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An LSP Client implementation for the Micro Editor

Micro Plugin LSP Client

Please note: This software is very much not finished. It is more like a proof of concept and might break if you call it names.

Provides LSP methods as actions to Micro that can subsequently be mapped to key bindings.

Currently implemented methods:

  • textDocument/hover
  • textDocument/definition
  • textDocument/completion
  • textDocument/formatting
  • textDocument/references

If possible, this plugin will register the following shortcuts:

  • Alt-k for hover
  • Alt-d for definition lookup
  • Alt-f for formatting
  • Alt-r for looking up references
  • Ctrl-space for completion


Clone this repo into micro's plug folder:

$ git clone https://github.com/AndCake/micro-plugin-lsp ~/.config/micro/plug/lsp


In your settings.json, you add the lsp.server option in order to enable using it for your languages' server.


	"lsp.server": "python=pyls,go=gopls,typescript=deno lsp,rust=rls",
	"lsp.formatOnSave": true,
	"lsp.ignoreMessages": "LS message1 to ignore|LS message 2 to ignore|...",
	"lsp.tabcompletion": true,
	"lsp.ignoreTriggerCharacters": "completion,signature",
	"lsp.autocompleteDetails": false

The format for the lsp.server value is a comma-separated list for each file type you want to boot up a language server:

<file type>=<executable with arguments where necessary>[=<initialization options passed to language server>][,...]

You can also use an environment variable called MICRO_LSP to define the same information. If set, it will override the lsp.server from the settings.json. You can add a line such as the following to your shell profile (e.g. .bashrc):

export MICRO_LSP='python=pyls,go=gopls,typescript=deno lsp={"importMap":"import_map.json"},rust=rls'

If neither the MICRO_LSP nor the lsp.server is set, then the plugin falls back to the following settings:

python=pylsp,go=gopls,typescript=deno lsp,javascript=deno lsp,markdown=deno lsp,json=deno lsp,jsonc=deno lsp,rust=rls,lua=lua-lsp,c++=clangd

The option lsp.autocompleteDetails allows for showing all auto-completions in a horizontally split buffer view (true) instead of the status line (false).


This plugin has been tested briefly with the following language servers:

Known issues

Not all possible types of modification events to the file are currently being sent to the language server. Saving the file will re-synchronize it, though.