux/SpoolerScanner
Check if MS-RPRN is remotely available with powershell/c#vletoux/NTLMInjector
In case you didn't now how to restore the user password after a password reset (get the previous hash with DCSync)damienvanrobaeys/Windows_Sandbox_Editor
Generate and manage your windows sandboxogrisel/python-appveyor-demo
Demo project for building Python wheels with appveyor.comspringcomp/my-box
A set of PowerShell scripts to setup my development environment. Works on Windows, Linux and WSL.ANSSI-FR/DFIR4vSphere
Powershell module for VMWare vSphere forensicssexibytes/sexigraf
SexiGraf is a vSphere centric Graphite appliance with a Grafana frontend.damienvanrobaeys/Intune-Remediation-scripts
Smb Scanner from PingCastlecouleurm/couleurstoolbox
🍱 My toolbox that I take with me everytime I reinstall windows.regisf/virtualenvwrapper-powershell
A mimic of the VirtualEnvWrapper project but with PowershellDarkCoderSc/PowerBruteLogon
PowerBruteLogon (Ported version of WinBruteLogon in pure PowerShell)LuccaSA/PingCastle-Notify
Monitor your PingCastle scans to highlight the rule diff between two scansitpro-tips/PowerShell-Toolbox
Standalone binary installers for Qt Linguistdamienvanrobaeys/PS1ToEXE-Generator
PS1 to EXE Generator: Create an EXE for your PS1 scriptsdamienvanrobaeys/SelfX
Powershell module for documenting Pester's resultsDarkCoderSc/PowerRunAsAttached
This script allows to spawn a new interactive console as another user account in the same calling console (console instance/window).phackt/Invoke-Recon
"Powershell script assisting with domain enumerating and in finding quick wins" - Basically written while doing the 'Advanced Red Team' lab from pentesteracademy.eaksel/packer-Win2019
Packer configuration files for Windows Server 2019Aelto/tw3-random-encounters-reworked
Add randomly generated monster contracts, bounties, ambushes and hunts to the game. Dynamically change the vanilla spawns for unique and varied playthroughs. Simulate an ecosystem and a food chain. Add dynamic events to give more weight to your actionsdakhama-mehdi/Modern_ActiveDirectory
Modern Active Directoryvletoux/ms17-010-Scanner
PowerShell functions useful to manage Apache Guacamolelaurentkempe/Cacao
Leveraging Boxstarter and Chocolatey to quickly install most of the developers tools I use for my daily job!ANSSI-FR/guide-journalisation-microsoft
Guide journalisation Microsoftvletoux/TestAntivirus
Test if an antivirus is installed via the resolution of the service virtual SIDAlbanAndrieu/ansible-windows
Ansible role to manage windows installationspringcomp/optimized-azerty-win
AFNOR Compliant AZERTY Keyboard Layout driver for Windowsromainsi/zabbix-VEEAM_B-R
A very easy and pragmatic log module for admins in a hurry.potatoqualitee/modules
Modules like Invoke-CsvSqlcmdpotatoqualitee/discordrpc
Discord Rich Presence Client written in PowerShellflorianburnel/PowerShell
BlueKeep powershell scanner (based on c# code)cderv/r-bucket
Personal scoop bucket I use as an R user and software engineerpotatoqualitee/mssqlsuite
A GitHub Action that automatically install SQL Server suite of toolspotatoqualitee/SPReplicator
♻ Replicates SharePoint ListsIndigo744/wlanprofilemanager-ps
A simple powershell script to automatically switch wlan profile on Windowspotatoqualitee/tentools
💙 / nessus / acas powershell moduleeaksel/packer-Win2022
Packer configuration files for Windows Server 2022sbourdeaud/nutanix
Map remote .NET assemblies to memory for further invocation.JMousqueton/FlipperZero
Various tools for my flipperzeroAymericM78/PowerDataOps
PowerShell module for Microsoft Dataverse and Power Platform automation (Data Management, administration and DevOps activities)JM2K69/MaterialDesign_WPF_Creator
WPF Application to create Material Design WPF projectVinetos/java-portable
Install a portable version of the JDK (and bundled JRE) and run it everywhere without admin rights on Windows.damienvanrobaeys/About_my_device
About my device: A systray tool for that displays device information and run action like send logs or sync deviceromainsi/zabbix-VB-R-SQL
Monitore VB&R with SQL querydamienvanrobaeys/RadialMenu_PS1_WPF
A cool menu to use with WPF and PowerShellpotatoqualitee/psmodulecache
This action makes caching PowerShell modules from the PowerShell Gallery easy for Linux, Windows and macOS runners.damienvanrobaeys/WPF_PS_EN
Access Azure Key Vault secrets, keys and certs from AKS Pods using Secret Store CSI provider and Pod Identity.equelin/Unity-Powershell
PowerShell module for managing EMC Unity arraysfboukezzoula/K8sFuzzKit
Provisioning automatically a full Kubernetes Cluster on Hyper-V with Helm and Tiller, Kubernetes Dashboard and several external tools in only one click !LaurentDardenne/ConvertForm
Powershell module for converting a Winform file (xxx.Designer.cs) to a PowerShell script .ps1. Old Codeplex projectAif4thah/Dojo-101
Base de connaissances en cybersécuritéDFIR-ORC/dfir-orc-config
Configurations for DFIR ORCtmenochet/PowerExec
Offensive tool for fileless lateral movement on Windows networksvletoux/OxidBindings
Extract all IP of a computer using DCOM without authentication (aka detect network used for administration)PAPAMICA/Templates
Tous mes templates sur différents systèmes (Zabbix, Grafane, Excel, Photoshop, After Effect, etc...)marcanpilami/PSZabbix
PowerShell module for automating Zabbix administrationedemilliere/ADSI
Active Directory Searcher helperAlrikRr/ActiveDirectory_Lab
Active DIrectory Lab for Pentesting PracticeJM2K69/Powershell_WPF_GUI
#Mahapps # GUI, # WPFdamienvanrobaeys/Build-PS1-Systray-Tool
How to create a PowerShell Systray/TaskBar toolNicolasBn/PSGPOTools
Module for interact with ADMX and ADML files.damienvanrobaeys/PowerShell_Toast_Notif
Simple toast notification for user in System context with Intunedamienvanrobaeys/Loadingindicators_PS1_WPF
How to add cool progress indicators in your PowerShell and WPF GUImichaelb/simple-user-simulation
powershell script to simulate activity by a userqetza/vsts-xdttransform-task
Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release extension that applies XDT transforms on XML files.damienvanrobaeys/Intune_Scripts
Poor man's HyperV netcatdamienvanrobaeys/AzureAD_Powershell_List_Users_Devices
User PowerShell to list all Azure AD users with their devices and vice-versadamienvanrobaeys/Intune-Reporting
Stuff like scripts or tools for Microsoft System Center Configuration Managerpotatoqualitee/fossilize
Mastodon Backup GitHub Actiondanvy/channel9
Channel9 PowerShell scripts to download Powerpoint Slides and videosromainsi/zabbix-scheduledtask
Display simple toast notification with Header picture for user in System context with Intune or SCCMTechWatching/pulumi-azure-workshop
Workshop to get started with Pulumi on Azuredamienvanrobaeys/Windows10_Design_WPF
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