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My Academics Mini Project DBMS e-commerce onlinestoreAlumini-Management-System
The main aim of the project is to build an interaction between alumni, admin and the students; a system that will be able to manage alumni data of a college and provide easy access to the same. The alumni will also be interested to maintain relations with their institutions. Alumni can communicate to the students regarding job opportunities and the students can share the department technology activities to the alumni. The alumni and the student can communicate only through the admin permission. A system that will be able to manage alumni data of a college and provide easy access to the system. Final year students will be initially given a student login ID. Access to the system can help them in building connections to their projects or for placements. The system will automatically list all Alumni information (name, passing year, company currently working in, ) and their status will be transferred from the student module to the alumni module.WeatherInfo
Weather Info is a Progressive web Application Built with React and is Easily Installable to your Computer the Link to the Deployment :
This React Application Generates the Quotes that are Retrived form the RandomQuote API and Displays It On the FrontEnd UseState Hookbootstrapcapstone
Hong Kong University Specialization Bootstrap Project my Own Versionicemovies
React App Project using React hooks and Props concept and to serve the results we have used an API called OMDB API and Display to display the ResultsPubgKDcalculator
React Framework Hong Kong University capstone project that i have made modifications to after 4 assignmentsSimple-JavaScript-Documentation
Simple Javascript Essential Description Made with HTML & CSSVoice-Classification-and-Emotion-Recognization-Using-ML
InternShip Project for Voice Classification using ML that analyses the sentiment behind the tone of the voice and predicts the sentiment invovled from the Dataset |Team : Isaac | Jahnvi | Irfan | Hemanth |isearch
I have Built this web search application with React and Tailwind CSS features for the Front-End & Almost fully Responsive Design . All the Functionalities and results are fetched from the GoogleAPI Provided from Rapid API platform Deployments :
Student management system with sql database,Jsp & Java (Front end with HTML & CSS)vasavi-medicals
Vasavi Medicals Management System Designed and Developed Using Django Sql and Advanced JavaScriptEngineers-Survey-Form
A Simple Mini Survey Form for Engineers : )))phone-directory
Simple Design Of my Portfolio With responsiveness for all Devicessirisaacnewtontribute
Sir Isaac Newton Tribute Page Made with HTML & CSSProduct-Page-basicversion
A Simple begineers Product Landing Page ProjectArthmeticarrangerfcc
Free Code Camp Scientific Computing With Python Projects and Problem SolutionsAI-Based-Text-to-Image-Generator
Generate the User Input Text to Image using the OPENai API Simply Magicaltimecalculatorfcc
FreeCode Camp Problem Solution For the time arrangemnet ProblemMachine-Learning-Model
Machine Learning Course Excersices and My Solution Submissionsdjango
Qr-Code-Generator Generates QrCode For the Given Input with Qrgenerator API Made with Love ❤️ By Isaacchatappdjango
This Application for chatting in real time in the Local browser Environment with Django and Tailwind for FrontEndpharmacy-management-system
Pharmacy Management System Designed for Pharmacists Holdings for managing thier workblack-jack
Simple Black jack for js revisionPothole-Detecting-Locating-and-Alert-System-Using-Machine-Learning
Pothole Detecting,Locating & Alert System Using Machine
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