Discover Japan's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Japan.
Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH, without rebooting. You know you want to.soruly/
Anime Scene Search by Imageneologd/mecab-ipadic-neologd
Neologism dictionary based on the language resources on the Web for mecab-ipadicbabarot/enhancd
🚀 A next-generation cd command with your interactive filteryuru7/HackGen
Hack と源柔ゴシックを合成したプログラミングフォント 白源 (はくげん/HackGen)bohanyang/debi
Reinstall your VPS to minimal DebianNuzair46/BlockTheSpot-Mac
Spotify Ad blocker for MacOSmatchai/spacefish
🚀🐟 The fish shell prompt for astronautsyuru7/udev-gothic
UDEV Gothic は、ユニバーサルデザインフォントのBIZ UDゴシックと、 開発者向けフォントの JetBrains Mono を合成した、プログラミング向けフォントです。Desgard/iOS-Source-Probe
🔎 iOS 源码探求系列PokeAPI/sprites
Repository containing all the Pokémon spritesjneen/balls
Bash on Ballsyuru7/PlemolJP
IBM Plex Mono と IBM Plex Sans JP を合成したプログラミングフォント PlemolJP (プレモル ジェイピー)babarot/dotfiles
A repository that gathered files starting with dotNuzair46/SpotX-Linux
Spotify Ad blocker based on SpotX for Linuxtier4/AutowareArchitectureProposal.proj
This is the source code of the feasibility study for Autoware architecture proposal.hrsh7th/vscode-langservers-extracted
vscode-langservers bin collection.tenntenn/gopher-stickers
gopher stickerssuperbrothers/zsh-kubectl-prompt
Display information about the kubectl current context and namespace in zsh prompt.matsui528/faiss_tips
Some useful tips for faissa1ive/grub2-filemanager
GRUB2-based file managershiguredo/packer-templates
This repository has finished updatingtokuhirom/plenv
Perl binary managertaku910/crfpp
CRF++: Yet Another CRF toolkitkaorimatz/packer-templates
Packer templates for Vagrant base boxeswckr/wocker
Create your WordPress development environment in 3 SECONDS!PINTO0309/Tensorflow-bin
Prebuilt binary with Tensorflow Lite enabled. For RaspberryPi / Jetson Nano. Support for custom operations in MediaPipe. XNNPACK, XNNPACK Multi-Threads, FlexDelegate.hchbaw/auto-fu.zsh
#zsh automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii <y-fujii at>babarot/emoji-cli
😱 Emoji completion on the command linerosylilly/git-tasukete
scripts and patches for building tlptexlivesibradzic/amdgpu-clocks
Simple script to control power states of amdgpu driven GPUsflowerinthenight/golang-monorepo
An example of a golang-based monorepo.kfei/docktorrent
⚡ Full-featured BitTorrent box runs in Dockertcnksm/docker-alias
My Docker alias and functionskakakakakku/redash-hands-on
Redash study materials for beginners 📊ko1nksm/getoptions
An elegant option/argument parser for shell scripts (full support for bash and all POSIX shells)kan-bayashi/PytorchWaveNetVocoder
WaveNet-Vocoder implementation with pytorch.yuk7/container-systemd-init-tool
a toolkit to virtually start and interop Systemd as PID1 for Linux Containersmagicant/yash
Yet another shelluchan-nos/mikanos-build
Build and run scripts for MikanOSzchee/Seti_JetBrains
Seti_UI and Seti_UX themes port for JetBrains' all IDEdharmatype/Sometype-Mono
Sometype Mono / Monospaced fontmururu/exenv
Elixir versions management toolznz/anyenv-update
anyenv plugin that provides `anyenv update` command to update all **env and all pluginstaiki-e/install-action
GitHub Action for installing development tools (mainly from GitHub Releases).babarot/httpstat
It's like curl -v, with graphs and colorspixta-dev/repository-mirroring-action
A GitHub Action for mirroring a repository to another repositorypiroor/
Twitter client written in simple Bash scripthchbaw/opp.zsh
# Vim's text-objects-ish for zsh (obsolete for zsh-5.0.8)cloudnativedaysjp/cnd-handson
『一日で学ぶクラウドネイティブ技術実践ハンズオン』by CloudNative Days 実行委員会Deathemonic/SweetDots
🍚 Dotfiles themed with SweetPastel 🎨youyo/aws-cdk-github-actions
Download a file or a folder easily. curl | bash -s $fileidGnurou/busybox-android
A Busybox binary that is ready to be integrated into your Android projecttagomoris/xbuild
Language runtimes installer for production environmentyuru7/Firge
Fira Mono と源真ゴシックを合成したプログラミングフォント Firge (ファージ)mollifier/anyframe
peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for zshp1ass/mdtopdf
🐳 Pandoc docker image for converting markdown to PDF using TeX typesettingko1nksm/shdotenv
dotenv for shells with support for POSIX-compliant and multiple .env file syntaxklange/taylor
Swift on bare metal. Explorations of compiling Swift code without a standard library.iwata/git-now
A temporary commit tool for gitPINTO0309/TensorflowLite-bin
Prebuilt binary for TensorFlowLite's standalone installer. For RaspberryPi. A very lightweight installer. I provide a FlexDelegate, MediaPipe Custom OP and XNNPACK enabled binary.mhiramat/mincs
MINCS - Mini Container Shellscriptyokawasa/kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump
A kubectl plugin to access nodes or remote services using a SSH jump Podk-takata/the_silver_searcher-win32
The silver searcher Win32 unofficial daily buildstaiki-e/upload-rust-binary-action
GitHub Action for building and uploading Rust binary to GitHub Releases.diogok/termux-qemu-alpine-docker
Run Docker on Alpine, on Qemu, on Termux, on Android.tokumeikoi/aurora
A v2ray manyuser managelo48576/thinking_faces
My personal dotfiles. do not eatsuin/iptables
⚙ 俺史上最強のiptablesをさらすchitoku-k/fzf-zsh-completions
Fuzzy completions for fzf and Zsh (git, kubectl, docker, ...)sjitech/ApkRename
rename android app package name(just a identity of app, not java package name) without source, without changing code. No need apktool, no need aapt.01rabbit/PAKURI
PAKURI has been merged with Python and launched as a new project, PAKURI-THON.bboymega/Termux_url_opener_all_in_one_downloader
All-in-one Download Script for Termux URL Openerfujitatomoya/ros_k8s
Kuberenetes / ROS&ROS2 Cluster Sampleskorosuke613/gh-user-stars
Displays an interactive and searchable list of your GitHub starred repositoriesPokeAPI/api-data
Static JSON data from the API, plus a JSON Schemarcmdnk/sentaku
Utility to make sentaku (selection, 選択(sentaku)) window with shell command.blueimp/shell-scripts
A collection of (mostly POSIX compatible) shell scripts.kazeburo/mysetup
my setup scripts repositoryDeathemonic/Cat-Dots
🍚 Soothing pastel theme Ricejneen/ry
The simplest ruby version managermaking/hajiboot-samples
書籍「はじめてのSpring Boot」のサポートページmotokimura/yolo_v1_pytorch
PyTorch implementation of YOLO-v1 including trainingtarosky/k8s-redis-ha
Kubernetes Redis with High Availabilitytreetips/docker-compose-all-mysql
MySQL and MariaDB docker containers of MySQL v5.5, v5.6, v5.7, v8.0, mariadb v10.0, v10.1, v10.2, v10.3bleis-tift/Git-Hooks
An example showing how to write a Unity native plugin in Rustfumiyas/home-commands
My ~/bin/* commandsaashishtamsya/awesome-xcode-scripts
A curated list of useful xcode scripts 📝 .moomindani/aws-mon-linux
Bash script that reports custom metric data about Linux performance to Amazon CloudWatchAkihiroSuda/containerized-systemd
Dockerfile examples for containerized systemd (mainly for test environments)ssh0/dot
Simplest dotfiles manager written in shellscript 🐚nknytk/built-onnxruntime-for-raspberrypi-linux
Built python wheel files of for raspberry pi 32bit linux.nanasess/setup-chromedriver
ChromeDriver for use in GitHub ActionsPINTO0309/mediapipe-bin
MediaPipe Python Wheel installer for RaspberryPi OS aarch64, Ubuntu aarch64, Debian aarch64 and Jetson Nano.chriskempson/base16-shell
Base16 for Shellsfd00/yacp
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