Instrumentation helper for Om applications.
Om-i (pronounced "Oh, my!") helps you identify the components in your Om application that are being passed too much of your app state and rendering unnecessarily. It provides useful statistics about render times and frequencies for all of your components.
You can see it live on Precursor, a collaborative drawing application. Use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+j to toggle it.
Add Om-i to your project's dependencies
[precursor/om-i "0.1.8"]
Enable the instrumentation
Use Om-i's custom descriptor so that it can gather render times for your components. To enable it globally, use the :instrument
opt in om/root
{:target container
:instrument (fn [f cursor m]
(om/build* f cursor
(assoc m
:descriptor om-i.core/instrumentation-methods)))})
Mount the component
Add the following somewhere in your setup code. If you're using figwheel, place it somewhere that won't get reloaded.
Om-i renders its statistics in a separate root so that it doesn't interact with your application.
It will create a div
in the body with classname "om-instrumentation" by default and assign three keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+j to bring down the statistics menu, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+k to clear the statistics, and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s to switch the sort order.
You can override the defaults with:
(om-i.core/setup-component-stats! {:class "om-instrumentation"
:clear-shortcut #{"ctrl" "alt" "shift" "k"}
:toggle-shortcut #{"ctrl" "alt" "shift" "j"}
:sort-shorcut #{"ctrl" "alt" "shift" "s"}})
You need to set up css styles to handle displaying the instrumentation when it's opened. There are sample less and css files in the resources directory.
If you want to try out Om-i, or just use it in development, we've provided a helper that will embed a style tag with the syles from resources/om-i.min.css.
It's not recommended to use this in production.
Wrapping a pre-existing descriptor
If you're already using a custom descriptor, you can still use Om-i. Here's an example wrapping Om's no-local-descriptor
(let [methods (om-i.core/instrument-methods om/no-local-state-methods)
descriptor (om/no-local-descriptor methods)]
{:target container
:instrument (fn [f cursor m]
(om/build* f cursor (assoc m :descriptor descriptor)))}))
Thanks to @sgrove for his keyboard handling code. Om-i uses a minimal version of the code he wrote for Precursor. There is an older, public version of the code in Omchaya.
Thanks to @brandonbloom for demonstrating how to use descriptors in Om. Related blog post.
Thanks to @swannodette for releasing Om.
Copyright © 2015 PrecursorApp
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.