An Android Application using Java with amazing UI where four choices are provided and user can choose one desired option. Score increases for every right answer and question number always increases.WhatsApp-Status-Saver-App
An amazing application created in Android Studio that fetches all the statuses of user's WhatsApp and provides the facility to save or download them in user's phone.NotesApp
An amazing Android Application with a well designed UI and it has the facility to add, update or delete the note whichever the user want. It shows the randomly different colors on every note whenever the user login or signup for notes application. The app also show the date and time of the creation and updation of the particular note.Menu-With-Submenu-Items
It is an android application feature that can be implemented in any android application.TransparentActivity
An Android Application that shows a simple transparent activity.SpeechToText
A Simple Android Application feature that can be implemented in any Android Application. It converts Speech to Text.SnackBar
An Android application with 3 snackbars default, action and custom snackbar that displays different toasts with a well designed UI. It is a feature of an android application that can be used in android applications.Swipe-Unlock-Button
A simple android feature that can be implemented in many applications.ModalBottomSheet
Android project which shows a Modal Bottom Sheet and shows some example activities that we can perform on it.Splash-Screen-With-Animation-
Splash Screen is the first screen of the Application. It can be used in any application to make the application interactive and eye-catching.DatePicker
A Simple Android Application that shows a Date Picker Dialog and displays the picked date.Magic8Ball
An Android Application with a simple UI design which Make your everyday decisions easier. It shows random solutions for your daily life decisions.QuizzlerApp
Android application using Java with a nice UI where the user can choose the desired option as true/false. Score increases for every right option.Gradients
Gradients can be applied to any application in Android Studio to make the application colorful.TimePicker
A Simple Android Application that shows a Time Picker Dialog and displays the picked time.Dicee
Android Application using JAVA with simple UI which generates Random Numbers using two dice. This app may be best suited for daily life decisions or tossing for a game.NavigationDrawer
Android Application using JAVA which have a Navigation Drawer along with four different fragments and two activities. This App navigates the user to the desired fragment/activity, which the uses chooses.CurrentDateAndTime
A Simple Android Application Feature that shows current date and time.CircularImageView
An Android Application that shows a normal image view and a circular image view.Collapsing-Toolbar
Collapsing Toolbar is a interactive UI tool to be added in any Android Application for creating a well-designed UI.SeekBar
A Simple Android Application feature that can be used in various android applications.RecyclerView
Recycler View of a Chat Application using JAVA which shows name along with the message and time. It is an amazing application with well-designed UI.Lottie-Animations
Lottie Animations can be implemented or used in any Android Application to make the application attractive and user-friendly.SpotifyLoginUIClone
An amazing Android UI that resembles the Spotify Login UI created in Android Studio.OTP-Design-Learning
An Android Application with simple UI using firebase for verification of OTP. This application requires your phone number to be entered and then verifies the OTP.TabLayout
An amazing android application (i.e. Tab Layout with Fragments and View pager) with swipe feature and on click feature created in Android Studio.Pass-data-from-one-activity-to-another
This feature can be implemented in any android application.GUI-Calculator
Android GUI Calculator using Java with a well designed UI and different colors. This app performs basic calculating operations.WeatherApp
Android Application using JAVA with an amazing and responsive UI which uses Open Weather API and fetch the weather of current location of user and also provide the facility to search for weather of any particular location.MyLoginUI
This repo contains the source code of a amazing and well designed UI for a Login Application. You eyes will really be soothes after seeing it.Covid-19-Tracker
Covid-19 Tracker Application is an application to keep track on the COVID pandemic Active cases, Recovered cases, Total cases and Death cases. In this application, user can also pick the desired country to see the Total cases, Active cases, Recovered cases and cases of Death of that particular country. This application also contains a Recycler View to show the cases (By default), deaths, recovered and active cases. The application UI is well-designed and interactive.XylophoneApp
Android Application in JAVA with colorful UI which have 7 voice nodes ,each on pressing play the different sound. The UI of this app is completely responsive and looks amazing.Bottom-Navigation-Bar
Bottom Navigation Bar is used in many applications to make the application UI well-designed and effective. In this application, I create a Bottom Navigation Bar with fragments and one fragment contains a button which help to move from a fragment to activity.My-Chat-App
An amazing Chat Application that is created using JAVA and Firebase in Android Studio. It provides the feature of one-to-one chatting and the app has well-designed UI.Tic-Tac-Toe
An Android Game Application for two players with a splash screen and a main screen. Its UI is very simple and amazing as well. It also contains a Reset button for resetting the scoreboard.ToastyLibrary
It is an Android Application that displays 4 different toasts with different colors. It has an amazing UI and it is a simple application or feature to be used in different other projects.BMI-Calculator
An Android Application using JAVA that takes Gender, Height(in cm), Weight, Age and then calculates the BMI based on that particular given information.Activity1ToActivity2
It is a small android application feature to be used in any android application. It consists of two activities and when the user clicks on Move To Second button, then the user moves to the second activity.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us