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Deep Learning Book Chinese Translationjikexueyuanwiki/tensorflow-zh
An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template. 大陆镜像
Book of Elementary Functional Algorithms and Data structurestuna/thuthesis
LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua Universitysjtug/SJTUThesis
上海交通大学 LaTeX 论文模板 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Thesis Templatemohuangrui/ucasthesis
LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Scienceshorance-liu/tensorflow-internals
It is open source ebook about TensorFlow kernel and implementation mechanism.liuxinyu95/unplugged
Open book about math and programming.NiuTrans/MTBook
《机器翻译:基础与模型》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Foundations and Modelsthunlp/NRLPapers
Must-read papers on network representation learning (NRL) / network embedding (NE)jindongwang/transferlearning-tutorial
A machine translation reading list maintained by Tsinghua Natural Language Processing GroupCTeX-org/lshort-zh-cn
A Chinese edition of the Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2εElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook
Elegant LaTeX Template for Bookshijiangtao/resume
个人中文简历 Latex 源码
本书为《C++17 the complete guide》的个人中文翻译,仅供学习和交流使用,侵删thunlp/KRLPapers
Must-read papers on knowledge representation learning (KRL) / knowledge embedding (KE)huangzworks/redisbook
《Redis 设计与实现》(网络版)的书稿源码xuxiaodong/usingcli-book
The AWK Programming Language (AWK 程序设计语言, awkbook) 中文翻译, LaTeX 排版bdebye/thesisuestc
Elegant LaTeX Template for Working Paperszhanggyb/nndl
Another Chinese Translation of Neural Networks and Deep Learningthunlp/NREPapers
Must-read papers on neural relation extraction (NRE)BHOSC/BUAAthesis
GB/T 7714-2015 BibTeX StyleDuan-JM/awesome-papers-fewshot
Collection for Few-shot LearningElvisQin/thegibook
Elegant LaTeX Template for NotesCTeX-org/ctex-kit
Macro Packages and Scripts for Chinese TeX usersstone-zeng/fduthesis
LaTeX thesis template for Fudan UniversityDidnelpsun/Math
📖 北京理工大学非官方 LaTeX 模板集合,包含本科、研究生毕业设计模板及更多。🎉 (更多文档请访问 wiki 和 release 中的手册)liweitianux/resume
My resume in LaTeX (template suited for new graduates; 应届生简历模板)cnlinxi/book-text-to-speech
A book about Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Chinese.earlgrey0103/ThinkPython2-CN
《Think Python 2e》最新版中文翻译,已完结。chyyuu/simple_os_book
simple os booksjtug/SJTUBeamer
上海交通大学 Beamer 模版 | Beamer template for Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityMeouSker77/ProgrammingRust
本书为《Programming Rust - Fast, Safe Systems Development》第2版的个人中文翻译,仅供学习和交流使用,如有侵权请联系作者删除SYSU-SCC/sysu-thesis
中山大学 LaTeX 论文项目模板xiaoweiChen/Learn-LLVM-12
《Learn LLVM 12》的非专业个人翻译huajh/awesome-latex-cv
Latex CV template built with Font Awesome.mohuangrui/ucasproposal
LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciencesdyweb/Deedy-Resume-for-Chinese
适合应届毕业生的 LaTeX 简历模板THUNLP-MT/TG-Reading-List
A text generation reading list maintained by Tsinghua Natural Language Processing Group.mazhengcn/suggested-notation-for-machine-learning
This introduces a suggestion of mathematical notation protocol for machine learning.Haixing-Hu/nju-thesis
An introduction to lambda calculus in Chinese, including an interpreter in Haskell.beijinglug/fsfs-zh
Chinese translation for "Free Software, Free Society"(3rd)wenweili/AlJabr-1
Methods in Algebra (Volume 1): A Chinese textbook on AlgebraUrinx/LaTeX-PPT-Template
Seven awesome latex ppt templates for researchers or students.NWPUMetaphysicsOffice/Yet-Another-LaTeX-Template-for-NPU-Thesis
西北工业大学硕博学位论文模版 | Yet Another Thesis Template for Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityMCG-NKU/CVPR_Template
Materials for teaching R and tidyverseliubenyuan/nudtpaper
A LaTeX template for Master/PhD Thesis of NUDTHaixing-Hu/GBT7714-2005-BibTeX-Style
A GB/T 7714-2005 national standard compliant BibTeX style.ZihengZZH/awesome-multimodal-knowledge-graph
A curated list of AWESOME papers, datasets and tutorials within Multimodal Knowledge Graph.swq123459/GZHU-Report-Latex-Version
A LaTeX beamer theme template for Tsinghua students.KSESEU/LLMPapers
Papers & Works for large languange models (ChatGPT, GPT-3, Codex etc.).TouchFishPioneer/SEU-Beamer-Slide
Modern LaTeX in a NutshellSamZhangQingChuan/Editorials
算法题解& 教程zheyuye/resume-chinese
ThinkPython's Chinese TranslationMCG-NKU/NSFC-LaTex
An awesome & curated list for Artificial General Intelligence, an emerging inter-discipline field that combines artificial intelligence and computational cognitive sciences.scnu-dil/awesome-RecSys
Must-read papers on recommendation systems (RecSys)huangwb8/ChineseResearchLaTeX
Pandoc LaTeX,Epub模板,用于生成书籍,幻灯片(beamer),简历,论文等(cv, thesis, ebook,beamer)lvjr/tabularray
Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3XiangyunHuang/awesome-beamers
beamer template collectionYangLaTeX/hitszthesis
A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations.Larry955/Latex-Paper-Templates
Latex-format paper templates, including Elsevier, arXiv and IEEE Access.iydon/sustechthesis
南方科技大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板taroxd/n8440fe
Chinese translation of お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件xiaoyao9933/UCASthesis
**国科大新版标准** 中国科学院大学学位论文模板,目前遵守2018国科大指导标准。 a LaTeX template for UCAS.alwintsui/scutthesis
Latex/Lyx templates for the thesis specifications of South China University of Technology (SCUT,华南理工大学)polossk/LaTeX-Template-For-NPU-Thesis
西北工业大学本科毕业设计论文模版 | Thesis Template for Northwestern Polytechnical Universitywshuyi/demo-batch-markdown-to-pdf
中南大学学术论文LaTex模板。Central South University Thesis LaTeX Template.bisheng/Awesome-QG
Question Generation Papers Collection.fky2015/resume-ng
A LaTeX resume template designed for optimal information density and aesthetic appeal.SunYanCN/Latex-Beamer-Template
中文学术LaTeX Beamer模板SUSTech-CRA/sustech-master-thesis
📄 同济大学本科生毕业设计论文模板 | Tongji University Undergraduate Thesis Template | Overleaf / Mac / Linux / Windows / Workshop / DockerLiam0205/mcmthesis
LaTeX2e Template designed for MCM/ICMPeterXiao/books_list_backup_2018_2019
book labEthanDeng/vscode-latex
LaTeX 编译环境配置:Visual Studio Code 配置简介YuZhang/cryptography
Cryptography course slides at Harbin Institute of Technologyxjtu-blacksmith/easymcm
A simple LaTeX package for Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)fredqi/xduthesis
XeLaTeX template for writing thesis aiming to apply degrees from Xidian University.Evian-Zhang/Introduction-to-modern-cryptography
XDUthesis 西安电子科技大学学位论文模板 Xidian University thesis templateTomHeaven/nudt_thesis
NUDT硕士博士毕业论文latex模板Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us