π© ActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes against a JSON schema.
Do it like => validates :photos, attached: true, content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'], size: { less_than: 500.kilobytes }, limit: { min: 1, max: 3 }, aspect_ratio: :landscape, dimension: { width: { in: 800..1600 }
Client Side Validations made easy for Ruby on Rails
Validation library with type-safe schemas and rules
An email validator for Rails.
Ruby JSON Schema Validator
This Gem adds useful methods to your Rails app to validate, display and save phone numbers. It uses the super awesome Phony gem (https://github.com/floere/phony).
Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails. Supports multiple ORMs and allows custom date/time formats.
URL Validation for Rails
ActiveModel validation for email. Including MX lookup and disposable email blacklist