Ctrl-VIO: Continuous-Time Visual-Inertial Odometry for Rolling Shutter Cameras
Ctrl-VIO is a highly-accurate continuous-time visual-inertial odometry system with online calibration for the line exposure time difference (line delay) of the rolling shutter cameras , using continuous-time trajectory parameterized by B-splines to elegantly handle the rolling shutter effect, which outperforms SOTA global shutter method VIO and rolling shutter method VIO on rolling shutter data. A novel marginalization strategy for continuous-time framework is proposed and implemented.
The source code will be available after the publication of the related paper.
Evaluation on TUM-RSVI Dataset
The RMSE(m) of APE results of GS methods on GS data, and both GS methods and RS methods on RS data in TUM-RSVI Dataset. The best results are marked in bold and the second best results are marked in blue.