The Semicolon
This repository contains the Ipython Notebooks to the Data Analytics youtube tutorials on The Semicolon. The youtube link for the tutorials :
The following Ipython notebooks are available on this repository.
Python for Data Analytics
- Learn Python in 10 Minutes
- Numpy and Matplotlib Tutorial
- Pandas tutorial
- Sklearn linear regression
- Sklearn Random Forest Classifier
- Sklearn dimensionality reduction
- Machine Learning with Text Count Vectorizer
- Machine Learning with Text TF- IDF
- Live Sentiment Analysis
- Perceptron And Gradient Descent
- Neural Networks and Backpropogation Algorithm
- Ensemble Learning
Deep Learning with Keras
- Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras
- Word2vec implementation in gensim
- Simple LSTM implementation with Keras
- LSTM implementation details with Keras, Normailzation, Activation, Loss
- Chatbot Preprocessing
- Chatbot training
- Chatbot Chat
- Chatbot Trained models:
Apart from this the datasets used are housing.csv, mnist.csv and smsspam