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JavaScript implementation of Japanese morphological analyzer


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JavaScript implementation of Japanese morphological analyzer. This is a pure JavaScript porting of Kuromoji.

You can see how kuromoji.js works in demo site.


Directory tree is as follows:

  kuromoji.js -- JavaScript file for browser (Browserified)
demo/         -- Demo
dict/         -- Dictionaries for tokenizer (gzipped)
example/      -- Examples to use in Node.js
src/          -- JavaScript source
test/         -- Unit test


You can tokenize sentences with only 5 lines of code. If you need working examples, you can see the files under the demo or example directory.


Install with npm package manager:

npm install kuromoji

Load this library as follows:

var kuromoji = require("kuromoji");

You can prepare tokenizer like this:

kuromoji.builder({ dicPath: "path/to/dictionary/dir/" }).build(function (err, tokenizer) {
    // tokenizer is ready
    var path = tokenizer.tokenize("すもももももももものうち");


You only need the build/kuromoji.js and dict/*.dat.gz files

Install with Bower package manager:

bower install kuromoji

Or you can use the kuromoji.js file and dictionary files from the GitHub repository.

In your HTML:

<script src="url/to/kuromoji.js"></script>

In your JavaScript:

kuromoji.builder({ dicPath: "/url/to/dictionary/dir/" }).build(function (err, tokenizer) {
    // tokenizer is ready
    var path = tokenizer.tokenize("すもももももももものうち");


The function tokenize() returns an JSON array like this:

[ {
    word_id: 509800,          // 辞書内での単語ID
    word_type: 'KNOWN',       // 単語タイプ(辞書に登録されている単語ならKNOWN, 未知語ならUNKNOWN)
    word_position: 1,         // 単語の開始位置
    surface_form: '黒文字',    // 表層形
    pos: '名詞',               // 品詞
    pos_detail_1: '一般',      // 品詞細分類1
    pos_detail_2: '*',        // 品詞細分類2
    pos_detail_3: '*',        // 品詞細分類3
    conjugated_type: '*',     // 活用型
    conjugated_form: '*',     // 活用形
    basic_form: '黒文字',      // 基本形
    reading: 'クロモジ',       // 読み
    pronunciation: 'クロモジ'  // 発音
  } ]

(This is defined in src/util/IpadicFormatter.js)

See also JSDoc page in details.