What is this?
It's a PHP class wrapper for handling WordPress Settings API. Gives a very handy way to build theme or plugins option panel.
Package Installation (via Composer)
To install this package, edit your composer.json
"require": {
"tareq1988/wordpress-settings-api-class": "dev-master"
Now run:
$ composer install
Usage Example
Checkout the examples folder for OOP and procedural example. They were called in plugin.php file.
A detailed tutorial can be found here.
Retrieving saved options
* Get the value of a settings field
* @param string $option settings field name
* @param string $section the section name this field belongs to
* @param string $default default text if it's not found
* @return mixed
function prefix_get_option( $option, $section, $default = '' ) {
$options = get_option( $section );
if ( isset( $options[$option] ) ) {
return $options[$option];
return $default;
Frequently Asked Questions
What this plugin for?
It's mainly a plugin that demonstrates the Settings API PHP class
Whats the facility?
A plugin or theme developer can build their options panel with Settings API easily
What is Settings API ?
Settings API is a functionality from WordPress that helps developers to save their options data very easily and securely. More about Settings API.
v1.3 (27 September, 2016)
- [new] Placeholder support for text and textarea input
- [new] min, max and step support for number field
- [fix] Empty multicheck saving warning
- [improved] Don't show the navigation if only one section exists
v1.1 (23 April, 2015)
- [new] Folder structure updated
- [new] composer support added
- [new] Number field added
- [new] URL field added
- [improved] wysiwyg field responsive support. Allow to pass options to wp_editor
- [new] WP Media uploader added
v1.0 (16 July, 2014)
- [new] color, password and wysiwyg example added on plugin settings
- [new] Color Picker added
- [improved] Allow to set description for section
- Some other old fixes ;)