测试覆盖率(Test Coverage)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files | 96.15 | 88.46 | 100 | 96.05 | |
blockChain.js | 96.15 | 88.46 | 100 | 96.05 | 76,133,168 |
- 工作量证明机制(Proof of Work, PoW)的简单实现, A simple implementation of the Proof of Work algorithm.
- 区块链的验证, Block chain validation to prevent it from being maliciously tampered.
- Transaction 的签名. Sign transactions.
- 钱包地址生成. Wallet generation.
- 挖矿. Mining
🦊 开始 Let's get started
祝学习愉快。 Happy Learning. All the demo can be found in bilibiliDemo folder. 所有的视频里的示例都可以在 bilibiliDemo 的文件夹里找到
安装依赖(Install dependencies)
npm install --save
如果作为依赖安装, it's published to npm, so if you want to install it as an dependency, please use
npm install --save luotuocoin
yarn add luotuocoin
运行测试用例(Run tests)
npm run test
yarn test
生成一个密钥对(Generate your wallet)(bilibiliDemo/encryption/keygen.js)
密钥对讲用于发起转账,公钥(public key)会用作你的钱包地址,私钥(private key)会用来生成转账的数字签名。 The keypair will be used for signing transactions(private key) and receving miner rewards/transactions, public key will be your wallet address.
const ecLib = require("elliptic").ec;
const ec = new ecLib("secp256k1"); // curve name
const sha256 = require("crypto-js/sha256");
// 生成我们的密钥对 generate the keypair
const key = ec.genKeyPair();
// 拿到我们的私钥和公钥 希望拿到hex string格式的
console.log("private", key.getPrivate("hex"));
console.log("public", key.getPublic("hex"));
创建区块链(Create Blockchain)
const { chain, transaction } = require("luotuocoin");
const myCoin = new chain();
发起转账(Create Transaction)
利用上述步骤生成的keypair object, use the keypair object generated above
// 发起一笔转给to 10块钱的交易
// create a transaction that transfer 10 coin to address 'to'
const transaction = new Transaction(key.getPublic("hex"), "to", 10);
同样需要利用之前生成的 key object,将公钥作为参数传入挖矿的方法,如果你最后挖矿成功,区块链会向这个地址发放一个矿工奖励。 Using the same keypair object, passin the public key to receive the minder reward.
📽 视频教程(Video tutorial)
本项目均可在 b 站找到视频教程 我的 B 站区块链视频. 第一列视频均为理论讲解,第二列视频均为代码实现。
视频 1-1: 区块链概念讲解 | 视频 1-2: 简单区块链的实现 |
视频 2-1: 工作量证明机制(pow)概念讲解 | 视频 2-2: 整合 Proof of Work 到区块链 |
视频 3-1: 数字货币是怎么产生的 | 视频 3-2: 把区块链变成数字货币 |
视频 4-1: 比特币中的数字签名是什么 | 视频 4-2: 向区块链中添加数字签名 |