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    GNU General Publi...
  • Created over 5 years ago
  • Updated about 1 month ago


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Repository Details

Resource_Monitor is a GNOME Shell extension that Monitor the use of system resources like cpu, ram, disk, network and display them in GNOME Shell top bar.

Resource_Monitor Get it on GNOME Extensions

Resource_Monitor is a GNOME Shell extension that Monitor the use of system resources like cpu, ram, disk, network and display them in GNOME shell top bar.


GNOME Shell versions supported

40, 41, 42, 43, 44

How-To Install


You can get this extension:


Using the latest release

  1. Unzip the file [email protected].
  2. Move Resource_Monitor@Ory0n folder to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n.
  3. Activate the extensions with Gnome Extensions.

For example...

unzip [email protected] -d ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n

gnome-extensions enable Resource_Monitor@Ory0n

Cloning the master branch

  1. Clone the master branch.
  2. Open Resource_Monitor folder.
  3. Move Resource_Monitor@Ory0n folder to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n.
  4. Activate the extensions with Gnome Extensions.

For example...

git clone https://github.com/0ry0n/Resource_Monitor
cd Resource_Monitor
mv Resource_Monitor@Ory0n ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n

gnome-extensions enable Resource_Monitor@Ory0n


About Units

Units are K,M,... (powers of 1024) or KB,MB,... (powers of 1000).

Bug Reporting

Use the GitHub Issues tracker to report issues or ask for features.

Change Log

version 19 (Mar 27, 2023)

  • Added support for gnome 44.
  • Fixed Cpu Frequency Unit: thanks to @giacomo-boldini.
  • Fixed Unit and scale factor.
  • Added ability to hide GPU name.
  • Added GPU icon.
  • Added ability to choose the display position of items.
  • Fixed incorrect classification of CPU thermal sensors.
  • Added ability to show all disk devices for stats monitoring.
  • Bug fixed.

version 18 (Oct 17, 2022)

  • Added support for gnome 43.
  • Added GPU monitor (NVIDIA only).
  • Added Load Average monitor.
  • Added the ability to use fixed units of measure.
  • Added the ability to use a custom application to launch when left-clicking the mouse.
  • New preferences window.
  • Bug fixed.

version 17 (May 9, 2022)

  • Added support for gnome 42.
  • Added the ability to choose to monitor the used or free ram and swap and whether to use the percentage or the size.
  • Added the ability to choose the application to start when left click.
  • Bug fixed.

version 16 (Jan 1, 2022)

  • Added support for gnome 41.
  • Added bps network unit.
  • Added extension position.
  • Added show or not Prefs when clicking on extension (right click).
  • Added new better icons.
  • Added cpu frequency: thanks to @xtenduke.
  • Added automatic width when setting width to 0.
  • Added the ability to choose to monitor used space or free space.
  • Added the ability to monitor the temperatures of the selected devices.
  • Bug fixed.

version 15 (Apr 15, 2021)

  • Added support for GNOME 40.
  • New preferences window.
  • Deprecated GTK elements removed from pref.js.


  • Giuseppe Silvestro - Initial work - 0ry0n


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.