Python Text App Using Twilio API
With a free Twilio account, you only get to text verified numbers.
1. Create a Github account.
2. Star this at the top right!
3. Create an account on That you would like to text.
4. Verify a Phone Number on Twilio5. Get Twilio Credentials
- Get Account SID
- Get Auth Token
6. Get Phone Numbers
7. Put your twilio credentials and twilio phone numbers in 8. Clone this repository on your desktop.
pip install twilio
9. Open your terminal and
in IDLE and Run it!
10. Open Or if you want to be cool on your mac...
On Your Mac hit CMD+SPACE and type Terminal. Then type in the following command:
python Desktop/CP-Twilio-Python-Text-App/
- You just sent your first text through your Python Text App that uses the Twilio API.