this is a loose collection of js snippets for After Effects
##Autogenerated TOC
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description moves all selected layers to the top of the comp
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description add textlayers from string.
- layers will be splitted by whitespaces
- @todo [description] */
- This script tries to sort layers by name
- more a proof of concept thingy
- using this technique can hold some problems
- in this case the "et" gets found in "consectetur" "et" "amet"
- the last matching pattern will be the one that gets executed */
- This script tries to sort layers by name
- more a proof of concept thingy
- using this technique can hold some problems
- in this case the "et" gets found in "consectetur" "et" "amet"
- the last matching pattern will be the one that gets executed */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description should create comps from a csv file
- @todo check if it works */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description tries to connect selected layers with a path
- @todo get also parented position and position with expressions */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description cycle thru label colors
- this is CS6+ feature I think
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description enable expression
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description Distord rotation keyframes at a certain time
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description duplicates a layer 99 times
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description creates from the selected layer in the project panel a grind in te current comp
- @todo [description] */
- @author Dan Ebberts
- @description randomize order of layers
- random order found on:
- by Dan Ebberts
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description pad all layernames
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description rename selected layers with number
- this happens in comp and project panel
- @todo catch error if layer as no source
###[select-all-masks-on laayer.jsx]( laayer.jsx)
- @author redefinery with some edits by fabiantheblind
- @description select all masks on layer
- take a look into the fundamentals
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description this is a AE Settings Class
- @todo implement features like Array and Object saving */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description this sorts layers by their content
- @todo [description] */
- @author fabiantheblind
- @description adds text to a comp with UI
- @todo check if it works */