Discover South Korea's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of South Korea.
🗡️ Pokedex demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.skydoves/android-developer-roadmap
🗺 The Android Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths to help you understand Android ecosystems.skydoves/Balloon
🎈 Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.skydoves/chatgpt-android
📲 ChatGPT Android demonstrates a Chatbot application using OpenAI's chat API on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.skydoves/TransformationLayout
🌠 Transform between two Views, Activities, and Fragments, or a View to a Fragment with container transform animations for Android.skydoves/landscapist
🌻 A pluggable, highly optimized Jetpack Compose and Kotlin Multiplatform image loading library that fetches and displays network images with Glide, Coil, and Fresco.skydoves/sandwich
🥪 Sandwich is an adaptable and lightweight sealed API library designed for handling API responses and exceptions in Kotlin for Retrofit, Ktor, and Kotlin Multiplatform.skydoves/DisneyMotions
🦁 A Disney app using transformation motions based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, Flow, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.skydoves/AndroidVeil
🎭 An easy and flexible way to implement loading skeletons and shimmering effects on layouts for Android.skydoves/MarvelHeroes
❤️ A sample Marvel heroes application based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.skydoves/PowerSpinner
🌀 A lightweight dropdown popup spinner, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.skydoves/Orbital
🪐 Jetpack Compose Multiplatform library that allows you to implement dynamic transition animations such as shared element transitions.skydoves/DisneyCompose
🧸 A demo Disney app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks and MVVM architecture.fornewid/neumorphism
Try to Neumorphism in Android (Just experimental!! 🧪)skydoves/WhatIf
☔ Fluent syntactic sugar of Kotlin for handling single if-else statements, nullable, collections, and booleans.skydoves/ExpandableLayout
🦚 An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator.skydoves/ElasticViews
✨ An easy way to implement an elastic touch effect for Android.skydoves/Cloudy
☁️ Jetpack Compose blur effect library, which falls back onto a CPU-based implementation to support older API levels.skydoves/ProgressView
🌊 A polished and flexible ProgressView, fully customizable with animations.GwonHyeok/StickySwitch
⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️skydoves/FlexibleBottomSheet
🐬 Advanced Compose Multiplatform bottom sheet for segmented sizing, non-modal type, and allows interaction behind the bottom sheet similar to Google Maps.skydoves/AndroidRibbon
🎀 A fancy and beautiful ribbon with shimmer effects for Android.sangcomz/FishBun
🐡FishBun is Image Picker for android.skydoves/pokedex-compose
🗡️ Pokedex Compose demonstrates modern Android development with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material Design based on MVVM architecture.skydoves/Needs
🌂 An easy way to implement modern permission instructions popup.skydoves/Pokedex-AR
🦄 Pokedex-AR demonstrates ARCore, Sceneform, and modern Android tech stacks — such as Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture.sangcomz/StickyTimeLine
📖StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android.ParkSangGwon/TedImagePicker
TedImagePicker is simple/beautiful/smart image pickeronebone/compose-collapsing-toolbar
A simple implementation of collapsing toolbar for Jetpack Composeskydoves/retrofit-adapters
🚆 Retrofit call adapters for modeling network responses using Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either.skydoves/MovieCompose
🎞 A demo movie app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks.skydoves/TheMovies
🎬 A demo project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.fornewid/material-motion-compose
Material Motion for Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatformskydoves/Only
💐 An easy way to persist and run code block only as many times as necessary on Android.skydoves/ColorPickerPreference
🎨 A library that lets you implement ColorPicker, ColorPickerDialog, ColorPickerPreference.skydoves/TheMovies2
🎬 A demo project using The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.skydoves/Submarine
🚤 Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically on Android.skydoves/Orchestra
🎺 A collection of Jetpack Compose libraries, which allows you to build tooltips, spinners, and color pickers.skydoves/colorpicker-compose
🎨 Kotlin Multiplatform color picker library for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.skydoves/Rainbow
🌈 Fluent syntactic sugar of Android for applying gradations, shading, and tinting.skydoves/IndicatorScrollView
🧀 A dynamic scroll view that animates indicators according to its scroll position.skydoves/DoubleLift
🦋 Expands and collapses a layout horizontally and vertically sequentially.skydoves/GoldMovies
👑 The GoldMovies is based on Kotlin, MVVM architecture, coroutines, dagger, koin, and material designs & animations.hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary
📘 A diary application optimized for user experience.skydoves/lazybones
😴 A lazy and fluent syntactic sugar for observing Activity, Fragment, and ViewModel lifecycles with lifecycle-aware properties.skydoves/gemini-android
✨ Gemini Android demonstrates Google's Generative AI on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.skydoves/sealedx
🎲 Kotlin Symbol Processor that auto-generates extensive sealed classes and interfaces for Android and Kotlin.skydoves/Bindables
🧬 Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes to UI layers with MVVM architecture.skydoves/GithubFollows
:octocat: A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.skydoves/AndroidBottomBar
🍫 A lightweight bottom navigation view, fully customizable with an indicator and animations.hongbeomi/HarryPotter
🧙🏻 Sample HarryPotter application based on MVVM architecture (ViewModel, LiveData, Repository, Coroutines, Koin or Dagger-Hilt, Compose)skydoves/Bundler
🎁 Android Intent & Bundle extensions that insert and retrieve values elegantly.taehwandev/MediaCodecExample
Android MediaCodec Exampledroidknights/DroidKnightsApp
국내 최대 규모 안드로이드 컨퍼런스 드로이드나이츠 앱dsa28s/compose-video
Video UI Component for Jetpack Compose (Powered by androidx.media3)skydoves/twitch-clone-compose
🎮 Twitch clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat/Video SDK for Compose.Pluu/WebToon
Android 웹툰 Applicationskydoves/snitcher
🦉 Snitcher captures global crashes, enabling easy redirection to the exception tracing screen for swift recovery.skydoves/compose-stable-marker
✒️ Compose stable markers for KMP to tell stable/immutable guarantees to the compose compiler.arawn/kotlin-spring-example
코틀린(Kotlin)과 스프링(Spring Boot, Spring Web, Spring Data JPA)을 사용한 Restful API 웹 애플리케이션 예제workspace/bottomsheetdialog-compose
The most convenient way to use BottomSheetDialog in Jetpack Composeskydoves/Chamber
⚖️ A lightweight Android lifecycle-aware and thread-safe pipeline for communicating between components with custom scopes.skydoves/Flourish
🎩 Flourish implements dynamic ways to show up and dismiss layouts with animations.agustarc/MVVMArchitecture
An example Android app using Retrofit, Room, LiveData, RxJava2, Paging, Koin and the MVVM pattern with the databindingWindSekirun/RichUtilsKt
Advancement Utils for Android Developer written in KotlinParkSangGwon/TedNaverMapClustering
네이버지도용 클러스터 유틸리티 라이브러리Moop-App/Moop-Android
한국 멀티플렉스 극장의 현재상영작, 개봉예정작 정보를 모아 보여주는 안드로이드 앱입니다.skydoves/BaseRecyclerViewAdapter
⚡ Fast way to bind RecyclerView adapter and ViewHolder for implementing clean sections.omjoonkim/SkeletonLoadingView
SkeletonLoadingView(Shimmer) with Kotlin in Android💀💀crossplatformkorea/react-native-naver-login
리엑트 네이티브 네이버 로그인 라이브러리droidknights/DroidKnights2021_App
RxJava binding APIs for Firebase.cchcc/android-mvvm-unittest
to learn android MVVM and unit testdroidknights/DroidKnights2020_App
An Android Library that provides social login for 15 platforms within by RxJava2, Kotlin and Firebase Authentication.skydoves/Multi-ColorPicker
Android multi colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.gdgand/ComposeFest2021
DevFest 2021 ComposeFest 코드랩 Repo 입니다HeartPattern/MC-Remapper
Deobfuscator for Minecraft by mapping jsonskydoves/All-In-One
👔 Health care application for reminding health-todo lists and making healthy habits every day.3dollar-in-my-pocket/3dollars-in-my-pocket-backend
[AppStore, PlayStore] 전국 노점상, 푸드트럭 지도 "가슴속3천원"naver/naveridlogin-sdk-android
네이버 아이디로 로그인 SDK (안드로이드)terry960302/sample-spring-webflux-pattern
(Kotlin, Postgresql, Webflux, Springboot, Coroutine etc...) 저처럼 인터넷 휘젓고 다니지 말고 webflux 패턴으로 spring으로 시작하시려는 분에게 도움을 주고자 만들었습니다.Taewan-P/gpt_mobile
Chat app for Android that supports answers from multiple LLMs at once. Designed with Material3 & Compose.gdgand/ComposeCamp2022
Add useful features to spring batchskydoves/Medal
🏅An easy way to implement medal effect for Android.sjjeong/SimpleRecyclerView
Do not create RecyclerView.Adapter and RecyclerView.ViewHolder anymore.skydoves/viewmodel-lifecycle
🌳 ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpack's ViewModel lifecycle changes.omjoonkim/GitHubBrowserApp
GitHubBrowserApp on kotlin + rxJava2 + AAC+ retrofit2 + mvvm + koin + cleanArchitecture(modularization)namjug-kim/reactive-crypto
💲📈A Kotlin/Java library for cryptocurrency trading. Supporting REST Api and WebSockets non-blocking client base on Reactor NettyParkSangGwon/TedKeyboardObserver
TedKeyboardObserver is keyboard's visibility observerzladnrms/RoundableLayout
RoundableLayout is an Android library for building a layout with the round corners. working especially well with MotionLayout.WindSekirun/NaraeAudioRecorder
AudioRecorder for Android powered by Kotlinmscheong01/krotoDC
Protobuf Kotlin Dataclass, Converter & Custom Kotlin Coroutine gRPC GeneratorjoyceHong0524/socket.io_android
Android + Chat ultimate exampleseyoungcho2/ComposeDynamicTheme
Provides Dynamic Theme for Jetpack Composeminsik-ai/Kamera
Sample Android app for showcasing custom implementation of OpenGL camera preview display, written in Kotlin.debop/koda-time
Joda Time and Java 8 Time Extensions for Kotlinwisemuji/zoom-clone-compose
🎥 Real-time Zoom clone application for Android, built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Video SDK for Compose.technical-learn-room/kotlin-learn
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