Indoor positioning of iBeacon tags (tagged people, dogs, cats and objects) with trilateration.
Edit mosquitto-demo.conf -file. Set the path to acl files, like:
acl_file /home/w3/Downloads/iBeacon-indoor-positioning-demo/mosquitto_acl.config password_file /home/w3/Downloads/iBeacon-indoor-positioning-demo/mosquitto_pw.config
Start mosquitto with command: mosquitto -v -c ./mosquitto-demo.conf
MQTT users are "station" and "dashboard" and all passwords are "bledemo".
See https://github.com/jpmens/mosquitto-auth-plug
ESP32 stations
ESP32 modules will work as iBeacon monitoring stations, reporting all found beacons to MQTT topic, with their MAC address and RSSI.
Dashboard is a simple React app, connecting to MQTT server (mosquitto) and showing each beacon on screen. Beacons are shown on a map (office/home floor plan).
- improve accuracy (average value, faster beacons, sync stations)
- add beacon MAC whitelist to sidebar
- add server settings to sidebar
- add properties to beacon icons
- connect to iTAG's
- ... what else?