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The most integrated web scraper package for Laravel.

Laravel Scavenger

Laravel Scavenger

The most integrated web scraping package for Laravel.

Build Status Codecov Scrutinizer License Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version

Top Features

Scavenger provides the following features and more out-the-box.

  • Ease of use
    • Scavenger is super-easy to configure. Simply publish the config file and set your targets.
  • Scrape data from multiple sources at once.
  • Convert scraped data into usable Laravel model objects.
    • eg. You may scrape an article, have it converted into an object of your choice, and save it in your database. Immediately available to your viewers.
  • You can easily perform one or more operations, on each property, of any scraped entity.
    • eg. You may call a paraphrase service from a model or package of your choice on data attributes before saving them to your database.
  • Data integrity constraints
    • Scavenger uses a hashing algorithm of your choice to maintain data integrity. This hash is used to ensure that one scrap (source article) is not converted to multiple output objects (model duplicates).
  • Console Command
    • Once Scavenger is configured, a simple artisan command launches the seeker. Since this is a console command it is more efficient and timeouts are less likely to occur.
    • Artisan command: php artisan scavenger:seek
  • Schedule ready
    • Scavenger can easily be set to scrape on a schedule. Hence, creating a somewhat autonomous website is super easy!
  • SERP
    • Scavenger can be used to flexibly scrape Search Engine Result Pages.


  1. Install via composer; in your terminal:

    composer require reliqarts/laravel-scavenger

    or require in composer.json:

        "require": {
            "reliqarts/laravel-scavenger": "^3.1"

    then run composer update in your terminal to pull it in.

  2. (Optional) Publish package resources and configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ReliqArts\Scavenger\ServiceProvider"

You may opt to publish only configuration by using the scavenger-config tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ReliqArts\Scavenger\ServiceProvider" --tag="scavenger-config"

or only the migrations via the scavenger-migrations tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ReliqArts\Scavenger\ServiceProvider" --tag="scavenger-migrations"


Scavenger is highly configurable. Once configured, the settings will be used for every scrape.


Below is an example of a typical config file structure, with comments explaining each setting.


return [
    // debug mode?
    'debug' => false,

    // whether log file should be written
    'log' => true,

    // How much detail is expected in output, 1 being the lowest, 3 being highest.
    'verbosity' => 1,

    // Set the database config
    'database' => [
        // Scraps table
        'scraps_table' => env('SCAVENGER_SCRAPS_TABLE', 'scavenger_scraps'),

    // Daemon config - used to build daemon user
    'daemon' => [
        // Model to use for Daemon identification and login
        'model' => 'App\\User',

        // Model property to check for daemon ID
        'id_prop' => 'email',

        // Daemon ID
        'id' => '[email protected]',

        // Any additional information required to create a user:
        // NB. this is only used when creating a daemon user, there is no "safe" way
        // to change the daemon's password once he has been created.
        'info' => [
            'name' => 'Scavenger Daemon',
            'password' => 'pass',

    // guzzle settings
    'guzzle_settings' => [
        'timeout' => 60,

    // hashing algorithm to use
    'hash_algorithm' => 'sha512',

    // storage
    'storage' => [
        // This directory will live inside your application's log directory.
        'log_dir' => env('SCAVENGER_LOG_DIR', 'scavenger'),

    // different model entities and mapping information
    'targets' => [
        // NB. the "rooms" target shown below is for example purposes only. It has all posible keys explicitly.
        'rooms' => [
            'example' => true,
            'serp' => false,
            'model' => 'App\\Room',
            'source' => 'http://myroomslistingsite.1demo/section/rooms',
            'search' => [
                // keywords
                'keywords' => ['professional'],
                // form markup
                'form' => [
                    // search form selector (important)
                    'selector' => '#form',
                    // input element name for search term/keyword
                    'keyword_input_name' => 'keyword',
                    'submit_button' => [
                        // text on submit button (optional)
                        'text' => null,
                        // submit element id, use if button doesn't have text (optional)
                        'id' => null,
            'pager' => [
                // link (a tag) selector
                'selector' => 'div.content #page a.pagingnav',
            // max. number of pages to scrape (0 is unlimited)
            'pages' => 0,
            // content markup: actual data to be scraped
            'markup' => [
                'title' => 'div.content section > table tr h3',
                // inside: content to be found upon clicking title link
                '__inside' => [
                    'title' => '#ad-title > h1 > a',
                    'body' => 'article .adcontent > p[align="LEFT"]:last-of-type',
                    // focus: focus detail on the following section
                    '__focus' => 'section section > .content #ad-detail > article',
                // wrapper/item/result: wrapping selector for each item on single page.
                // If inside special key is set this key becomes invalid (i.e. inside takes preference)
                '__result' => null,
            // split single attributes into multiple based on regex
            'dissect' => [
                'body' => [
                    'email' => '(([eE]mail)*:*\s*\w+\@(\s*\w)*\.(net|com))',
                    'phone' => '((([cC]all|[[tT]el|[Pp][Hh](one)*)[:\d\-,\sDL\/]*\d)|(\d{3}\-?\d{4}))',
                    'beds' => '([\d]+[\d\.\/\s]*[^\w]*([Bb]edroom|b\/r|[Bb]ed)s?)',
                    'baths' => '([\d]+[\d\.\/\s]*[^\w]*([Bb]athroom|bth|[Bb]ath)s?)',
                    // retain:  whether details should be left in source attribute after extraction
                    '__retain' => true,
            // modify attributes by calling functions
            'preprocess' => [
                // takes a callable
                // optional third parameter of array if callable method needs an instance
                // e.g. ['App\\Item', 'foo', true] or 'bar'
                'title' => null,
            // remap entity attributes to model properties (optional)
            'remap' => [
                'title' => null,
                'body' => null,
            // scraps containing any of these words will be rejected (optional)
            'bad_words' => [

        // Google SERP example:
        'google' => [
            'example' => true,
            'serp' => true,
            'model' => 'App\\GoogleResult',
            'source' => 'https://www.google.com',
            'search' => [
                'keywords' => ['dog'],
                'form' => [
                    'selector' => 'form[name="f"]',
                    'keyword_input_name' => 'q',
            'pages' => 2,
            'pager' => [
                'selector' => '#foot > table > tr > td.b:last-child a',
            'markup' => [
                '__result' => 'div.g',
                'title' => 'h3 > a',
                'description' => '.st',
                // the 'link' and 'position' attributes make use of some of Scavengers available properties
                'link' => '__link',
                'position' => '__position',

        // Bing SERP example:
        'bing' => [
            'example' => true,
            'serp' => true,
            'model' => 'App\\BingResult',
            'source' => 'https://www.bing.com',
            'search' => [
                'keywords' => ['dog'],
                'form' => [
                    'selector' => 'form#sb_form',
                    'keyword_input_name' => 'q',
            'pages' => 3,
            'pager' => [
                'selector' => '.sb_pagN',
            'markup' => [
                '__result' => '.b_algo',
                'title' => 'h2 a',
                'description' => '.b_caption p',
                'link' => '__link',
                'position' => '__position',

Target Breakdown

The targets array contains a list of entities (to be scraped from) keyed by a unique target identifier. The structure is as follows.

  • model: Laravel DB model to create from target.
  • source: Source URL to scrape.
  • search: Search settings. Use if a search is to be performed before target data is shown. (optional)
    • keywords: Array of keywords to search for.
    • keyword_input: Keyword input text markup.
    • form_markup: CSS selector for search form.
    • submit_button_text: The text on the form's submit button.
  • pager: Next link CSS selector. To skip to next page.
  • markup: Array of attributes to scrape from main list. [attributeName => CSS selector]
    • __inside: Sub markup for detail page. Markup for page which shows when article title is clicked/opened. (optional)
  • dissect: Split compound attributes into smaller attributes via REGEX. (optional)
  • preprocess: Array of attributes which need to be preprocessed. [attributeName => callable] (optional)
  • remap: Array of attributes which need to be renamed in order to be saved as target objects. [attributeName => newName] (optional)
  • bad_words: Any scrap found containing these words will be discarded. (optional)

Glossary of Terms

The following words may appear in context above.

  • Daemon: User instance to be used by the Scavenger service.
  • Scrap: Scraped data before being converted to the target object.
  • Target: Configured source-model mapping for a single entity.
  • Target Object: Eloquent model object to be generated from scrape.


This library is heavily inspired by, and dependent on, the Guzzle library, although several concepts may have been adjusted.