Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
SPARK by Example is an adaptation of ACSL by Example for SPARK 2014, a programming language which is a formally verified subset of Adawookey-project/ewok-kernel
A secure and high performances microkernel for building secure MCU-based IoTsSMerrony/dashera
DasherA is a Data General DASHER D200/D210 terminal emulatorraph-amiard/ada-synth-lib
Simple audio synthesis librarypmderodat/ada-toml
TOML parser for Adalambourg/Ada_Bare_Metal_Demos
Bare Metal demos using Ada and ravenscar runtimessamueltardieu/aforth
Embeddable Forth interpreter written in AdaAdalog-fr/Adacontrol
An Ada controller for static analysis and rules checkingfrett27/Ada-Synthetizer
Sound Synthetizer Library implemented in Ada, from wavtable it resamples the elements and permit to create chords and notes from it. It use soundio, or alsa or win32 sound subsystemraph-amiard/cours-ada-epita
Contenus pour le cours d'Ada EPITASMerrony/daikin2mqtt
A software bridge between certain popular Daikin™ HVAC units and MQTT.mimo/raylib-Ada
Ada binding for the Raylib library.raph-amiard/learn-ada-in-y-minutes
A 2D physics engine for AdaSMerrony/dgemua
Ada port of my Data General emulation systemHeziode/ada-dotenv
Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.yoogx/spark_examples
Various examples of SPARK2014 codepmderodat/ada-generators
Experimental support for coroutines-based generators in Adabriot/Ada-promises
Implementing promises in Ada. Type-safe, efficient, thread-safe, ...raph-amiard/ada-soundio
Ada bindings for libsoundiosowebio/aide
Ada Instant Development Environment v2samueltardieu/areadline
Ada interface to the readline libraryfrett27/Ada-Midi
Implementation of Midi / MidiFile reading and writingbriot/gnatbdd
Behavior Driven Development in Adamalaise/ada
My Ada contributions. Needs Makefiles.Kidev/DemoAdaPhysics2D
Keypadder is a programmable virtual keypad you can access via a mobile phone or tabletfrett27/Ada-Sodoku
Small Library for Sodoku grid solving / findingenzbang/vision2pixels
A Web space engine for commenting user's photos using AWS.FredPraca/distributed_cbsg
Code for FOSDEM'19 presentation about distributed computing in AdaHadrienG2/phalanstery
Experiments with user-mode tasking in Adajoelimgu/Lists_Ada_Package
ODBC binding in Adabriot/adafuzzy
A fuzzy inference system library for Adaraph-amiard/ada-python-interfacing
Simple example of how to automatically interface Ada and Pythonjoffreyhuguet/curve25519-spark2014
An attempt to verify functions from Curve25519 implementation in SPARK2014enzbang/diouzhtu
A gwiad wiki plugin called diouzhtu based on markdown syntax.sogilis/aws
Ada Web Server - mirror of open-do forge's repopmderodat/libyaml-ada
Tiny Ada wrapper around the LibYAML C libraryEnder-events/Gamepad
Project in ADA to Sprinkle plants.dkm/ada-dreamcast-helloworld
Tool to style check source code, can be added as a git hooksogilis/XReq
XReq is a clone of Cucumber for Adafrett27/Ada-GA
Genetic Algorithm Implementation for Adapmderodat/eventail
Toy Ada-to-HTML formatter, including cross-reference linksHeziode/lsystem-editor
L-Systems editor in AdaFredPraca/adataptempo
Port of C++ TapTempo in Adaraph-amiard/ada-py-bind
Ada library to simplify creation of Ada <-> Python bindingsclairedross/program_your_proofs
General purpose components and utilitiesAlexArtaud-Dev/Projet-ADA-M1106
loada loads (restores) legacy Data General AOS/VS DUMP_II, and maybe DUMP_III, files on any modern system supported by Ada (gnat).louis-etne/ada-vm
Virtual machine in AdaHeziode/aoc-ada-2021
Advent of Code 2021 in AdaSMerrony/simh_tapes
Simh_tape is an Ada package for handling magnetic tape images in the standard format used by SimH and many other computer simulators and emulators.dkm/click
Ada crate to build firmware for mechanical keyboardsowebio/v22
Ada framework for web softwares and servicesAdalog-fr/Asiscomps
Asis components and utilitiesTheoBessel/AdaPageRanking
Projet N7 : Algorithme de Page Ranking écrit en Adasogilis/spark-examples
A cell generator program written in Ada.FredPraca/cbsg
Corporate Bullshit Generator Libraryjulien-pintodafonseca/GL2
Réalisation d'un compilateur Déca (sous-ensemble de Java) avec génération d'arbres d'analyse lexicale, syntaxique, contextuelle et génération du code assembleur interprété par machine virtuelle (Java, ANTLR, Assembleur IMA).julien-blanchon/Le-TP-de-Keunotor
Dépot git communs pour les TDs et TPs du groupe Bgagath/ada_menu
A proof-of-concept console menu handling written in Ada.louis-etne/ada-generic_ecs
A generic ECS for Ada, inspired by Enttmildred/iut-tp
A POSIX console utility library written in Ada.nraynaud/bldc_ada
first stab at a BLDC controler in Ada, nothing works, don't look at itHeziode/ada_unbounded_stsring_storage_error_issue
This repo show a minimal example to reproduce an issue related to Storage_Error with Unbounded Stringralt/ircada
IRC Client library in AdaBruno-Muller/ENSISA-ADA
Projet ADA ENSISA 2013louis-etne/ada-TicTacToe
Tic Tac Toe implemented in Adalouis-etne/ada-GameOfLife
Game of Life implementation done in Adalebotlan/adafileio
Ada helper library to read text files, line by linelouis-etne/ada-Adaquarium
Gestion de polynômes en ADA (Projet de fin de semestre 1)louis-etne/spark-brainfuck
Brainfuck interpreter in Ada/SPARKlouis-etne/ada-ray
ASCII Raytracer in AdaYruamaLairba/gtkada-minesweeper
A minesweeper writed in ada and using Gtk.YruamaLairba/ada-ncurses-snake
The snake game made with ada and ncursesebouther/Ada-async-protocol-based-on-UDP
(French) Petits programmes pour réviser les nombres persans et italienspmderodat/libuv-ada
libuv binding for AdaLyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/Lyaaaaa-s-Logs-Filter
Lightweight user-friendly software which filters logspmderodat/qbe-ada
Library to easily create QBE programs in Adasogilis/TP_Ada
Gprbuild stub to handle distant targets. It allows a network copy, through SCP, of the current binary project after build, with bellssogilis/template-parser
Mirror of AdaCore's template-parserraph-amiard/ada-nanovg
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