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Replace Copilot local AIsupervoice-voicebox
VoiceBox neural network implementationtelegram-proxy
Simplest Docker image for starting proxy for Telegramsupervoice-vall-e-2
VALL-E 2 reproductionsupervoice-gpt
GPT-style network for phonemization with durations of textsupervoice-hybrid
My hybrid TTS network that combines, VALL-E, VoiceBox, SpeechFlow, Seamless and TortoiseTTS into onesupervoice-enhance
Supervoice diffusion enhanceopentunnel
Encrypted tunnels to localhostsupervoice-librilight-preprocessed
60k hours of phoneme-aligned audio from audio bookssupervoice-flow
SpeechFlow neural network implementationsupervoice-gpt-facodec
GPT for FACodecsupervoice-separate
Supervoice Speaker Separation Networkbubble-firmware
Open Firmware for AI Wearablessupervoice-vocoder
Production-ready vocoder using BigVSANglassium
Mobile App for AI Wearablessrp6a
Secure Remote Protocol (SRP) implementation that is complaint with RFC 5054 and HomeKit Accessory Protocolfacodec
FACodec implementation, extracted from original paper and repositorysupervoice-libriheavy-encodec
Compressed using encodec librilight datasetsllama-app
Accelerating AI researchsuperwhisper
Declare your datasets and download them using a simple toolsupervad
Open, performant and robust voice activity detectortransformers
🤖 My sandbox of efficient attention implementationstelegram-ui
Telegram UI librariessupervoice-libriheavy-aligned
Aligned libriheavy using MFAhobby-cnc
Typescript library for using SuperVADsupervoice-librilight-hd
Re-downloading librilight in 24khz instead of default 16khzreact-native-fast-pbkdf2
React Native fast PBKDF2 implementationuniversal-secure-random
Universal Secure Randomteslabot
My various personal tools for Typescript developmentbotmate
Wrapped Deep Phonemizer with support of torch hubsupervoice-vocoder-vocos
Yet another attempt to train a nice vocodersuperclap
CLAP tailored for voice embeddingsstevie-backend
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