Awesome Kicad
Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock!
- KiKit: Library and CLI tool to panelize boards, export manufacturing data and build board presentation pages.
- panelize-plugin: Automatic KiCad panelization plugin
Manufacturing BOM and Gerbers
- KiCost: Build cost spreadsheet for a KiCad project.
- KiBoM: Configurable BoM generation tool for KiCad EDA
- JLCKicadTools: Tool for using JLCPCB assembly service with KiCad
- KiZip: KiCad Plugin to package gerbers ready for ordering
- KiCad JLCPCB BOM Plugin: Export a JLCPCB Compatible BOM directly from your KiCad schematic
- kicad-gerberzipper: KiCad Plot and Zip
- kicad-bom-seeedstudio: KiCad BOM plugin to follow Seeed Studio's Fusion PCBA template
- gerber_to_order: A KiCad plugin to create zip compressed gerber files to order for Elecrow, FusionPCB, PCBWay or JLCPCB.
- KiCad Better BOM: Yet another pretty BOM generator for KiCad.
- Kicad JLCPCB Tools: Plugin to generate all files necessary for JLCPCB board fabrication and assembly
- Copper Thief Plugin: Copper Thieving Plugin.
PCB Design
- Svg2Shenzhen: Inkscape extension for exporting drawings into a KiCad PCB.
- PcbDraw: Convert your KiCAD boards into nice looking 2D drawings suitable for pinout diagrams
- svg2mod: Convert Inkscape SVG drawings to KiCad footprint modules
- KiBuzzard: Create labels in various fonts, and with inverted backgrounds
- Stretch: Allow your PCBs to stretch!
- Laser Stencil Plugin: KiCAD Pcbnew plugin to generat laser cutter G-Code files for solder paste stencils
- Stimulu KiCad Plugins: Collection of KiCad plugins to reproduce or use Stimulu board files.
- KiCad Templates: Provides a number of additional Board and production house templates for KiCad EDA.
- FreeRouting: Advanced PCB auto-router
- uConfig: Datasheet pinout extractor from PDF and library Stylizer for Kicad.
- KiBot: KiCad automation utility.
- KiCad RF Tools: Footprints, wizards and round tracks, mask expander, via fencing
- Import-LIB-KiCad-Plugin: Import KiCad component libraries imported from Ultralibrarian and SnapEDA zipfiles.
- InteractiveHtmlBom: Generate convenient BOM listing with ability to visually correlate and easily search for components and their placements on the pcb
- plotkicadsch: Export Kicad Sch files to structured picture files
- KiCad-Diff: Plugin to perform image diffs between pcbnew layout revisions
- kdiff: A tool for reviewing Kicad's projects visually including schematics and layout using Kicad-Diff and Plotgitsch
- Altium2Kicad: Altium to KiCad converter for PCB and schematics
- Eagle to KiCad: Eagle SCH/LIB to KiCad SCH/LIB ULP conversion script
- Official KiCad Footprints
- KiCad Footprint Generator: Generate custom KiCAD footprints using python
3D Models
- Keyboard PCB guide: Guide on how to design keyboard PCBs with KiCad
- Hawk: Tutorial for making an ARM dev board in KiCAD
3rd-Party Component Integration
- Kandle: CLI to automatically import 3rd-party components (symbols, footprints and 3D-models) into KiCad.
Verilog / VHDL Tools
- KiCadVerilog: Generate Verilog code from a KiCad netlist.