Discover Russia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Russia.
movie player for iOS using ffmpegPojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher_iOS
A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This repository contains source code for iOS/iPadOS platform.kolyvan/kxmenu
KxMenu is a vertical popup menu for using in iOS applicationsPavelKatunin/DownloadButton
Customizable App Store style download buttonk06a/ABCalendarPicker
Fully configurable iOS calendar UI component with multiple layouts and smooth animations.RafaelKayumov/RKTabView
Easy applicable toolbar/tabbar component for iOSali312/TLTagsControl
A nice and simple tags input control for iOSjosshad/EHHorizontalSelectionView
Horizontal table view style controllerrambler-digital-solutions/rambler-it-ios
open source VIPER applications-s/dnscloak
iOS GUI and wrapper for dnscrypt-proxy 2VKCOM/vk-ios-sdk
iOS library for working with VK API, authorization through VK app, using VK functionsiartem/RRCircularMenu
KxSMB is objective-c wrapper for libsmbclient ( lib.sergeylenkov/Yuba
Cocoa framework for drawing graphs, charts and mapsmrustaa/ContainerView
ContainerView is designed to add a cool swim from the bottom to the animation with the effect of scale, controlled by the help of a gesture, scrollView also takes control. The idea is taken from the application:
torrent (bittorrent) client for iPhonek06a/NSEnumeratorLinq
NSEnumerator LINQ categoryBeniamiiin/BSErrorMessageView
Error message view for text fieldk06a/LaunchScreenViewController
iOS View Controller for loading default launch screen in app and maybe to add some animations to ityandexmobile/yandexmapkit-ios
Yandex Map Kit for iOSrambler-digital-solutions/ViperMcFlurry
As tasty as McFlurry issergik-ru/SMTabbedSplitViewController
Tabbed Split View Controller for iPadvityevato/beardie
Beardie is a utility that allows you to control various media players with your keyboard.gch1p/sketchtrial
hack Sketch and make the trial never endalxn1/wjoy
Nintendo wiimote driver for Mac OS Xshkutkov/SMVerticalSegmentedControl
iOS PFD reading frameworkDeepIT/XcodeColors
XcodeColors is an easy-to-use plugin for Xcode 3 & 4 developers. This project is designed to simplify software debugging process by colorizing debugger console output.Voley/DVSwitch
Customizable control based on UISwitch and UISegmentedControl written in Objective-C.alcheck/transshift
Transmission-bt RPC GUI client for iOSkcandr/IQLabelView
IQLabelView is used to add text overlay and resize and rotate it with single finger.DZamataev/DZVideoPlayerViewController
Customizable iOS Video Player control, implemented with AVPlayer.pavelosipov/POSInputStreamLibrary
NSInputStream implementation for ALAsset and other kinds of data source.allright/ASGallery
PhotoGallery componentzerodivisi0n/FinderMenu
Adding items to Finder's contextual menudenivip/ios-vast-player
IAB VAST ads playback in iOS AVPlayerBrite-Apps/WToast
Info messages for iOS inspired by Android Toast objectKirillM/BarChart
Bar Chart Standalone Component with Animation for IOSdenivip/DVParallaxView
Simple gyro controlled component for adding iOS 7 home screen parallax effect to your app's views.Inexika/Inexika-Custom-Controls
Simple OpenGL ES paint iPhone application based on Apple sample code GLPaintgpinigin/GPActivityViewController
Alternative to UIActivityViewController compatible with iOS5.0RedMadRobot/RMRColorTools-iOS
NSObject+AutoDescription is an category that greatly simplifies the process of writing `description` method for data models.kolyvan/kxintro
KxIntro is a small set of objective-c classes for showing of introduction in iOS appstrongself/COOperation
Your service implementation is a cooperation of your Core-components.denivip/BlurCompare
Compare iOS Blur Effect Frameworksk06a/UIImage-DecompressAndMap
iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrollingzigdanis/PickerCells
UIDatePicker or UIPickerView that will slide in/out by tapping on the cell in your UITableViewcraftedbymax/MMSegmentSlider
Customizable animated slider for iOSkonstantinpavlikhin/Watchdog
Simple registration framework for OS X apps. DSA/ECDSA support. No OpenSSL required.sergeylenkov/Prismo
Mac OS app for iOS developers. Prismo help tracking sales of your applications and get reviews, ratings and ranks of applications from App Store.josshad/EHPlainAlert
Plain style IOS alertziryanov/CCInfiniteScrolling
WBTouchID is easy drop in solution for using Touch ID in your iPhone applicationILYA2606/DPUpdateChecker
Checking information for your App from Appstore via iTunes Search APITimurBK/ReactiveLocalizationManager
This class helps change app language without changing device language or restarting app. ReactiveCocoa is used for delivery of localization changes.bebnev/react-native-user-agent
Library that helps you to get mobile application user agent and web view user agent stringsimmago/DBCameraButton
Customizable, IB_DESIGNABLE, iOS style camera button.AlexIzh/PluginConsole
log console for Xcode pluginskonstantinpavlikhin/KSPAutomaticHeightCalculationTableCellView
A useful superclass for a custom view-based NSTableView's cell.konstantinpavlikhin/KSPFetchedResultsController
The most advanced NSFetchedResultsController reimplementation for a desktop Cocoa.k06a/MissingAnchors
Backport of Apple NSLayoutAnchor API to iOS7 and some missings like `sizeAnchor` and `edgesAnchor`ivanzoid/ikit
Collection of useful UIKit stuffanton-filimonov/AFCurvedArrowView
Collection of simple, extensible, easy to use pickers. Inspired by ActionSheetPicker.IgorFedorchuk/Sidebar-Reveal-Taasky
See the screen of your Android device live on your Macivanzoid/GCDTimer
Equivalent or NSTimer but using GCD queuesiaagg/AGPullView
Many usefull classes for iPhone applicationsk06a/iBackupMounter
Just mount iOS iTunes backups to OS X file systemBeniamiiin/BSProgressButton
Progress buttonDoshipak/LADSlider
A simple custom slider for MacOSSega-Zero/500px-ScreenSaver
A simple screensaver displaying an Editor's Choice photos from 500px.comk06a/DeluxeInjection
Simplest Objective-C Dependency Injection (DI💉) implementation everPonf/FPScrollingBanner
This Objective-C control implements Scrolling Inset Banner appearance for tvOS appsdenivip/DVGAssetPickerController
Assets Library media picker controller similar to Messages.apprambler-digital-solutions/RamblerTyphoonUtils
one loveivankholod/PDFReader
✏️ IOS 11 | PDFKit | IFiles | ICloudvlchapaev/KNURE-TimeTable
🎓 iOS приложение для просмотра расписания ХНУРЭmureev/CMDataStorage
Simple and powerful API to work with NSData in IOS Cache, Documents and Temp folder.gerram/ibeacon-cli
Native OS X client to drag-n-drop Material Icons to Sketchandjash/AYPieChart
PieChart view for iOSwiistriker/AFNetwork-JSON-RPC-Client
JSON-RPC client for iOS, based on AFNetworkingTimurBK/UIImage-XCAssets
Adds convenience methods to UIImage to get launch image if they are from xcassetsgrishka/MonthCalendarWidget
A simple calendar widget for the OS X notification centerelegion/ELFixSecureTextFieldFont
Fix for ios7 secure text field font size change on focus/blur.Azoft/FakeGPSUtility
Simple pull to refresh control with support RACCommand.beefon/ScrollableProgressBar
Provide your users with interactive and fun to use progress barIgorFedorchuk/kiwi---ios---bdd
kiwi - ios - bddevgzor/CustomDatePickerView
UIViewController container with awesome iOS 7 slide menu, parallax menu and UIKit Dynamics.avreolko/VPNTool
iOS vpn tool (Objective-C, NetworkExtension)yandexmobile/metrica-sample-ios
Yandex AppMetrica SDK Sample for iOSLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us