This is the trackr-page frontend. Though named trackr it's actually an app containing trackr. But trackr is most of it, code and featurewise.
You need node, npm installed. From npm you need grunt-cli, bower and karma.
In the main directory run
grunt test
grunt dist
grunt karma:cover
Test will run all tests. dist will create the production package. karma:cover will run some coverage. The coverage report will be placed in reports/coverage.
The best way to run the frontend against a backend locally is to have a HTTP server like nginx running that serves the static files and proxies the requests to the backend. Here is my nginx config:
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location /api/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
location / {
alias /Users/moritz/workspace/techdev/trackr-frontend/dist/;
try_files $uri $uri/ index.html =404;
Of course you have to change the root path to your location. If you want to test the dist/ just add it to the root path. Put this in /etc/nginx/sites-available/trackr.conf, then make a symbolic link
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-avialable/trackr.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
And be sure that the sites-enabled are loaded in the nginx.conf. If you start nginx you can find trackr under http://localhost:9090/.