Create CodeQL database directly from Java source code without compiling
- Installed CodeQL
- Linux / Macos
Otherwise you need to manually specify the value of variables such as codeql_home,codeql_java_home
If there is only jar, you need to decompile it to get the java source code
unzip your.jar
python3 class2java.py dir
generate database for java source code
usage: run.py [-h] [-l [LIB ...]] [-ld [LIBDIR ...]] db srcroot
CodeQL java extractor.
positional arguments:
db codeql database name
srcroot java source code dir
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l [LIB ...], --lib [LIB ...]
lib path
-ld [LIBDIR ...], --libdir [LIBDIR ...]
lib dir
python3 run.py dbname srcroot
python3 run.py dbname srcroot -l lib1.jar lib2.jar
python3 run.py dbname srcroot -ld libdir1 libdir2